Wednesday, 25 October 2017

My Experience With Driving & A Driving Lessons Giveaway*

Driving Lessons - something I've done in the past and something I'm thinking of taking up again. It's something I think about quite a lot and I'm always wondering when the right time is to get back into it but I just feel like there is so much to consider, so I wanted to write about it today to talk about my options, hopefully get some opinions from other people and I also have details on how you can win £250 to go towards your own lessons!
I should probably start with my experience with driving, because I did actually start my lessons when I was 17 (5 years ago already!). Like most people I wanted lessons for my birthday because I fully expected to be given my own car at the end of it, and a lot of people I knew were also starting to do their lessons. I did a lesson a week for a good few months and at the beginning I loved it and looked forward to every lesson. I had a female instructor who, looking back now I realise probably wasn't the best, not that she was bad, but it always just felt a bit awkward and I think it's important if you're going to be spending time with this person each week, that you get along with them and feel comfortable. Some lessons were brilliant and she was fine but others I did leave feeling pretty rubbish and humiliated. When I did something wrong she would laugh at me or just make me feel so small, and even though I completely understand if you're going wrong somewhere it's important you know and learn how to resolve it, laughing at someone, especially a shy person like me, just doesn't go down well. After quite a few lessons I was improving and getting more confidence so it was time to take my theory test. I was basically ready for my driving test, though the theory side of it just went so wrong. I ended up taking it 3 times and failed each one. The third and final time before I gave up, I was one mark off of passing and I just couldn't take doing it again. I ended up never rebooking another and never booking another driving lesson and that was the end of that. I then went to uni in Leicester, had no need to drive, but now I'm back in Sheffield, have been for a while and at that point where driving would make life so much easier. 

As much as I know I'm still really young and there will be other people my age who can't drive and why put a load of money into it when there is still so much time, I feel like the benefit of being able to drive outweighs that. It would mean me and George have so much more choice of places to go at weekends, it would mean we could visit family who don't live closeby and also it would just be so convenient for when we need to pop to the shops as we're pretty stuck for things near our flat! One of the things I worry about though is not only the cost of lessons, but also how long it would take me to pass. Go Girl recently did a post all about this and they say the recommended guide is around 40 to 50 hours of lessons and 20 hours of practise with a family member or friend, so a lot! That all depends a few things though, previous experience - luckily this I do have so hopefully it wouldn't take me too long to get back into the swing of things. Having family/friends to practise with - I don't really have anyone I know around me that could help so I'd struggle with this, I would just have the lessons with the instructor. Have you passed your theory - As I just said, I never passed it so this is something else that would take up a bit of time. Aswell as the lessons I'd also have to spend time reading up for my theory, whereas if I'd already passed I'd probably have a better idea of things going into the lessons. 

So when it comes to me driving again it's probably going to take a little while, I have a lot to learn again and I'm basically starting from scratch but I do want to give it a go and don't really want to leave it too much longer as I worry I never will otherwise! As driving lessons can be so expensive, Go Girl are currently running a competition where you can win yourself £250 to put towards your own driving lessons! How amazing would that be?! A lesson a week can really add up so that amount to put towards it would be a life saver. It's so simple to enter, just follow this link and enter your details, it closes on November 30th and winners will be notified within 7 days.
Have you taken your driving test? or are you hoping to get into driving?

*Sponsored post in collaboration with Go Girl

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