Sunday, 4 March 2018

Instagram Roundup #1 - February

As I've felt a bit stuck with my blog over the last few weeks and had no real ideas for blog posts, I thought a roundup of Instagram might be something a bit different this month. Some might find it boring but I always enjoy reading posts like this and it's a nice way to catch up with what's been happening! It's also a great way of finding new bloggers to follow, I'm trying to grow my Instagram as much as possible this year so I'd love it if you gave me a follow, and I'm happy to return the favour! I'm not sure if this will be a regular thing but I posted quite a lot in February so I thought that was as good a month as any to start with!
Instagram Roundup #1
Gemporia Ombre Birthstone - I'm so happy with this photo I shared. Isn't it the prettiest candle?! It looks perfect in our living room and it's so unlike any other candles I've picked up in the past. I've got a full review of this now up if anyone would like a read.

Clintons Winnie the Pooh - I am totally obsessed with the new Winnie the Pooh range from Clintons! I had to order a few bits. I went for the trinket dish which is an awesome blog prop and the hot water bottle, it's so snug and cosy.

Crafted Drinks - I'm all about juice and pop so when I was sent a few bottles to try from Crafted Drinks I was extremely happy! I have a review up now of these but the cloudy lemonade was my absolute favourite. We got through it so quickly, it was so refreshing.

Feather and Down - This brand have become one of my favourites over the last year. It's no secret I struggle with my sleep and have done for a long time so any products that can help are a lifesaver. I've tried quite a few different products of theirs now and they are brilliant. Also the packaging is beautiful!

A Day of Blogging - I was so proud of this flatlay! I hit a real slump with my photography in January and after having basically no photos to post I decided I just needed to try something so I spent ages creating some flatlays with a load of random props and I'm so happy with the outcome. It was a much needed blog admin day.

Sweet Subscription Boxes - What a brilliant idea! I was lucky enough to be sent a few different ones to try from a few brands so it meant we had lots of sweets to get through in February! I loved trying out the valentines themed box as it's nothing like what I've seen before, such a unique gift.

Self-care Saturdays - Sometimes you just need a day to properly chill out and look after yourself. After a pretty crap day, one that was supposed to be exciting and involve picking some new stuff for the flat, I decided some self care was in order. I love a face mask, hot bubble bath and fresh nails. It makes me feel so much better when I'm having a down day.

Pancake Day - As our homemade pancakes never seem to look very Instagram worthy I shared a throwback from our last trip to London when we visited The Breakfast Club. I had the most incredible pancakes, banoffee salted caramel, and I thought it was about time I shared a picture. I can remember so clearly how good they were, just impossible to finish!

Valentines Meal In - Going for a meal on actual Valentines would kind of be my idea of hell, I can't deal with how busy places get so we tend to opt for a romantic night in. This year after a trip to the cinema, we had steak with some delicious sides, a lovely dessert and a nice bottle of sparkling wine!

Soppy Valentines Post (is it really Valentines without one?) - I wasn't going to share something on Instagram but last minute I just had an urge too and I think that's the best way to do it, there is no point forcing something if you're not sure what to say! It was our 7th Valentines so I picked a few of my favourite pictures of us and put a little caption, I still can't believe how many we've celebrated together now!

Spring Nails - I'm an Autumn and Winter girl through and through, but Spring is starting to sneak in now so I kind of have to embrace it. I was having a little pamper and decided to opt for a more spring shade of nail polish. All of these from Barry M are perfect for the warmer months of the year, pretty pastels.

Affordable Blog Props - Probably one of my favourite blog posts to date, my affordable blog props and where to find them. I was incredibly happy with how the post turned out and the photo I took for it aswell. I'm not too creative when it comes to flatlays but this is one I'll always be proud of I think, it just works.

Dogs Trust - One of my favourite things about Dogs Trust and sponsoring some beautiful dogs each month is that they send a card a few times a year. I'm pretty sure it's Christmas, Valentines and then one at Summer, and every time one arrives it makes me so happy. I sponsor two dogs, Honey and Cade, and I love them both so much. I'd sponsor all the dogs if I could.

The Body Shop Peach - I was in one of those moods where I just wanted to shop! It's been a while since I last did a stock up of my favourites from The Body Shop but now the peach range is nowhere to be found! It's my absolute favourite but I can't keep up with what is discontinued and what isn't anymore. I'm hoping to get more of the peach range at some point as it's heaven!

Bradfield - With Spring sneaking up on us I was having a look back of some photos from last year and I found this stunning one of Bradfield, a place we go every year for long walks and pub lunches. It has the most amazing views and it's always such a nice day out. I can't wait to go back again soon.

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer - The best concealer there is! Or so I think anyway. I've tried a few different ones recently but this just beats them all. It covers any marks and spots so well and doesn't wear off quickly, I just love it. Highly recommend if you're in the market for a new one.

Lazy Sundays - I loved this quote about eating and sleeping all day on Sunday, it's literally all I do! That day in particular it was very apt as I was so shattered and achy so I hardly did anything. It was a day all about food and naps.

Blog Admin Day - I'm not gonna lie, I was so happy with this flatlay I posted but it didn't do too well which is disappointing. Maybe it wasn't as good as I thought it was! Anyway I'd had a real blog admin day and I was so happy about it. It was nice to properly get on top of things and feel organised again!

The Most Relaxing Bath - I finally got my hands on one of those bath boards that have been all over Instagram recently! I got this one from Poundland for just £5 in Grey and I love it. I had the most relaxing bath with a book and candles.

Diesel Loverdose Perfume - Isn't this the most stunning perfume bottle?! I love the colour of it and it's so different to anything else I currently have. This photo kind of bombed when I posted it but I'm happy with it so ðŸ¤·

Are we following each other on Instagram? I'm always looking for new bloggers to follow! You can find me here.

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