Thursday, 31 December 2015

Christmas 2015...

I felt so much more prepared for Christmas this year, last year it was so rushed as we had just moved in and even though it was good, I felt like this year was really special. We were just so happy all day and it's so soppy but it really was perfect. I really wanted to do a full post on it even though i didn't get many pictures. I know I'll want to read this back one day. Anyway, George woke me at 7 on Christmas day but there was no way I was getting up that early, we had both struggled to sleep and I could have slept all morning but we got up just after 8 and opened our presents. I was so spoilt by George, im so lucky to get everything that I got because I wasn't expecting it and im so grateful, it shows he actually listens to me as there were a few things i'd mentioned ages ago and even i'd forgotten about them. I'm going to do a separate post on what I got (not bragging, I just personally like to see what others got ) over the next few days. I do think I did pretty well with Georges presents too, especially the Star Wars things as he's really into it at the moment.

After we'd opened our presents, we had croissants for breakfast which were amazing and I started prepping all the food for christmas dinner. The Santa Clause films were on TV too so we watched them and then put White Christmas on. I know how much George loves the film so I bought it him on DVD so now we can watch it every year on christmas day. 
We both bought each other new slippers and pyjamas, so comfy. 
I wanted to take a picture of christmas dinner as it was so good but we were just enjoying it too much, I followed a Jamie Oliver recipe for the roast potatoes and veg and I know it will be one I follow every year now, honestly so good. I spent hours on christmas eve watching Jamie Oliver programs and Nigella as George was working and I had time off and I wanted to make sure everything was as good as possible. Overall it was a really lovely day, we fell asleep on the settee after watching a film, drank quite a bit of Prosecco and started to get through all the chocolate we got for each other and from other people. I already can't wait for next christmas. 

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Tuesday, 29 December 2015

December Favourites - Beauty, Music and Christmas!

Just like that Christmas is over! I'm so sad about it but I hope you all had a lovely few days. My first post back after Christmas is my December favourites and this month there are some music, beauty, homeware bits, and a few other things featured!
Primark Tartan Bedding - We bought this while we were in Manchester as we wanted a nice christmas bedding set and I loved this one straight away. I don't know why but I seem to have this growing obsession with tartan things, first it started with pyjamas I saw and then bought from Primark, then we got the bedding and now i'm seeing even more things I want! It's a really cosy bedding set and you can't go wrong at Primark for homeware things like this, it was £18 for a double one which I think is pretty good.

Seventeen Contour Palette - I bought this when we went to Manchester as I had ran out of my bronzer and I hadn't had a new one in ages, I always got the same thing. I bought quite a lot of makeup on the first night as Boots had 3 for 2 on and I had ran out of a lot of stuff. I have been wanting to try a contour kit for ages but I just didn't know which one, I had heard good things about this from Seventeen though and it was only £5.99 which I thought was a really good price. You get a darker shade to contour with and a light shade to highlight with. I've noticed such a difference over the last month or so since I've started using this. It actually does give me some definition and cheekbones! I really recommend it if you're looking to try contouring, I definitely don't go mad with it but even a little bit does the job. 

Justin Bieber Purpose CD - I think over the last few months everyone has become a Justin Bieber fan. I really didn't want to but some of the songs on his new album are just too good. My favourite is Love Yourself. 

Love Actually - This has been one of my favourite christmas films for so long but this year I seem to have watched it so much more than before, ITV2 are playing it quite a lot at the moment and we have the DVD, it makes me so emotional no matter how many times I watch it. I know its one of those films that you could watch all year round I suppose but its definitely one thats more for christmas so I look forward to watching it every year. 

Christmas Nails - I'm definitely one of those people that goes for brighter colours for my nails during summer and darker shades during winter, especially the darker reds and purples, last week I used a red shade by OPI and a glitter red by H&M that I've had for years as I wanted nice christmassy nails and I love it. It's the perfect combination and its lasted really well, I can't even remember when I got the one from H&M but it must have been ages ago and I hardly ever use it, its not one of those glitter nail polishes that takes forever to take off either!

Obviously the main favourite this month has been christmas, im so sad its all over but im going to do some more posts over the next few days showing what I got etc. for now im just trying to get excited for my birthday next week.

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Monday, 21 December 2015

Weekend Summary #15 - Making Mince Pies and Pizza Hut with the Boys...

I actually can't believe christmas is on Friday, its so close but it feels like the run up to it has just gone so fast and its almost over. It's literally my favourite time of the year and I really don't want it to go yet. The thought of having to take down all of the decorations makes me want to cry. And once Christmas is over, its almost my birthday, i'll be 21 but I already feel about 30. I'm not really looking forward to it, I just want christmas to go on for weeks and weeks. 

We finally got the final few bits a few weeks ago so its so nice and cosy. We have all the presents around the tree now (which were put there after I took the picture), we've got a new frame for the wall (not just for christmas) which I really love, I've wanted something like it for ages but couldn't find the perfect one and we've got our christmas candles from Homesense which i'm going to have to light at some point but they're just so pretty. I did light them for a picture but I couldn't bare for them to just get ruined so I blew them out straight after!
This weekend we had the boys over and we swapped presents and we opened ours from them. I just find it so hard to wait until christmas day when someone gives us presents early! We watched so many films this weekend, we watched The Grinch as I've never seen it, its so strange, I don't know whether I liked it not. We also watched Love Actually which is just my favourite and there were some non christmas films too, Lets Be Cops, Inbetweeners 2 and Cloverfield I think. We went out to Pizza Hut on Saturday and had so much food. Me and George shared a pizza but ended up taking most of it home, I struggled with one slice, the boys had their own, we had starters and desserts too so we were all so full that night. But we did make mince pies, I just wanted to make them as I never had before and Alfie really wanted too and he actually likes them, unfortunately George still wouldn't try one. They were so so simple to make so i'll definitely be making them again next year. On Sunday we saw some family at ours and then had a very chilled night once the boys had gone. We watched Love Actually again as it was on TV but I could watch it over and over again.
So this will probably be my last post now before Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful few days and get everything you hoped for! I'm so excited but just don't want it to be over!

Did you see the last Weekend Summary

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Sunday, 13 December 2015

My 3 Favourite Christmas Films!

We've been watching christmas films since mid October I think as I just get so excited so early! I could watch them earlier than that to be honest but I think once October stars, its a reasonable time to start watching them all! I start my christmas shopping and everything!

One of my favourite things to do is to get cosy in winter, light some candles and then settle down with a nice christmas film, here are a few of my favourites!
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

1. Elf

 I don't think there is a film that will ever beat Elf for me. I could watch it all year round but I don't because I love the excitement of it been shown on TV again around this time of year, you really know christmas is on the way then. I have loved this film since it first came out years ago and I know its one i'll still watch when I have kids and I hope they'll love it as much as I do! It just makes me laugh every time, it never gets old no matter how many times I've seen it. Will Ferrell is the best in this and its my favourite film of his. 

2. Love Actually

 Another one that is just perfect for this time of year, everyone's all loved up or spending time with their families or travelling home for christmas and this film is about all of those things. It's a really lovely film and it always makes me a bit emotional. I love Hugh Grant in it too, so gorgeous!

3. The Holiday 

This is one that I usually really enjoy but I have to be in the mood for it. Sometimes it gets played so much on ITV2! I love Jude Law though and I love the story, really different to any other christmas films we've got and I love the little cottage. So homely and cosy, I would love a little house like that one day.

What are your favourite christmas films?

Similar Posts - The Countdown to Christmas and Autumn Bucket List.

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Monday, 30 November 2015

Weekend Summary #13 - Putting Up The Christmas Tree!

This week we went both went back to work after our week off and trip to Manchester, it was hard. As much as we both enjoy work and George is loving his new job, it was still hard to go back and get back into the usual routine. I hate getting up so early! An exciting thing that did happen this week though is that we got our christmas tree! The last few years we have just had a tiny one as we lived in Leicester for a year so there was definitely not room for a proper tree in a student flat and last year we moved into our new flat a few weeks before christmas so we didn't get chance to get a new one. We picked one up from Matalan and I love it so much now its all decorated! We put it up on Thursday but I had to include it in this post. It was nice to relax on Friday after work with the christmas tree lights on, it looks so pretty. Most of the decorations are from Primark, we got a big pack for £5 a while ago and I picked a few extras up when we were in Manchester, the angel wings are my favourite and they're right at the top. I know it's not even December yet but everyone seems to have got into it all so early this year and I just love christmas so I couldn't wait any longer!
We had an amazing tea on Friday night, we got steak and George cooked them perfectly, I should have taken a picture but I just wanted to eat it straight away. I didn't get chance to buy much on Black Friday as payday for me is at the end of the month, I did find that I still had some money left on an Asos voucher though so I ordered a present for George, I've already bought loads for him for christmas so i'm saving it for his birthday in January, it's so difficult for us both because my birthday is only like a week after christmas and Georges is at the end of January so we both have to try and think of even more present ideas! We did find a good deal on a TV though actually with the black Friday deals on so we just decided to go for it, probably shouldn't have but we did need a new one for the bedroom as the one we did have was one we brought with us when we move out and we haven't had chance to get one until now. I love it!

On Saturday we had the longest lie in and we had breakfast in bed which was really really nice, we watched a few episodes of Catastrophe on the laptop and then George went to Meadowhall to pick up a few bits from M and S and the TV for the bedroom. I then made a Slimming World Chinese, I did a pork stir fry and made my own egg fried rice and we watched X Factor and then some more Harry Potter, we're a bit obsessed at the moment, we're just going through them all! Sunday was very much the same, we got some presents sorted and I made a roast, I also tried making some gluten free brownies as I had a pack which we got free a while ago and I only needed to add a few ingredients, they were actually really nice!
Did you do much this weekend? 

Did you see my last post? What we bought in Manchester!

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Saturday, 21 November 2015

Christmas Trip to Manchester...

On Monday we went to Manchester for 2 nights, just like we did last year, I think its something we'll do every year as a little tradition. Last year we went for the first time to go to the christmas market which is just amazing to see and we got engaged! and since then I've been wanting to make it a thing for us to do every November, luckily we both got the time off work and managed to book a few nights away in the same hotel, I had been looking forward to it for months and months and i'm so sad that we're back now. Last year it was all just a whirlwind and I don't think I got to take it all in so this time we made sure we visited the market a few times and saw everything it had to offer. 
We bought a few presents for people, they had some really cute things and I love that the things they have you probably wont find anywhere else. We also tried so much food, the doughnut pretzels are sugary amazingness. It all looks so pretty at night when the lights are on and the big Santa is lit up, I just love it, I feel so happy there and it just went so fast! 
When we weren't at the market we were doing all of our Christmas shopping at the Arndale Centre which is way bigger than I thought it was, my feet were dead by the end of the few days. We decided to get as many peoples presents as we could while we were there so we could just get each others and any other little bits when we were back, we did treat ourselves though and bought more than we planned too, we didn't really think that we needed to get it all home! We bought some christmas bedding which I love, its a tartan one which I think is so perfect for winter, its so cosy! There was more too but I'm going to do a separate post on that. We went to Slug and Lettuce on the first night for a meal, the mains weren't great but the starters were good! On the second day we had Pizza Hut, stuffed crust really is my life, and we also had a nice break in Costa. George tried one of the new christmas drinks, I think it was a gingerbread latte, I actually really like it aswell and I normally hate things like that. I just love christmas and we had to try one of the christmas drinks while we were there!

This week off has just gone so fast, its been really nice to have time off together and go away for a few days, I just wish we were back there! Hopefully we'll be going back next year! 

Have you ever been to the Manchester Christmas Market?

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Thursday, 19 November 2015

November Favourites - Snow Fairy, Garnier & Primark Pyjamas!

I'm not sure if its too early to post this as we're only half way through the month but i'm going to anyway. This month there has actually been quite a lot I've been loving so I thought I would do a proper monthly favourites as normally I just wait and do a favourites post every few months as sometimes its hard to find things each every few weeks!
Lush Snow Fairy - I am so glad that all of the christmas products are back out at Lush! It's my favourite time of year and I just want to buy everything when it gets to the christmas range. I still had a small bottle of Snow Fairy unopened from last year so I have been using that and I seriously just fall in love with it more and more every year. It smells so sweet and just fills the whole room and I can smell it for ages afterwards! I definitely need to stock up on it this year, as well as all the amazing bath bombs which come out at christmas. 

Garnier Ultimate Blends Marvellous Transformer Shampoo and Conditioner - I love this shampoo and conditioner, it makes my hair feel so good! It just smells amazing and my hair just feels so clean after using it, I know your hair should after using any shampoo but the one I was using before this was just making it even more greasy and it just felt horrible most of the time. These ones are for dull hair and my hair is very dull at the moment, it just looks the same all the time and it needs livening up a little bit, this shampoo and conditioner are really helping and I can't recommend it enough. 

Primark Pyjamas - Primark is just the best for pyjamas, I bought myself some fluffy Winnie the Pooh ones a few weeks ago which are going to be perfect for christmas and a few weeks ago I bought some new bottoms and a loose vest and they are just so comfortable. The pyjama bottoms are cuffed ones and a really soft material and the vest says #letssleep and its a really nice loose one so perfect for sleeping in and even though they don't match, it doesn't matter, they're pyjamas and I just love the ones from Primark, after buying these I also went back and bought some red checked ones, they are so soft and they just look so christmassy!

Little Mix 'Get Weird' - I don't think I have ever bought a Little Mix album but after listening to a few of the songs on this album I might have to get it, some of them are just so catchy! My absolute favourite is Secret Love Song, I also love Hair and Grown. What do you think to this album?

One Direction Made in the AM - I loved One Directions last album so I wasn't sure if this one would be as good, overall I think their last one is my favourite but there are some amazing songs on their new one. I'm still so sad their going on a break, is it really a break? cos i think its a full on split. Anyway, my favourite songs which I have been playing over and over from this album are,  AM, Temporary Fix, Infinity, Perfect and Olivia. Have you heard the new album?

Another favourite of mine has obviously been going away for a few days with George to Manchester, like last year, it was just as good as last year and we went to the Christmas Market a few times over the 3 days so it felt like we really got the most out of it, and we did so much christmas shopping! I'll do a proper post over the next few days but I had to aad it onto this one!

Similar Posts - Recent Favourites - A Little Bit Of Everything! and Beauty and Random Favourites.

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Friday, 13 November 2015

Weekend Summary #12 - Date Night and Taking a Break...

Last weekend we had the boys to stop which as always was so much fun. It's so weird that we have our own place and that they can actually stop over for a few days every month, it's mad how grown up we feel and how quick it all seems to have happened, it doesn't seem like its been 4 and a half years since we first got together!

On Saturday we decided to go a Paradise Island, a mini golf place as we've been before with them and they really enjoyed it, I actually don't think it matters what we do, its just always nice to spend time together and have a laugh. There are two different courses at Paradise Island, we've been before and I mentioned it in Weekend Summary #3 if you want to have a read, so this time we went for the other course. When we got back I made Spaghetti for tea which was actually so good, I really went off it for a long time but I know the boys like it so I made it and all of us loved it, I was so happy with myself as it was the best I've made and I always worry that people wont like my cooking! We also watched Harry Potter, of course I ended up falling asleep! and we bought loadsss of sweets and chocolate to have with the film, we don't see them often so when we do we like to treat them.
Normally I have a long weekend as I work Tuesday-Friday but this week I worked on Monday instead of Friday (today) so this week I have been so tired as I've been out of my usual routine and I never really noticed until now the difference that extra day off at the weekend makes! Even though we've both been really busy this week and so tired, we went out for a meal on Wednesday, we went to Pizza Hut, I have serious love for cheese stuffed crust omg. It was just amazing and nice to go out on a date night, the cookie dough too was just insane.
As we haven't had time this week, I really want to get on top of the tidying this weekend and get sorted for next week as we're off to Manchester and I can't wait! On Sunday it will be a year since we went for the first time and saw the christmas market which I had been wanting to go to for ages! I won't bore you all over again but these are the posts from last year - I'm Engaged!, Manchester Christmas Market and The Trafford Centre, Lush, Superdrug and Selfridges Haul!.I'm so excited to go again and just have a few days away together, it always feels so special and especially now im working I think we'll appreciate the time off together even more.

I'm posting this today as I won't be doing a weekend post next week, we wont be doing much apart from tidying and packing and I just want to enjoy the start of our week off together, i'll be back doing posts over the next few weeks and i'm sure they'll be a few about Manchester but I just want to take a little break, I haven't posted for a week because I haven't had anything I wanted to talk about and I don't want to force myself to blog and to be honest I just don't have the time now, i'm definitely not stopping blogging because I do love it but I really don't focus on followers or stats anymore, I just want to blog when I have something worth mentioning and when I can really dedicate some time to it.

Last weeks Weekend Summary - Meadowhall and a Harry Potter Day!

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Friday, 6 November 2015

Quick and Easy Recipe - Covered Chicken and 5 Grain Rice

I love cooking and try to do it as much as possible but since starting my job it has been so much easier to just go for convenience foods or to pick something up on the way home. We still cook just not every night like we used to and its been getting me down a bit lately.
I was going through a some recipes a few weeks ago and found a really simple one by Jamie Oliver. It's literally chicken coated in parma ham baked in the oven. He added some cheese in the middle and different seasonings and things like that but I just kept it basic. I cut any bad bits of the chicken then seasoned a little with salt and pepper, wrapped each chicken breast in parma ham then placed in a dish which I had sprayed with frylight. I baked it in the oven for around 40 minutes, checking and turning it about half way through. 

I already want to make this again, it was so simple and easy to make and it honestly tasted so good. It's already on the meal plan for next week! I made a salad just consisting of some iceberg lettuce, cucumber, plum tomatoes and red onion (my fave). We also wanted to try some of the new Uncle Bens Rice Pouches which have been advertised a lot recently, we picked up the 5 Whole Grains one which has wholegrain rice, wild rice, barley, millet and red quinoa. I know its more expensive to buy pouches like this but its so much easier and it was really nice.

Have you got any quick and easy meal ideas that I could do when I get in from work? I'm really stuck for inspiration at the moment!

I know this probably isn't worthy of a blog post and is a bit of a random one but I was actually really proud of it and it was the nicest meal in ages!

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Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Weekend Summary #11 - Meadowhall and a Harry Potter Day!

This weekend was a really fun one, on Saturday we went shopping for a few bits, George was looking for some new work clothes, he started a new job on Monday and im so proud of him! He also looks really good in smart clothes, it makes a change to his old uniform that he absolutely hated. We've known for a while about his new job but I didn't want to mention it on my blog until it was definite and he had started but now I can finally say! Anyway, as well as work clothes for George, I wanted to get a few things too as its getting really cold now. I went to New Look and got some new skinny jeans, i cant find a link for them now but they're so comfy and I can't wait to wear them with my boots, I also got this grey longline top which is really flattering and so comfy and I got a zip side jumper which goes really well with my leather jacket and boots. I definitely need a few more things for winter but we're going to Manchester in a few weeks so I think i'll pick some more up then. The last thing I got from New Look was a perfume which is actually a present for one of our friends, we still have a few more things to get them but I thought she would really like this and it smells so good, I should have got one for myself!
I did get some new pyjamas from Primark too, I love buying new pyjamas and Primark just had loads to choose from, I got some cuffed blue pyjama bottoms which were £6 and a loose vest which was £3.50. I don't want to take them off! The last few things we got were from Superdrug, I got the Garnier Ultimate Blends Marvellous Transformer Shampoo and Conditioner which smell amazing. I used them a few days ago for the first time and I know im going to love it, my hair already feels better than it did before. And we went to Harvester for a meal, but they've changed the menu! So it was nowhere near as good as it has been before which is disappointing. On Sunday we had a film day, well a Harry Potter day, we only managed to watch 3 of them but there is so many and they are so long so we'll have to have another one in a few weeks! It was a really nice chilled Sunday which is exactly what we wanted the day before George started his new job, it gave us chance to get everything sorted and spend some time together, I also made a Lasagne for tea which was really nice, we hadn't had it in ages!

I'm so excited for the next few weeks, George is going to be on much better shifts now so we'll actually get to see each other a bit more, next weekend his brothers are stopping, I'm not sure what we'll be doing yet but we always have fun and then in a few weeks we're going to Manchester for a few days! I can't even explain how excited I am but i'll talk about that a bit more in a few weeks time as this post is long enough!

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Monday, 2 November 2015

A Cosy Movie Night In - Film Haul, Candles & Food!

Me and George both love a good movie night and we like to go all out when we do. We recently had one and George went shopping first to pick up a few films and essentials, I had no idea what he was getting and he did very well so I wanted to blog about it.

He picked up a selection of films as we had no idea what we wanted to watch, he got Cuban Fury, Maleficent, The Breakfast Club and Into The Woods. I think they were buy one get one free or something like that at HMV. They're all quite different which is nice, from comedy to disney and more. He also went to Primark and picked me up a new candle, in Pink Grapefruit, it smells so good! Also isn't the packaging so pretty? I love having candles lit in the evening, especially when we want to get cosy and settle down for the night. I didn't know he was getting anything like this so it was a very nice surprise. 
Then for treats because is it a movie night without them? I don't think so. He picked up my favourites, Dairy Milk Puddles and Caramel Nibbles. He also got a muffin for me from the best place ever in Meadowhall and he got himself a Krispy Kreme, baked goods are life.
Something else I think is essential for a movie night is cosy pyjamas and a nice glass of wine! I'm not normally too bothered about wine but George picked a really nice one recently and it's definitely one we'll get again. I also love my new cosy pyjamas from Primark! It was the ultimate movie night in, so lovely!

What are your essentials for a movie night? 

Similar Post - Pamper Night and Shopping in London!

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Monday, 26 October 2015

Recent Favourites - A Little Bit of Everything!

It's been a while since I last did a favourites post and there's been quite a few things I've been loving recently so I thought now was a good time!
I have to start with my most recent favourite, it's the new song by Adele - Hello. When I first heard it I wasn't sure but after the second listen, I was obsessed. It's been stuck in my head ever since! I can't wait to hear the rest of the album! Another song I have been loving is the new one by One Direction - Perfect, I just love any new music from them, and over the last few months I've got a real crush for Harry Styles, I never used to understand the fuss about him but now he is looking amazing! I'm actually really sad about them 'going on a break' I haven't seen them live yet! A few others songs are Wasn't Expecting That by Jamie Lawson, the video just kills me. And I really like On My Mind from Ellie Goulding. What music are you loving at the moment?

A few TV favourites have been The Apprentice and Geordie Shore. I didn't watch The Apprentice last year and I don't think I have done for a while for some reason but I really wanted to watch it this year. It's been so good! I think one of the men should win this year, I don't like any of the women so far! I was so happy Geordie Shore started again last week, it's just so funny and I think every series gets better and better. I look forward to it every week.

Over the last few weeks I have been loving getting my cosy clothes on, I love Autumn and Winter and it means I don't have to worry as much about what to wear as I just want to be warm! I have been wearing my favourite boots from Next that I got in London earlier on in the year, they do hurt my feet after a while but they're so great for the cold weather and I've been wearing them everyday to work.

A few beauty favourites have been my new purchases from Barry M. I mentioned in this post. I got their Gelly Nail Polish in Dragon Fruit and Plum. Dragon Fruit is definitely more of a colour for summer as its a pastel pink but I love it and think it adds a nice bit of colour! And Plum is just a gorgeous dark purple, great for autumn and winter! I managed to get a free Barry M mascara when I got both of these from Superdrug too which was a bonus!

There haven't been many food favourites but I had to mention Mini Heroes! I love this time of year when all of the christmas chocolate comes out and they have all the big tubs and bags of heroes, roses, quality street etc. We've already gone through quite a lot of mini heroes, I love the mini twirls!

Previous Favourite Posts! - Beauty, Food and TV Favourites and Recent Beauty and Random Favourites.

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Friday, 23 October 2015

Maybelline Colour Sensational Lip-liner..

I'm always a bit stuck when it comes to lipsticks, glosses and pencils. I just find it hard to know what suits me and i'm a bit scared of experimenting and I also don't want to spend money on things I might not like. I normally always know what I like when it comes to foundation, mascara, bronzer etc. but I have little ideas when it comes to my lips. 

I love the Rimmel Lasting Finish Colour Rush Balm in 'Touch of Mauve' and I think that sort of dark toned pink really suits me. I hate to say it but its one of those 'your lips but better'. The only thing I don't like about it is that it isn't matte and it is a bit glossy. I think matte products look better on my lips than glossy, im not sure why, I just don't like it. I have a few other lipsticks and glosses but none that I really love so I picked up the Maybelline Colour Sensational Lip Liner.
I've never used a liner before on my lips and im not using it to literally line the edges of my lips and then cover with something else. I use a technique I saw on the Pixiwoo youtube channel where you do line your lips then get a lip brush and blend it in all over your lips and it leaves a subtle colour without having to pencil it all on and it looking a bit too much! 

The colour I got was Intense Pink which is actually a really similar colour to the Touch of Mauve Balm, the reason I went for it was I didn't want to stray too much and wanted something that wasn't too different. Maybe soon i'll brave it and pick it up in a few different shades and see what they look like! I love how subtle the colour is and it stays on for a few hours which I think is really good for a lip pencil. Its nice and creamy, definitely not drying on the lips but not glossy either so the perfect one for me. 

I can see myself using this loads and I definitely want to pick a few more up when I get paid! 

What's your favourite lip product? Have you tried any of the Colour Sensational Lip Liners?

Previous Post - Weekend Summary #9 - The Worst Cold!

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Monday, 19 October 2015

Weekend Summary #9 - The Worst Cold!

I literally have the worst cold at the moment. It started Thursday and I just knew it wasn't going to go away, its Sunday when im writing this and I've spent the day sneezing and coughing and generally feeling like death warmed up. You don't realise how much you appreciate breathing until you have a blocked nose. When I have a blocked nose I turn into a monster, I feel so bad for George because i'm just a nightmare when im ill or in any sort of pain, god knows how i'll cope when I have children. 

We really needed a food shop so on Saturday we went to Asda and spent more money than we intended too. We bought loads of treats, im sure its a rule when you have a sore throat and feel like actual crap, you can eat what you want. We got Ben and Jerrys, Mini Heroes, Pizza, just everything. When we got in I had a long, hot bath and then later on we watched Gone Girl. We'd both been wanting to watch it for ages but we bought the book first and wanted to read that first. George started it a few days ago and has finished it already. I knew it was probably going to be quite complicated so I thought I'd watch the film before reading the book. Oh My God, I don't even know what to say about the film, so weird! It was really good and there were lots of twists and I had no idea how it was going to end. But that said I hated the ending! I don't want to give anything away but seriously she's a psycho and deserved way more than she got. 
On Sunday I made a roast, I was determined to make something nice even though I don't have much taste at the moment! Sausages, Roast Potatoes, Stuffing, Yorkshire Puddings and lots of vegetables! It was amazing, I could actually eat a roast everyday!

What did you get up to this weekend?

Previous Weekend Summary - Christmas Shopping!

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Monday, 12 October 2015

Weekend Summary #8 - Christmas Shopping!

This weekend was really really nice. I don't know what it was that made it so good but it was just generally a really good few days, Friday started off well as I got an early finish, I did have to do an IT test for my apprenticeship though but I think it went okay, was still home an hour or so earlier than normal though!

We had a lovely Friday night with Georges sister and brothers and the boys stayed the weekend. We also had the best Morrisons pizza on Friday too! I could eat it again now. On Saturday we decided to go to our favourite Ed's Diner, I honestly feel like it looks like we go every few weeks but we really don't, it's just so nice! The boys went for chicken burgers and cheesy fries, I went for the slick dog which is a hot dog with barbecue sauce and cheese sauce and George had a pulled pork burger I think, also we shared wet fries which just get better very time! Obviously we had to get dessert, the boys both had a sundae and we shared cheesecake. We then went looking for some Christmas decorations and Primark had loads. We picked up a big pack of gold, red and copper (I think) baubles for £5. I thought they'd match the living room and I also picked up some lights too. Just need to get some tinsel and that's the tree sorted! Oh and we need to buy a tree soon. I'm so excited! I honestly can't wait to buy people's presents next month, I've already thought of a few things for people. Are you getting sorted for Christmas yet? When we got in we played the beanboozled challenge which was disgusting but so funny, I of course got the sick jelly bean as my first one! And we watched The Woman in Black, I didn't like it and I'm normally okay with scary films! Oh and I made Pasta Bake!
Sunday was just a relaxed day, the boys all went on the Xbox and I spent some time blogging. When the boys went I got started on tea, chicken wrapped in parma ham with 5 whole grain rice, salad and some new potatoes. I'm going to do a post on this because it's become a new favourite,  I can't get enough of it.

I hope you had a lovely weekend, what did you get up to?

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Monday, 5 October 2015

Weekend Summary #6 and #7 - Payday Shopping!

I hope these posts don't get boring for people as i'm aware I really don't do much exciting and the last few weeks I just haven't felt great. So I thought I would combine last weeks and this weeks, last week I had the worst period pains, why do they exist! So we had a movie day which definitely made me feel a little better!

We watched Man Up which we've been wanting to see for ages and seriously it was just the best film. Simon Pegg is so funny and I loved the story, I can't wait to get it on DVD, I really recommend it if you want a good film to watch on a Saturday night. We also watched a new film with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart, it was okay, I suppose what I expected, I don't think I would rush to watch it again but it was funny. Apart from that I literally did nothing which was actually quite nice.
The weekend just gone George was off on Friday so I met him after work and we went to Meadowhall as I had been paid a few days before, payday is just the best. I have been wanting some new cosy pyjamas for ages as its really getting cold now and I saw the perfect ones on Instagram a few days ago and I had to get them! They're Winnie the Pooh which is just my absolute favourite, I already have a Winnie Onesie but I still needed these, they were £13 and you get the cosy pyjama bottoms and long sleeved top and some fluffy socks too. I love them. I also picked up my Superdrug order, Barry M have an offer on at the moment, spend £7 on their products and get a free Showgirl Mascara, I really need some nail polish and theirs is my favourite so I thought I would go for it and get the offer. I got the nail polish in the colour Plum which I think is going to be a new favourite of mine, so perfect for winter, and I got Dragon Fruit which is a really nice pink and I don't have many like that. I've used the Mascara once so far but it seems really good and I'm looking forward to using it again to see how it compares to my Rimmel Endless Mascara, I might do a full review in a few weeks. As I am such an amazing fiance, I also bought George Fifa 16 which I know has been out for a few weeks and he really wanted it, I expect a pretty good present when he gets paid now ;) When we got in I relaxed with a glass of wine which has a really weird name but its really nice, while George cooked tea.
This post is long enough so I think i'll leave it there but we really didn't do much else, just spent some time together and had a really nice weekend, we also watched loads of Doctor Foster as we had it recorded, how amazing is it! So tense and I can't wait to see how it ends on Wednesday. Have you been watching it? Next week should be a bit more exciting as we have Georges brothers to stay and i'm sure we'll be taking them somewhere fun!

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Monday, 28 September 2015

Autumn Bucket List...

I've never done one of these before but I saw a similar post on someones blog last week and I really liked the idea. I love autumn, I've been waiting for it for ages and I've been pinning pictures of autumn and winter on Pinterest for months!

There are a few things I definitely want to do this Autumn so I thought I would do a little bucket list and maybe come back to it later on in the year to see what I actually managed to do! 
All images taken from Pinterest.
  • Carve a pumpkin - I can't remember ever doing this and me and George definitely haven't together so I think it would be a really nice thing to do this year.
  • Decorate the flat - I want to make the living room so cosy for autumn this year, I want to buy new blankets and a cosy rug and I want candles everywhere! I would also love to put some halloween decorations up to as I love seeing it all in the shops and I really want to go all out with everything this year. 
  • Buy autumn and winter clothes - I wear the same sort of things all the time just because I need simple and comfy clothes for work but I'm getting a bit bored and I know how cold its going to be on reception over the next few months as people are always going in and out the door and it is freezing! I want to stock up on some cosy jumpers and fluffy socks and maybe get some new boots and a jacket so I really am prepared for autumn and winter. I could also really do with some new things for when we go to Manchester in November as I know it will be so cold then. 
  • Buy Autumn Scented Candles - I don't really have any season specific type candles but I love it when Yankee Candle have their Fireside Treats one, and they've got one out now called Witches Brew which is a halloween one and I had a look it at a few weeks ago in the shop and it smells amazing, so different to any others I've got and just perfect for this time of year. 
  • Start Christmas Shopping - I'm so excited to start getting presents for people, I wanted to start a few weeks ago but I stopped myself, when we go to Manchester in November I want to get as many as we can then, the christmas market has some really unique things so I want to get some stuff from there and they do amazing chocolate and sweets! I'm hoping to get as much as I can then and when we get back hopefully we will only need to get a few extra things and then I can start on Georges presents!
What are you looking forward to this Autumn? 


Thursday, 24 September 2015

Weekend Summary #5 - The Best Chocolate and Me Time...

I feel like I've had no time for blogging over the last few weeks, I've been so busy at work and I just literally am asleep all the time! I seriously couldn't wait for this last weekend to arrive as I just wanted to relax and stay in bed! Though I did need to get quite a lot done around the flat, it just builds up and builds up everyday and we just never have time for anything at the moment.

On Saturday I literally spent hours blogging. As I haven't had much time lately, I was running low on blog posts and I always like to have a decent amount ready to go just in case I get into one of these situations. I managed to get about 5 or 6 done and even though I never normally post one on a Saturday, I thought I would this week just because there hadn't been any others. It was a Next Homeware Wishlist in case you haven't seen! Apart from that I really didn't do much, when George got in from work we settled down to watch The X Factor with some Terrys Chocolate Orange Minis, my favourite!
On Sunday I woke up feeling so ill for some reason, i've had such bad backache the last few days and I felt like I was coming down with a cold, which is not what we need with work been so busy at the moment. So I just wanted to relax, I had a lovely bath and I painted my nails. I also did a little bit of baking, everyone needs chocolate when they're ill and it definitely made me feel a little better. I made some Tiffin, as you know I love making this and I also made some Double Chocolate Brownies.

What did you get up to this weekend?

Previous Post - Next Homeware Wishlist.

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Saturday, 19 September 2015

Next Homeware Wishlist...

So as I haven't had chance to put many blog posts out this past week, I thought I would do one today and what better than a homeware wishlist! 

I absolutely love Next for homeware, I've mentioned it on my blog so many times and I love it when they have their huge sales on every so often, I just want to buy everything. I said a few weeks ago I really want to get the flat finished by christmas this year, we are so close to finishing with the kitchen and living room, there are just a few final things we need and we've decided to completely change the bedroom so we are looking at new furniture and I need loads of new candles and accessories obviously!
All images taken from Next.
The main thing I want to get for the living room is a mirror for above the main sofa. I've wanted one for ages but we just haven't got round to it but I think this Camden Mirror is just perfect, it's exactly what I've been looking for and will match everything else in the living room so well. It's £75 which to be honest I don't think is bad for a mirror, they can be so expensive so I think this is actually a really good price and I know we would keep it for years. The last thing I want for the kitchen is a bit of a random one but its a new dish-drainer, we have a plastic one that was here when we moved in but it just gets dirty really quickly and I see so many nice metal ones all the time and I really want one. I love the Black Single Tier Metal Drainer for £16.

A few things I want for the bedroom, aside from new wardrobes and drawers are some new candle holders. We have some tealights on the window sill but I haven't found any nice holders for them until now, I did see some in Primark a few weeks ago but there was only 1 left and I didn't want to take the risk of buying 1 and then them never been in stock again! I love this set of 3 Bubble Glass Tea Lights and I think £12 is a great price as they seem really good quality and look so pretty. I think these would look so nice in the window. Also for the window I want to get a little vase with fake flowers in like this Mauve Peony Jam Jar which is £10. I think it adds a nice touch to the bedroom and is something a little different, I love peonies too. When we first moved in I got something similar to this for the bathroom windowsill and it's seriously one of the best things I've ever bought, I absolutely love it and I know I can use it in other rooms too one day. As it's getting cold now, I love to change up the bedding around autumn and winter time. I always seem to look for the christmassy sets and I love this Red and Grey Check Bed Set, I really want it so I can put it on in December!

Do you love shopping for homeware bits? Would you buy anything on this wishlist?


Monday, 14 September 2015

Gingerbread Cupcakes Recipe

When it comes to Christmas and baking, one of the only things I think of is Gingerbread and as we're now in September, I think its acceptable to start thinking about the festive time of year! I'm not too brilliant at Gingerbread men so I wanted to have a go at cupcakes instead and they turned out so well! These were such a cute size and tasted delicious.
150g butter
150g brown sugar
 2 eggs
150g self raising flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger

1. Pre - heat you oven to 180 degrees
2. In a bowl, mix together the butter and sugar until you get a creamy mixture
3. Add your flour a little bit at a time, folding it in, add the cinnamon and ginger and mix
4. Add your eggs one at a time, mixing after each one. If you find your mixture is quite sticky you can add a little bit of milk here
5. Line a muffin/cupcake tin with bun cases and add about a tablespoon of the mixture to each one 
6. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes then leave to cool on a wire rack

The first time I made these I didn't actually do a frosting as I just didn't have the ingredients or the time, they were still delicious though! The second time I just made a simple vanilla buttercream. I did attempt to pipe the buttercream on top but then the bag broke so that didn't go to plan. I just used a tsp to spread some on and I think they look pretty cute!

I can't wait to make these again. These are going to be perfect for Autumn. Let me know if you give them a go!

Have you seen my other baking posts? Chocolate Chip Flapjack and Bourbon Biscuits.

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Friday, 11 September 2015

The Countdown to Christmas...

I know its only just September but I feel like I can now get properly excited for christmas. 

Some people love Summer but im not one of them, I know we didn't get much of a summer at all but I am so glad we're on our way to Autumn and Winter. I've literally been waiting for this since christmas last year. I just love it when its cold and I can get all cosy with blankets and have the candles on while watching christmas films. ITV2 have already started playing The Holiday and thats when you know christmas isn't too far away. It's one of those films you can just watch over and over at christmas.
It doesn't even feel like it was that long ago when we were preparing for christmas last year, we had just moved into our flat and we had to try and find presents for people on not much money and in very little time but I think we did okay with what we had, I can't wait to start buying presents for people this year! I've already got a list on my phone of present ideas for people and if I could I would buy them now, I like to get sorted early. As we're going to Manchester in November again, I've already planned to get as many presents as possible while we're there and then once we're back we can just get the last things that we need. I think we've got some really good presents planned this year and I can't wait to see if people like them. I really need to have a think about what to get George though, men are so hard to buy for! If you have any ideas please let me know! I have a few things in mind but I feel like im always getting the same things and I really want to go all out on presents for him this year because he deserves it. I can't wait for us both to open our presents on christmas morning and watch films together while we make christmas dinner, last christmas was perfect being together so I can't wait for the same this year. I want to make the flat really cosy this year. The living room and kitchen are basically done, the only thing we are missing is a mirror for above the sofa, I feel like once we have that then we're done. I want to get a big christmas tree this year and have decorations all round the room. I can't wait. 

Only 3 months to go! Are you excited for christmas?

Did you see my last post? Weekend Summary #4 - Date Day and Talking about Weddings...

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Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Weekend Summary #4 - Date Day and Talking about Weddings...

This weekend started out really quiet as George was working and I just didn't really have much to do, Though I did get quite a lot of blogging done so look out for some exciting posts over the next few weeks, I've already started planning christmas ones! When George got in Saturday night he actually surprised me and told me he had booked Sunday off and he was supposed to have Monday off anyway so it meant we had a few days together before I went back to work which was really nice. 

We were planning on going to Ikea but my anxiety was quite bad in the morning and I wasn't really upto it so we went out for a nice meal instead, we went to Ed's Diner which is one of our favourites, if you hadn't guessed. I have spoken about it a few times over the last month or so, we don't go every week I promise. George went for the Slick Dog which is a hot dog with cheese sauce, bacon bits and BBQ sauce, I went for the usual chicken burger and we shared wet fries again (chips and gravy), they just get better everytime and the staff are so lovely! We also shared Pancakes for dessert, I was really keen to try them after the last time we went, they looked really good and they tasted it too, I think it's my new favourite.
We did a bit of shopping while we were out but we didn't get much, we picked up a few birthday presents for people, I love buying presents for other people, I can't wait until christmas when we can get loads of things for everyone. I also picked up a few bits from Superdrug, I really needed a new clear nail polish so I picked up the top coat one from Barry M which is my favourite and only £2.99. We did have a look for a few homeware bits as we're changing up the furniture in the bedroom, hopefully soon, but I didn't see anything I liked, everywhere was just a bit empty but I did find out this weekend New Look are bringing out a homeware range so i'm so excited about that! 

Did anyone else see the pictures from Tanya Burr and Jim Chapmans wedding this weekend? I'm not a huge fan of them but you have to admit the pictures are so beautiful, I remember when I first found them on youtube a few years ago, I really loved them then, and Jim had just proposed in New York and they had already been together for a long time so it's really nice to see that their married now, the dress is beautiful and they just look so happy. It got me and George talking this weekend about our wedding and we just can't wait for it to finally happen. I think it really will be that we just decide one day or week to go and do it, so many people just elope or go and get married without telling anyone and I really can't see us doing it any other way at the moment. I've already thought about buying just a simple, lace dress, like a summer dress, one that I can wear again and isn't a proper wedding dress, and we've already thought about buying rings soon just so we have them ready for whenever we decide! I want to be married now, these pictures have made me want it even more.

Have you seen last weeks weekend post? Paradise Island and Family Time.

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Friday, 4 September 2015

NYC Gel Gloss Nail Polish - Haute Couture...

When I picked up the Rimmel Super Shine that I mentioned a while ago, I also got the NYC Gel Gloss in the gorgeous shade Haute Couture. I featured them both in this haul and I really wanted to do a review of this one as I don't tend to use the brand NYC. 

I wasn't sure what to expect with this nail polish as I've only tried one NYC Nail Polish before and that wasn't great but this one was much better. It's such a great colour and one I am sure I will be wearing a lot over the next few months, it seems like colour that transitions into winter well with it being more of a dark pink rather than bright. 
I love the brush, it makes it so easy to apply and it doesn't go streaky or clumpy at all. I did two coats of this and then a top coat which really helped it stay on, but I think it would have been okay anyway, as it was a Gel Gloss polish, its more likely to stay on for longer than regular one. 

I'd love to know if you've tried this nail polish. If so, what did you think? Have you tried any from NYC?

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Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Weekend Summary #3 - Paradise Island and Family Time...

There wasn't a weekend post last week as there really wasn't much to say, it was a very quiet weekend and even though it was really nice, it definitely wouldn't be an exciting one to write about or for you to read! This weekend though we had Georges brothers over which is always fun and it was definitely more exciting than last week!

I had been waiting for Friday as soon as I went to work on Tuesday, work has been so busy and I had loads to do, but it's better to be busy and I enjoyed everything I was doing. I was so excited for a lie in this weekend though, it felt amazing to get in on Friday knowing I had some time off. We started the weekend off on Friday night by getting a takeaway with the boys, we have the best curry place near us so we went a bit overboard and got loads. Saturday we went to Paradise Island which is a mini golf place in Sheffield, I didn't even know it existed but it was really good, I think I came last but I did get a hole in one at one point so I didn't do that bad. When we got back we made Pitta Pizzas which I forgot to take a picture of and we all watched X Factor with some treats.
After the boys had gone on Sunday me and George watched Taken 3 together and it was so good! I normally hate those sort of films but I loved the first two and I think the third was just as good, I really recommend it if you haven't seen it. We also had bank holiday Monday together which was nice as George is normally working. We went to Meadowhall which was packed and we picked up something nice for tea, we went for Steak but again I forgot to take a picture. I normally take quite a few pictures for my weekend posts but we were having too much fun so I didn't want to get my phone out all the time. I did manage to get some good ones from Saturday though when we went to mini golf, George had to pose when I got the camera out!

Have you seen Weekend Summary #1 and #2?

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