Friday, 30 March 2018

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman Book Review

I don't often write book reviews because I just don't think I'm the best at explaining things and doing them justice but I could not put this book down and genuinely think it's one of the best I've ever read, so I thought I have to at least try and do some sort of review because it totally deserves it. This was one of those books that seemed to be doing the rounds on social media, I couldn't go more than a few days without it popping up on Instagram and eventually I thought, okay I just need to read this, there must be a reason people won't stop talking about it. Now that I've read it I can totally see why it's had so many positive reviews.
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine - Book Review
'Meet Eleanor Oliphant. She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she's thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding social interactions, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy. But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her office. When she and Raymond together save Sammy, an elderly gentleman who has fallen on the sidewalk, the three become the kind of friends who rescue one another from the lives of isolation they have each been living. And it is Raymond's big heart that will ultimately help Eleanor find the way to repair her own profoundly damaged one'

My review 

Pretty much as soon as I started this book I was hooked. Straight away I was intrigued by Eleanor and wanted to find out more. It didn't take long for me to start to understand why Eleanor is the way she is, she'd clearly had a difficult past from the snippets we were told and she soon became someone really endearing, someone I was rooting for. I loved that Eleanor just says what she wants and genuinely doesn't care what people think, I so wish I could be more like that, but there was clearly a deep sadness to her that really got to me. The theme of loneliness runs throughout the book which I'm sure is something a lot of people can relate to but there is also so much humour throughout. Just subtle little lines she says that made me laugh out loud, or some of the situations she gets herself into, you can't help but giggle so there was a really good mix throughout the whole book. I think part of the reason I love the character Eleanor so much is because I could see bits of myself in her and could really relate. What with her being quite socially awkward and not really knowing how to interact with people sometimes, I'm exactly like that and I'm sure people think I'm a bit strange sometimes too! I found myself desperate to see her get a happy ending, but I won't spoilt it for you - it was just one of those books where I was really just willing for things to work out for her. Overall the book is just brilliant and I could rave about it all day. It's a beautiful story of love, hope and happiness with many twists and turns throughout. In fact the plot twist at the end, had me so shocked, I almost wanted to go back to the beginning and read it again! To say this is Gail Honeyman's first novel, you would honestly never be able to tell. I was genuinely hooked from the first page to the very end and I got through it all within 24 hours, I can't even remember the last time that happened. I could picture all of the characters so well and I was really sad by the time I'd finished it as I just wanted it to keep going! I just couldn't recommend it enough, it totally deserves the hype it's getting and I think it will be one I keep forever and re-read.

Favourite Quotes

'People don't like these facts, but I can't help that. If someone asks how you are, you are meant to say FINE. You are not meant to say that you cried yourself to sleep last night because you hadn't spoken to another person for two consecutive days. FINE is what you say.'

'Sometimes you simply needed someone kind to sit with while you dealt with things.'

'The supermarket in question carried a wide range of quality goods - not just food and drink, but toasters, sweaters, frisbees and novels. It wasn't a Tesco Metro, it was a Tesco Express. It was, in short, one of my favourite places in the world.'

Have you read Eleanor Oliphant yet? If so, what did you think?

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Thursday, 29 March 2018

Face Masks I've Been Trying Out

I'm an absolute sucker for face masks at the moment! I mentioned in a post like this last year that I never really used to get the hype around them and I just couldn't see the fascination with the whole process of it but after trying a few different ones, I soon got why people love it so much and now I reguarly treat myself to a few when I'm in need of a bit of a self care evening. I've been picking up a few different ones over the last few months so I really wanted to do a kind of follow up post to the last one with a few masks I've got round trying. 

L'oreal Multi Masking Play Kit

I had to start with this one because I pretty much loved everything about it. After seeing people rave and rave about the L'oreal Clay Masks I knew I had to finally get my hands on one but when I spotted this on offer for only about £3.50 I thought this would be a good place to start. There are quite a few different clay masks available now and I just didn't know where to start so this having 3 mini masks meant I could see what I liked the most before getting the full thing. This multi-masking kit contains a purity mask, a detox mask and a glow mask. All of which target different areas and help in different ways. This kit allows you to create a tailored detox regime and it's up to you how many masks you use at a time. What I loved about this was that it had a few different images on the back showing how to apply and where for different needs. The main one I usually followed was the stress relief one which showed I needed to use the black detox mask on cheeks for detoxifying and clarity, the red glow mask on my forehead for brightening and exfoliation and the green purity mask on my nose and chin for purifying and mattifying effects. I found this was easy to apply, washed off well and left my skin looking much clearer and brighter. It didn't leave my skin dry in anyway which I kind of expected with it being a clay mask, and it totally made me want to buy some of the full size tubs. This is currently £7.49 in Superdrug which is pricey for what it is but you do get lots of uses out of the mini masks and it's a good way to figure out which is best for you and what you like the most before buying one of the bigger packs.
Face Masks I've Been Trying Out...

Garnier Honey Mask

I bought this absolutely ages ago but didn't end up using it until last month. I was drawn to it because I saw it was a honey mask and it looked different to other masks I'd tried in the past. I also really loved the Garnier Self Heating Mask so I was excited to try another one from them. This combines honey and ceramide in a creamy texture that nourishes your skin for soothed and velvety skin. Containing no parabens, it's supposed to make your skin look smoother and feel supple and nourished. This was definitely quite a sticky face mask so it was a little tricky to apply and not get it stuck in my hair! but after using my skin did feel pretty amazing. I just felt like it looked much healthier and clearer and it was so soft to touch. I wouldn't say any of the effects lasted for ages afterwards apart from it just feeling incredibly smooth but to say it was only £1.50 in Superdrug it was a total bargain and really worth trying.
Garnier Honey Mask

7th Heaven Passion Peel Off

The latest one I've tried is the Passion Peel Off from 7th Heaven. 7th Heaven are pretty much the queens of face masks and I've tried several from them all of which I've really enjoyed. I picked this up when we went to Leeds from Boots for £1 and I mainly wanted it cos it was passionfruit and I just love that scent! Like the garnier mask this also had quite a sticky texture but not as much as others I've tried and it wasn't a struggle to apply. It was also one that I could leave on for a while so I just had a real chill out in the bath after I applied it which was nice. This particular mask contains pomegranate, passion flower, raspberry, grape, cranberry vitamin E which are all anti-oxidants that help protect skin whilst pores get a deep clean peel off. This did take a little bit longer than I anticipated to remove but I'm not sure if some parts I'd just applied a bit thicker than I realised so maybe they just weren't quite dry enough. Once I'd peeled it all off though, my skin was incredibly smooth and soft to touch and I really felt like I'd got rid of any bacteria or left over makeup. As it was such a bargain I'd definitely pick it up again in the future, these are just a cheap and cheerful addition to a little pamper evening and you just can't beat the price and variety of 7th Heaven!
7th Heaven
Now I've got through these I'm definitely going to have to pick myself up a few more next time I'm out. I always like to have a few face masks in the bathroom cupboard ready for when I feel in need of a little bit of a relaxation in the bath. Though some of these had negatives and positives, they were all pretty much great products and I'd pick each of them up again. I'm definitely not fussy when it comes to face masks and with how cheap most of them are, you can't really complain!

Do you love a face mask? Which brand do you tend to reach for?

*Affiliate links used in this post

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Tuesday, 27 March 2018

A Pamper Night With SlimLine Wine*

Pamper nights are an absolute favourite of mine. I think it's so important to take some time out each week for some self care to recharge your batteries and just chill out for a little bit away from all of the daily stresses. A pamper night for me usually involves a bubble bath, a good book, some nice food and a glass of wine, is there anything better?
A Pamper Night With Slimline Wine
The one thing that can help me relax no matter how I'm feeling is a nice hot bath that's full of bubbles. I recently got a bath board which has been encouraging me to find more time for a pamper evening each week, I love it! I'd been wanting one for a while but all the ones I'd seen were so expensive, that was until I saw this in Poundland of all places for just £5! They had two colours available, I went for the grey one as I thought that would go best for when we paint the bathroom (hopefully soon) and it has a space for a wine glass, your bottle of wine and tealights. The first time I used it I used one of the spaces for a candle instead so you can pretty much use it how you like it but I highly recommend getting one. Whilst in the bath another essential for a pamper night is a face mask. I love trying different ones out and the one I most recently used is the Honey Mask from Garnier. It left my skin feeling super smooth and soft. Also a book is important for me when I want a bit of time out. The book I'm currently reading is The Husbands Secret. I got it for Christmas in 2016, started it and for some reason forgot all about it so I decided it was time to finally get through it!
garnier face mask
Something I love to have as part of my pamper night is a cold glass of wine. I recently tried out the Sparkling White from SlimLine Wine, which I loved, and I was lucky enough to then be sent a bottle of both the White Wine and Red Wine so I've been really enjoying having those as an option for my pamper evenings. If you didn't see my first blog post about these wines, SlimLine Wine are basically the first to launch a zero carb zero sugar range of wine meaning we can all have a glass of our favourite without feeling any guilt!
slimline wine
Each of the wines in the range are made with the finest grapes and by the finest winemakers in Piedmont. This ensures that you still get all of the flavour and strength of a normal bottle of wine but just none of the carbs, sugar or bad bits. I tried the white wine first as that's what I'd usually go for and I absolutely loved it. I do like a glass of wine but I don't have one often, and because of that I wasn't what I was going to think about this - if it was going to be too strong, or if the flavour would be like the usual bottles I go for but I can genuinely say it's one of the best I've ever tasted. I honestly didn't expect to love it as much as I did but now it's the only wine I can imagine drinking. It was sweet, had a really fruity flavour but didn't have too strong of an after taste, it was literally like the perfect wine for me, and you would never be able to tell it was low calorie.
Slimline Wine
Whilst I loved the white wine, I was definitely more sceptical about the red, because I've never really been a red wine drinker. I was still keen to give it a go though, and it actually really surprised me. As it's made from Barbera grapes it was very fruity with just as much depth and flavour as any other. Though I don't opt for red wine very often, it was definitely the best I've had and I'd definitely pick it up again. If you're more of a red wine drinker, then I think this would be a winner for you!

Overall I'm so impressed with SlimLine Wine. I loved the sparkling wine I tried last month and the red and white have been a pleasure to try. I think my favourite is probably the white wine, because it just had everything I like in a wine and I could actually get through a few glasses of this when normally I can just about manage one with any other brand. It's priced at £8.99, as is the red wine which is more than I'd usually spend on a bottle of wine but to say how much I enjoyed it, I can't imagine not having it again now. If you want to try some for yourself, which I highly recommend you do, you can find out more information on the SlimLine website!

Have you tried anything like SlimLine Wine before?

*Products sent for the purpose of this post 

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Monday, 26 March 2018

A Body Shop Haul - I Couldn't Resist

As I said in a haul last week (I treated myself to some new books, makeup and a gorgeous bag) I'd also placed a little Body Shop order recently. It had been a while since I'd last picked anything up from there so I was considering placing an order anyway but before I did they emailed with a 40% off discount code, including sale so I couldn't resist!
A Body Shop Haul - I Couldn't Resist!
The main reason I was looking in the first place was because I wanted to pick up a few minis ready for any holidays or weekend breaks we go on in the next few months. As I've said a few times any trips we go on will likely be booked quite last minute so I want to have as much stuff bought and ready as possible so that we're not having to rush around too much the week before. I like to be organised if you couldn't already tell so I'm getting little bits here and there now ready for the next month or so, so I don't have to stress about it nearer the time. The first thing I picked up was a Frosted Plum Treat box which contains a mini body butter, shower gel and a bath lily, and it was on offer for £6 instead of the usual £9. This is one of the Christmas scents which I'm surprised they still have in stock but I had to have it. I thought the shower gel would be perfect to go in a toiletry bag as it means I don't have to decant any into travel bottles, and the body butter would be great to use after a long day of walking.
The Body Shop
Sticking with the holiday theme I also really wanted to get some of their Peppermint Cooling Foot Spray. I've used things like this in the past and they are brilliant! My feet always get so sore and achy whenever we go away so things like this are definitely needed. This was £6.50 and they had quite a few other bits similar aswell so I might have to try some of those in future too. I just wish they'd bring back their Peppermint Reviving Leg Gel, that was a god send for achy legs but I think it got discontinued a while ago. The final thing I got which I thought would be handy to take in my handbag is a little Satsuma Hand Gel. I like to carry things like around with me when we're away and this one smells so sweet and refreshing.
The Body Shop
The Body Shop
I couldn't resist one of the full size shower gels as when they're on offer I think they're such good value for money. This time I got the Honeymania one, a little bit different to the fruity scents I usually go for. This is incredibly sweet smelling which I love and it's a really big bottle so I know it will last me ages.
The Body Shop
The final bits I got were 2 bath bombs. I'm so happy The Body Shop have started doing their own bath bombs, and even though they're quite small they're so cheap so you can't really complain. I just can't be doing with spending over £5 on a bath bomb anymore so little ones like this are fab for when you want to indulge a little but don't want to spend loads. I got two scents, the Plum which was on offer for £1 and the Pink Grapefruit which was £1.50.
The Body Shop
I'm so happy with the bargains I managed to get. In total with discount all of this only came to £13.60 which is amazing given that without that it would be well over £20. You really can't beat The Body Shop for a decent sale, total bargains!

Are you a fan of The Body Shop?

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Friday, 23 March 2018

An Interview With My Husband

A while ago I saw a post from the lovely Chloe, a fellow blogger, called 'an interview with my boyfriend' and I absolutely loved it! I thought at the time that it would be such a cool one to recreate at some point so after hitting a bit of a wall with blogging, I decided now was the time! I've mentioned George many times on my blog so I'm sure the majority of my readers know who he is but if you don't, he's my wonderful husband (still feels weird saying that) and we've been together almost 7 years! I've listed a few questions for him to answer that reflect us, but definitely make sure you give Chloe's post a read too. Also, if you do something similar to this also, let me know so I can have a read!
An Interview With My Husband
What was your first impression of Tiffany?
I knew Tiff was different the first time I saw her, there was just something about her. I obviously thought she was stunning, but something about her generally just drew me in. Then when I started talking to her we just clicked immediately, and I haven't looked back since.

What is your favourite thing about her?
Her sense of humour. She's hilarious but what's even better is that she finds herself hilarious. I find it incredibly cute that she isn't afraid to laugh at herself. There's little things she will say, off the cuff things, that just make me laugh. 

Favourite memory from the last (almost) 7 years together?
This is a really hard one. I think for the fact that it's a great example of how we are together I'd say our wedding day. It was so chilled out, just exactly how we wanted to do it, no pressure to please others. Coming back home just us two and eating Chinese and cake might not be how most people envision their wedding day, but it was perfect for us and I'm so glad we did it how we wanted to.

Favourite place you've been together and why?
So far, London. I don't know if I'd ever describe London as my favourite place in the world, but I love how much Tiff loves it. She's so much more relaxed and just so happy when we're there that everything we do there is even more fun and special.

Most annoying thing about Tiffany?
Hmm. There are occasions where she nearly deafens me, which I suppose could be described as annoying. She'll start talking about something she's passionate about, and without realising her voice will get louder and louder, and because I'm often sat next to her, she ends up basically shouting in my ear. It's hardly the worst thing in the world though, because I love it when she talks about things she loves.

One place you want to go to in future?
Disneyworld in Florida. I was lucky enough to go twice as a kid, one of those times as a teenager and it was just as amazing being a bit older, so I think Tiff would absolutely love it. We've spoken about it before so hopefully it won't be too long before we get to go together.

Who's the boss in the relationship?
There are definitely times when I would have said Tiff, but I think we balance each other out quite well and have gotten really good at dealing with things as a team, so I'd say we're both the boss or neither of us.

Who is the most romantic?
Again, I'd like to say we're pretty even on this score. Tiff is AMAZING at buying gifts for people, so she definitely wins on the gift front. But I think when it comes to romance we sort of plan things together and bounce ideas off each other, not super conventional but it works. I probably do need to be a little more romantic and spontaneous though.

Hopes and dreams for the future as a couple?
Just to carry on as we are, travel together, have a family (including many dogs) and be happy and healthy.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, I suppose it's more one for me to read back on in the future but I just loved the idea and thought it would be nice to share!


How To Make The Most Of Worldly Cuisines On Your Travels*

Perhaps unsurprisingly, food is often one of the main parts of any travel experience. Providing social opportunities as well as being a pivotal part of many different cultures, you'll learn a lot through the different cuisines you encounter - and here's how to make the most of them.
Worldly Cuisines
Test how strong your stomach is
It's no secret that some foods in tourism hotspots can be hard to stomach for outsiders. From the Philippines' balut, the renowned fertilised duck egg described by the Secret Traveller as being cooked with chilli, garlic and vinegar, to Cambodia's fried tarantulas, it's safe to say that some cuisines will have you pushing your limits to new heights. Travelling is all about opening yourself up to new experiences and seeing just how far you can go, and different cuisines present different opportunities to try something new. Whether that be goat's heads, guinea pigs or the aforementioned fertilised duck egg, it'll likely be the only time you get to try such peculiar dishes.

Embrace the cultural traditions
For many places around the world, food is an integral part of the culture. Countries such as India and Thailand, where the respective Delhi and Bangkok rely on an abundance of street food, put a lot of significance on their signature dishes. To get involved in the culture of your destination, look to the food. See if there are any cooking classes you can partake in, or simply visit some dining establishments of cultural significance in your location - there's usually plenty of them. Dine how the locals dine to get an appreciation for the rest of their culture as a result.

Don't throw yourself in at the deep end
Make sure you're not immediately chowing down on the spiciest, most challenging dishes your destination can offer upon arrival. The dreaded 'Delhi Belly' is quite real, and you'll figure out the hard way if you're gorging on massive helpings of the hottest foods of them all. By diving into the most challenging of dishes at the beginning of your travels, you're risking making yourself ill for the rest of the trip - it simply isn't worth it. Be sensible with your choices and work your way up to the hotter and more daring dishes. You've got plenty of time.

Use eating as a way to socialise
Sitting down for a bite to eat is the perfect time to unwind and socialise, whether it be with those you're travelling with or with new-found friends on your journey. Converse, laugh and drink over a good meal and you could end up making lifelong memories - especially if the dishes are tasty. People almost always use food as a way to socialise, so kill two birds with one stone and do so in a renowned restaurant. Good food and good company will make for an enjoyable lunch or dinnertime, so choose wisely.

Note the recipes to bring home with you
It's one of the best ways to beat the post-holiday blues - recreate the best dishes from your destination at home. Be sure to pick up a few recipes along the way, noting how to make the best things you tried on your travels, and then cook it up yourself when you're back. Memories are often made when food is involved, and getting another taste of your favourite dish from a trip just gone could be the thing that alleviates the longing to go back. Who knows - it could even be the thing that spurs you to visit again.

*This is a collaborative post

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Thursday, 22 March 2018

Current Netflix Top Picks

I've been watching a load of different things on Netflix recently so I thought instead of putting them all into a monthly favourites post, I'd start a new Netflix series on my blog! I don't think it will be a monthly thing, but just whenever I've seen a few different things that I think are worth mentioning. Throughout February I watched some brilliant shows so I can't wait to talk about them with you!
current netflix picks

The End Of The F***ing World

Everyone was raving about this for weeks so in February we eventually caved and started it, and by the end of the same night we started, we finished the whole series. I totally get why people we're loving it, because I did too and I couldn't recommend it enough! Though the title might lead you to believe it's about the end of the world, it really isn't but it's a dark comedy about two 17 year olds who go on a roadtrip together. James think he is a psychopath and Alyssa doesn't feel like she fits in anywhere, so why not team up together? James' original plan is to kill Alyssa but but as time goes on, they end up embroiled in a tangle of violent events and things don't really go as either of them planned. Each episode is only about 20 minutes long so it's super easy to get through, and it's just quite a laidback program. I'm kind of sad with how quick we finished it as it's so good and I'd have loved more.
the end of the f***ing world

The Good Place

Another show I'd seen people talk about over and over but I kept putting it off. For some reason I had it in my head that I wouldn't like it but when we were stuck with what to watch a few weeks ago, we put it on and we ended up getting through it embarassingly quickly. Within a few days we had watched both series, and now I'm desperate for series 3! It starts with Eleanor, played by Kristen Bell, who finds herself in the afterlife and she's happy but surprised to see she's made it to 'the good place'. After meeting her apparent soulmate, she soons start to realise a mistake has been made and she was never supposed to be there, so it's then about what the right thing is to do next and the consequences of her being there. That being said, there is a massive twist at the end of the first series and I don't want to spoil it for you if you haven't seen it but I didn't see it coming and it completely got me hooked for the second series as I had no idea what they were going to come up with next. I loved everything about it, the cast is brilliant, and Ted Danson who plays Michael, the creator of 'the good place' in the show is genius!
the good place

Wild Child

This film is a proper throwback to being a teenager for me! I remember when I was about 14 I was obsessed with this film and also Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, anyone else? It was recently added to Netflix and I decided to watch it on a whim a few weeks ago, and I absolutely loved it! It stars Emma Roberts as 16 year old Poppy, a girl who has just about everything included a spoiled attitude. Her father decides the only thing that will help her is to send her to boarding school in England. While there she meets her match with the headmistress (played by Natasha Richardson, her last on screen appearance) and a class full of girls who at first won't tolerate her selfishness but soon become best friends. It's such a feel good film and it was just as good watching it as a 23 year old as it was when I was a teenager.
wild child

Dan In Real Life

I love Steve Carell in pretty much every TV show and film he's done, and Dan In Real Life was no exception to that. Illness took over out flat for a good few days in February so we watched countless films in bed, and this was one of them. It had never really appealed to me before but I was surprised with how good it was! Steve Carell plays Dan, a widower with 3 daughters, who meets a beautiful stranger in a bookstore one day. When he turns up for a stay at his family's home he sees her again, and realises she's actually going out with his brother. As the weekend goes on, they have to try and hide their attraction and affection for one another. It's quite a laidback film so a great one to put on to chill out with for a few hours.
dan in real life

The Crown

I'm so glad we finally got round to watching this. I'm not a huge fan of the royals so I didn't really think it was worth watching but I have been hooked by it! It's so interesting to see how everything played out when Queen Elizabeth took over from her father and how it affected her and her whole family. It's kind of odd watching it knowing that it's all supposedly true and what really happened behind closed doors, while there are still members of the royal family alive to see it themselves. It's definitely more of a serious show compared to the others I've mentioned in this post but sometimes you need a good drama to get stuck into!
the crown
Have you got any Netflix recommendations? Or have you seen any of these before?

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Wednesday, 21 March 2018

100 Blog Post Ideas For Every Blogger

I definitely have times where I have real bloggers block and can't for the life of me come up with new blog posts. I find I can go for weeks at a time feeling so creative and then I'll just be stuck and feel I have no where else to go with it, that's where blog posts like this come in useful. I always turn to blog posts similar to this when I'm struggling so hopefully this will give you a bit of inspiration if you need some ideas!
100 Blog Post Ideas For Every Blogger


1. A day in the life
2. A monthly favourites
3. Weekend summary or roundup
5. How you stay organised/tips
6. Take part in a tag
8. Goals for the year
9. Plans for the future
10. 50 facts about yourself
11. Homeware hauls
12. A home tour
13. Current playlist
14. Musicals you want to see
15. How you self care
16. Things you've learnt over the years
17. Money saving tips
18. Current Netflix or TV picks
19. Go to apps
20. What you would do if you won the lottery
21. A book review
22. Stationery wishlist/office inspiration
23. Favourite films
24. Films to watch on a bad day
25. Why you love your hometown
26. Your dream wedding
27. Childhood memories
28. Boxsets to binge watch
29. Gift guides
30. Seasonal home decor 
31. Seasonal playlists
32. Why you enjoy a specific season
33. The perfect movie night in
34. Favourite candles
35. Where to buy homeware on a budget


36. Favourite makeup brushes
37. Beauty tips and advice 
38. Nail polish favourites
40. What's in my makeup bag
41. Changes to your makeup each season
42. Morning routine
43. Evening routine
44. Pamper evening essentials
45. Beauty advice you'd give your younger self
46. 10 products under £10
47. A beauty wishlist
48. Anti haul
49. Current skincare routine
50. A brand focus
51. An everyday makeup look
52. Specific product review
53. How your makeup has changed over the years


54. Share your current favourite recipe
56. Baking recipes
57. Restaurant reviews
58. Seasonal food favourites
59. Food you've tried in different countries
60. Cocktail/mocktail recipes
61. What I eat in a day
62. How to use leftovers


63. Travel bucketlist
64. Why you want to visit a specific destination
65. Travelling tips
67. Places you'd like to go for a city break
68. Favourite places you've been in the past
69. A travel guide to a specific location
70. Places to visit on a budget
71. Places in the UK to visit
72. Why you enjoy travelling
73. Free things to do in places you've been too
74. Holiday outfits
75. A holiday photo diary
76. How to pack light


77. Things you love about blogging
79. Your favourite bloggers
83. Where to find blogging collaborations
84. How you take and edit your photos
85. A post like this with ideas
86. Favourite blogging apps
87. How you've grown your social media accounts
88. Why you started blogging
89. Instagram roundup
90. How you juggle blogging whilst working full time


91. How you style your hair
92. Haircare staples
93. Outfit of the day
94. Clothing wishlist
95. Wardrobe organisation tips
96. Red carpet favourites from a recent event
97. Interviews tips
98. Shoe collection
99. Staple wardrobe pieces
100. Driving tips and experience

So, that's 100 blog post ideas, hopefully plenty of ideas for every kind of blogger no matter what your niche is! It can be such a struggle to come up with a constant flow of new ideas so posts like this I personally find extremely helpful.


Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Haul Time - Beauty, Books & Bags

Over the last few weeks I've been feeling a little bit spendy and I've not really been able to stop myself from online shopping. Sometimes you just need to treat yourself so that's kind of what I've been doing, and as I've picked a few different bits up I thought I'd do a little haul as it's been a while!


Starting with bags, I couldn't help myself when I spotted this gorgeous Duffle Across The Body from Dorothy Perkins. I really don't buy bags often, in fact I can't even remember the last time I got one because I just don't usually have too much need for taking stuff out with me, but my thinking with this was that it would be perfect for when we go away this year. It will hold my camera nicely and will be big enough for any little bits we buy and also obviously my phone and things like that. As we have a few weekend breaks planned and a honeymoon hopefully not too far off, I wanted to get something that I could take on a plane with me and also something that I could walk around with and it not be too big or fussy. I love the style of it, it looks even better in person than it does online and I'm obsessed with the colour of it! I went for the peach one obviously but they had a few others available too. I managed to get it when it was reduced to £16.50 which I thought was really reasonable but it's usually priced at £22. I'd have probably bought it at that price anyway as it's such good quality and is everything I was looking for. I think it will be perfect for taking on our travels with us.
Dorothy Perkins


I don't often buy books, but as I said in a few of my goals posts last year, this year I really wanted to get back into reading. We were kindly gifted an Amazon voucher from Georges work as a wedding gift so we both had a little bit of an online shopping spree and I was instantly drawn to all of the books. There were a few I had my eye on, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine being one of them. It was only £3.99 so I couldn't not get it. It was the first I read out of these and I was finished within 24 hours. I was hooked right from the beginning, I'm contemplating whether to do a full review on my blog or not, it was that good. I'm just not sure I could do it justice as I struggle to explain things well sometimes! I also really wanted to get Some Kind Of Wonderful by Giovanna Fletcher. I'd been wanting to read it since it came out towards the end of last year, and also How To Stop Time By Matt Haig. His previous book, Reasons To Stay Alive is one of the best I've ever read so I couldn't wait to pick up more from him. I'm really looking forward to seeing what this is like, I've read so many good reviews. Lastly I got myself another recipe book because I clearly don't already have enough ðŸ™Š. I really enjoyed watching the Nigella At My Table series on TV last year and there were some recipes I really wanted to try, so when I saw this was on offer for £8.99 instead of £26 it had to be mine. I've already marked some recipes I want to make including meatballs with orzo, emergency brownies and white chocolate cheesecake.
Book Haul
Some Kind Of Wonderful


Whilst I was browsing Amazon I decided to have a quick look at the beauty section as I was desperate for a new foundation. I'd been after the L'oreal Paris True Match and I ended up finding it for only £6.90 so I snapped it up. I was going to buy it from Superdrug where it was £9.99 but as I'd not tried it before, I didn't want to spend too much in case I didn't like it. It arrived in perfect condition and it's exactly the same as anywhere else so I'll definitely be looking for more bargains on there in the future. They had pretty much every shade range available too, I went for Ivory and I'm hoping that will be the same as my current foundation. I've heard such good things about this so I can't wait to try it.
L'oreal Paris True Match
Aswell as the foundation I've also recently ordered a few bits from The Body Shop but they've not arrived yet. They such a good sale on though and I'd pretty much ran out everything I ordered last time so I really wanted to try a few new bits.

I'm a sucker for sales and offers but I think everyone should treat themselves every so often. I can't wait to get reading the other books, have you read any of them?

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Monday, 19 March 2018

L'oreal Paris Beauty Egg - First Impressions & Review

There have been so many new beauty releases recently, one of those being these beauty eggs from  Superdrug which are all available in time for Easter. There are a few different ones available but the one that intrigued me straight away was the L'oreal Paris one which was £8 and contained 3 skincare products. I thought as this is brand new I would do a little blog post all about it and tell you what I think of the products inside, and also let you know about some of the other beauty eggs that are available if you haven't seen yet!
l'oreal beauty egg
As I said, the L'oreal Paris Beauty Egg contains 3 skincare products, those being a sample of the Hydra Genius Liquid Moisturiser, a sample of the Pure Clay Purity Mask and a Smooth Sugar Clear Scrub.

L'oreal Hydra Genius Liquid Moisturiser

I was really happy to get a sample of this, it's actually one of the main reasons I was intrigued by this particular beauty egg as I'd heard fab things about it but I didn't want to splash out on the full thing if it wasn't going to be any good. The Hydra Genius Liquid Moisturiser is a skincare product which has a several features to leave you with refreshed and glowing skin.

The Liquid Care - It delivers pure moisture which penetrates quickly and deeply but doesn't overload the skin.
Instantly Refreshes - It absorbs extremely quickly into the skin as it has a water like texture.
Locks In Moisture - It reinvigorates the skin and leaves you with a healthy looking glow.
72 Hour Recharge - It releases continuous hydration, drenching the skin with moisture for up to 72 hours.

As I only had a small sample I only got a few uses out of this. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it absorbed into my skin, it really does have a water like consistency so it doesn't take much rubbing in and it didn't leave that heavy or sticky feeling some moisturisers do. I also really did feel I looked a little more awake after using it which was nice! I can't even put into words how nice my skin felt after using too. Just extremely soft and so hydrated. The sample has definitely made me want to pick up the full size version so I'll be getting that soon.
L'oreal Paris Beauty Egg

Smooth Sugar Scrub

 The Smooth Sugar Clear Scrub was the main thing that intrigued me as it's a product I'd never seen before but as I'd tried similar products in the past, I couldn't wait to see what this was like and how it compared. This is the first sugar scrub with treating actives in gentle textures for a deep yet gentle exfoliation. It's supposed to be great for tackling pesky blackheads and pores, leaving them less visible within a week and also leaving your with softer, clearer, and purified skin. This is made from 3 fine sugars and kiwi seeds (I love the bright colour of it and how much it actually looks like kiwi!), those being white sugar which just melts on the skin while buffing away any impurities and dead skin cells, blonde sugar which is a natural moisturiser and finally brown sugar which is rich in minerals which are supposed to strengthen the skin's barrier. The first thing I noticed about this was it's scent, it has quite a strong fragrance of lemongrass and peppermint which I absolutely loved! Though it wasn't quite as minty as I expected, the fresh kiwi scent was lovely. I've been using this a few times a week now and it's become one of my new skincare favourites. It leaves my skin feeling incredible! It buffs in really well, the sugar genuinely melts in a matter of seconds and it washes off really easily. I'd definitely buy this again in future, I feel so refreshed after using it.
L'oreal Paris Beauty Egg

Pure Clay Purity Mask

Finally, there was a sample of the Pure Clay Purity Face Mask which is actually currently on offer for £5.99. I'd already tried the purity mask as it's part of the multi masking kit which I featured in my February Favourites and I was always so impressed with it. This features 3 clays masks with eucalyptus extract which is known for it's purifying properties. The mask works deep into pores, leaving skin purified and matte looking, without it feeling dry, something I was worried about before first using. The reason I love this mask in particular so much is because I really do find it has instant results. I find my skin looks much healthier and like any bacteria has been lifted, and it also makes it feel really fresh and soft. As the full size L'oreal masks are now on offer I think I'm going to treat myself as they work so well and are a perfect addition to a little pamper night.
l'oreal beauty egg
Whilst this particular beauty egg was the one that caught my eye, they do have a few others on offer too which are definitely worth considering if you're wanting to treat yourself! There are several Makeup Revolution ones for £5, Ghost ones which contain mini perfumes and finally a Olay Total Effects Day Moisturiser Egg.

Have you tried any of these skincare bits from L'oreal?


Saturday, 17 March 2018

Some Of My All Time Favourite Things

I was having a little blog reading and commenting session a few weeks ago and I absolutely loved a post by one of my favourite Bloggers, Emmy, all about her all time favourite things. She listed a favourite film, song, food, and lots more and I just loved reading it so I thought I would do something similar on my blog too. Make sure you give Emmy's post a read, and let me know if you do something similar too so I can have a read!
all time favourite things

Favourite Food

This was one I definitely had to have a good think about but I think it will always be something mexican like fajitas. I can't get enough of them! We tend to rotate different mexican meals each weekend, I love tacos, burritos, fajitas and those one pan rice meals from Old El Paso are delicious!

Favourite Song

There are so many! I'm currently loving Never Enough from The Greatest Showman but my all time favourite song is probably Defying Gravity from Wicked. I never get bored of it and it's so empowering.

Favourite Film

 I don't watch it too often as it makes me cry but I love About Time. It's quite a bittersweet film but something about it fills me with joy! Also Paddington, the first and second.

Favourite Skincare Product

I've tried lots of different skincare products over the last year or so but my all time favourite is the Garnier Micellar Water. It's one of those trusty products that I always go back too because it's so affordable and does such a good job.

Favourite Beauty Product

I think it has to be the Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation. It's beem my go to for years now and I've found nothing better.

Favourite TV Show

 I watch such a variety of programs but The US Office can't be beaten. I can watch it repeatedly and it will still be just as funny as the first time. Steve Carrell as Michael Scott is one of the best characters ever created I think.

Favourite Drink

I'm an absolute fizzy drink fiend. I can't get enough so probably something like Coke or Dr Pepper.

Favourite Book

One book that has stuck with me since I first read it is Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig. I truly believe it's one everyone needs to read, especially if you suffer with depression or anxiety or if you know someone who does.

Favourite Season

Autumn. I long for it all year round! I kind of hate summer so once the leaves start falling and it gets a bit colder, I'm in my element.

Favourite Thing To Do At The Weekend

I love going on days out, just anywhere really! I love going to somewhere I've never been before, whether that's for a weekend away or just for a few hours shopping. I do love going to the cinema though and that's something we do most weeks.

What are some of your favourite things?


Friday, 16 March 2018

Canny Cosy Wax Melts Review*

As I said in a blog post not too long ago, I am a bit of a candle addict! I just can't help myself. I'm always seeing ones that not only smell amazing but look pretty too, and they just have to be mine. Even though our flat is pretty much full of candles already, I was so happy to receive a few wax melts to try out from Canny Cosy. I've been using them for a few weeks now so plenty of time to get a feel for them and gather my thoughts so if you're all about candles like I am, make sure you keep reading.
Canny Cosy are a relatively new company based in Newcastle upon Tyne, and straight away one thing I loved about them was that they've included their northern heritage in the name. If you weren't sure what was meant by Canny Cosy, well 'up north' people tend to say 'canny' to refer to things they like. It's so different from any other brands I've tried before and I love that there is a little story behind the name. Canny Cosy are keen to make sure everyones homes smell inviting and feel cosy, and with their range of wax melts, you can definitely do that. I don't know about anybody else but I don't think a day goes by where I'm not lighting candles, especially if people are coming round. I want them to walk in and instantly feel welcomed and comfortable, and candles are a big part of that for me. As I said at the start of this post I was sent a few scents to try out, those being Rhubarb and Custard, and Parma Violets, both the sort of scents I would reach for in a shop.

Rhubarb and Custard - My first impression of both of the wax melts I was sent, was just how strong the fragrance was, before even burning them. As they were so strong I knew they were going to make the whole flat smell amazing as they kind of did before I even did anything with them! I started with the Rhubard and Custard because I absolutely love the sweets and couldn't wait for my home to smell just like them. These really do smell identical to the sweets and within minutes of these being in a burner, the flat was filled with the rhubarb and custard scent. I actually used two of these at once but I'm sure one would have been enough as the scent really is that strong. I worry sometimes with wax melts that they won't really work and I've been let down in the past with some that I fully expected to smell incredible and then the scent has just gone nowhere! Luckily that didn't happen with these. Not only did these smell incredibly sweet because of the rhubarb they also had a lovely vanilla aroma and the combination was just perfect. I usually burn these for a few hours at a time but the fragrance goes on for far longer even afterwards so I'm highly impressed! 
Parma Violets - After getting through a few of the Rhubarb and Custard melts, I tried out a few of the Parma Violets. I'm not a massive fan of the sweets usually but I do love the way they smell so I was very excited to try these. First of all they are a gorgeous lilac colour just like the actual sweets you used to get as a child and I love the heart shape of them. When burning these, I instantly noticed the sweet yet fresh notes coming through and they took me back to being in a sweet shop as a kid. Similar to the wax melts above, the scent lasted for hours and really did fill our whole flat. What I love about Canny Cosy wax melts is that they really do have such concentrated aromas so just one is enough each time. Though the wax melts might be small, they definitely pack a punch with the scent.
Aswell as these two yummy scented wax melts, there are so many others available on the Canny Cosy website. Just to name a few you can find - Bubblegum, Cola Cubes, Lemon Sherbet, Pear Drops, Vanilla and Marshmallow, though there are so many more too ranging from the more sweet shop scents to more fresh and floral, so something for everyone. All wax melts are made from 100% soy wax, are highly fragranced and hand poured in small batches to ensure that all customers get the best value for money without compromising on safety. Each scent comes in a pack of 4 and they are priced at £2.99 so a real bargain! You can now also get Rose Like Wax Melts for £2 which are incredibly pretty and would make a lovely gift. 
If like me you're obsessed with all things candles and would like to try these out for yourself, make sure you check out the Canny Cosy website and you can also find them on Instagram and Twitter. I'm so impressed with the wax melts I tried out and as they are such a bargain, I'll be ordering lots more in future. I have my eyes on the Cola Cubes next!

Are you candle fiend like me? Do you think you'd like either of these?

*Products sent for the purpose of this post. I only work with brands relevant to me and my blog

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