Tuesday, 27 March 2018

A Pamper Night With SlimLine Wine*

Pamper nights are an absolute favourite of mine. I think it's so important to take some time out each week for some self care to recharge your batteries and just chill out for a little bit away from all of the daily stresses. A pamper night for me usually involves a bubble bath, a good book, some nice food and a glass of wine, is there anything better?
A Pamper Night With Slimline Wine
The one thing that can help me relax no matter how I'm feeling is a nice hot bath that's full of bubbles. I recently got a bath board which has been encouraging me to find more time for a pamper evening each week, I love it! I'd been wanting one for a while but all the ones I'd seen were so expensive, that was until I saw this in Poundland of all places for just £5! They had two colours available, I went for the grey one as I thought that would go best for when we paint the bathroom (hopefully soon) and it has a space for a wine glass, your bottle of wine and tealights. The first time I used it I used one of the spaces for a candle instead so you can pretty much use it how you like it but I highly recommend getting one. Whilst in the bath another essential for a pamper night is a face mask. I love trying different ones out and the one I most recently used is the Honey Mask from Garnier. It left my skin feeling super smooth and soft. Also a book is important for me when I want a bit of time out. The book I'm currently reading is The Husbands Secret. I got it for Christmas in 2016, started it and for some reason forgot all about it so I decided it was time to finally get through it!
garnier face mask
Something I love to have as part of my pamper night is a cold glass of wine. I recently tried out the Sparkling White from SlimLine Wine, which I loved, and I was lucky enough to then be sent a bottle of both the White Wine and Red Wine so I've been really enjoying having those as an option for my pamper evenings. If you didn't see my first blog post about these wines, SlimLine Wine are basically the first to launch a zero carb zero sugar range of wine meaning we can all have a glass of our favourite without feeling any guilt!
slimline wine
Each of the wines in the range are made with the finest grapes and by the finest winemakers in Piedmont. This ensures that you still get all of the flavour and strength of a normal bottle of wine but just none of the carbs, sugar or bad bits. I tried the white wine first as that's what I'd usually go for and I absolutely loved it. I do like a glass of wine but I don't have one often, and because of that I wasn't what I was going to think about this - if it was going to be too strong, or if the flavour would be like the usual bottles I go for but I can genuinely say it's one of the best I've ever tasted. I honestly didn't expect to love it as much as I did but now it's the only wine I can imagine drinking. It was sweet, had a really fruity flavour but didn't have too strong of an after taste, it was literally like the perfect wine for me, and you would never be able to tell it was low calorie.
Slimline Wine
Whilst I loved the white wine, I was definitely more sceptical about the red, because I've never really been a red wine drinker. I was still keen to give it a go though, and it actually really surprised me. As it's made from Barbera grapes it was very fruity with just as much depth and flavour as any other. Though I don't opt for red wine very often, it was definitely the best I've had and I'd definitely pick it up again. If you're more of a red wine drinker, then I think this would be a winner for you!

Overall I'm so impressed with SlimLine Wine. I loved the sparkling wine I tried last month and the red and white have been a pleasure to try. I think my favourite is probably the white wine, because it just had everything I like in a wine and I could actually get through a few glasses of this when normally I can just about manage one with any other brand. It's priced at £8.99, as is the red wine which is more than I'd usually spend on a bottle of wine but to say how much I enjoyed it, I can't imagine not having it again now. If you want to try some for yourself, which I highly recommend you do, you can find out more information on the SlimLine website!

Have you tried anything like SlimLine Wine before?

*Products sent for the purpose of this post 

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