
Tuesday 2 January 2018

An End Of Year Look At My 2017 Blogging Goals

Following on from my post last week where I did an end of year look at my 2017 personal goals, I'm back today with my blogging ones! I set myself quite a few blogging goals at the start of the year because it's the one thing that's gone well for me over the last few years, so I really wanted to push myself.

Commit To Blogging 5 Times A Week

 I'm going to say I managed this as up until Christmas I was posting 5 times a week and had been since the 1st of January which is insane! Who knew I could come up with that many posts? I certainly didn't. I think I took two days off in November because one day I just wasn't well and one day I was away so it wasn't possible but I'm not been too hard on myself for that. As we got married at the end of December and with it being Christmas I decided to take some time off then but most people do so again I don't think that's too bad. I'm so proud I've managed to keep up with it and I think going until Christmas is definitely an achievement! When I set myself this goal I really wasn't sure if I could come up with that much content for the year but somehow I've managed it. It's flown by.

Take Part In More Twitter Chats

 I'd say for the first half of the year I did well with this and then around summer it kind of went downhill. Most of the time I absolutely love twitter chats as it's a great way to interact with others and follow other bloggers, I even joined a few Insta pods after chats, but sometimes they just don't go that well. I struggle sometimes when it seems like no one is responding to anything I say, or if I'm replying to people and they don't even like my comment. It's just a bit disheartening sometimes and it can feel like you're not part of the blogging community for whatever reason. I have to be in a really good mood for twitter chats and recently I've just not felt like it. So I think I kind of failed with this one.

Reach 1000 Twitter Followers

This is one I'm happy to say I did well with! I set my goal for Twitter at 1000 followers because that's still a pretty high number and I don't have much interesting to say so I didn't want to aim too high. Luckily I achieved this a good few months ago now and at the moment I'm at 2040 which is amazing! I doubled my goal for the year and I couldn't be happier about it.

Reach 500 Instagram Followers

Instagram is such a pain isn't it? That's why I didn't want to aim too high with this also. I'd been stuck around the same amount of followers for ages so I set it at 500 and I'm currently at 1115 which again is double what I wanted! I definitely have days where engagement is shocking on Instagram and I'm sure I could still improve massively but to reach over 1000 followers is so much more than I expected.

Write More Personal Posts

I'm not sure what I meant by more personal posts but there has been a real variety! I've documented all of our weekend breaks and day trips on my blog which I count as personal posts, because I love to look back on them. I've also spoken about my experience with driving which is something I'd not really touched on before, and I've done posts on things like tips on how to get through a bad day, and how I deal with my anxiety when travelling. I love writing about beauty and food and things like that but I love putting myself out there aswell and hopefully letting the real me and my personality come through in the posts. I keep it real and talk about most things, and who knows maybe these sorts of posts help others?

Improve My Photography

I really like to think my photography has improved this year. I'm by no means the best at all, I know I stick to the same sorts of things and I have a long way to go with it but compared to when I first started this blog, and even the photos I included in my mid way look at these goals, there has been a huge improvement. I only use my phone to take pictures and I don't have loads of money to spend on props or anything but I'm happy with the ones I feature.

Other Achievements

Before I finish this post I just wanted to put a little extra for some other blogging achievements this year as I think they are worth a mention. I didn't set myself a goal with my blog Facebook page as that's another one that is a pain to grow but I reached 100 likes! I didn't think I'd ever get to it and even though it hasn't grown much since, I got there! I also reached over 500 Bloglovin followers which is another one I didn't think I would ever reach so I'm very happy with that. I've also been lucky enough to work with more brands than I ever have before in 2017. I've reviewed so many different products and worked with such a variety of lovely people which has just been incredible. To know people want to work with me and think my little place on the internet is worth it, is just amazing.

I am so, so impressed with myself for keeping my blog going throughout 2017 and I don't mean any of the thing I've mentioned in a big headed way. I'm so aware I'm still such a small blogger and have a long way to go but I'm proud of what I have achieved and we should all celebrate when we've done something well! I can't wait to set myself more goals for blogging in 2018 and hopefully I can do well with those too, these ones certainly went better than my personal ones did!

Did you set yourself any blogging goals?

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