So it's been a little while since I last sat down and wrote a blog post. Things have got weird over the last few weeks and to be honest, it's just not felt right to post anything. That's not to say I disagree with other bloggers still posting, we all deal with things differently and I've really enjoyed still having content to read but personally I just couldn't find the motivation for it and I had no other content ready to go so that's why things have been a bit quiet on here and over on my Instagram. Whilst I'd love to carry on with my 3 blog posts a week, I know I'm not going to. At the time of writing this, I'd just had a few ideas buzzing around my head and I felt like I wanted to sit and write so that's what I'm doing but I'm not going to force anything. If I want to blog, I'll blog and if I don't, I won't. So there won't be a real schedule anymore to my posts, at least while everything is so up in the air but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. Anyway now that ramble is out of the way, I thought I'd share a few of the things that I've been doing over the last few weeks to keep myself sane.
We're all (hopefully) doing what the Government has ordered and social distancing/isolating if unwell so we're all spending much more time at home. If I'm in the house for too long with nothing to do though, it drives me mad! Of course it's something we have to do at the moment though so we can hopefully get over this as quickly as as possible so here's what's been helping me fill my time and it's all actually been really helping when I'm feeling the stress of everything that's going on.
Spring Cleaning
First of all, cleaning always helps me. What's that saying? Tidy house, tidy mind? That really does apply to me and I genuinely struggle to relax if things are untidy. That's not to say I like doing it, let's face it, it's a pretty boring task but I do love that feeling afterwards when I sit down, with a candle lit of course and feel happy with the space I'm in. Aswell as basic tasks which I do anyway like cleaning the kitchen, polishing the room, hoovering etc, I've also been sorting out our wardrobe, getting rid of anything we no longer need, cleaning the windows, dealing with our kitchen cupboards (a task I'd been putting off) - just stuff that doesn't get done day to day.
Going For A Walk (When It's Safe To Do So)
Obviously we should all be limiting our time outside now to just one form of exercise a day and as we have a dog that needs walking, that's something I'll be doing each afternoon. We were trying to get out for walks where possible anyway (social distancing of course) so I suppose nothing has changed in that respect, we'll just have to be more careful with where we go and ensure we only do it once. Just a little bit of fresh air each day does so much good and as we're not unwell so don't need to isolate, we'll definitely be making sure we get that. We're just making sure we go at quieter times of the day and to places nearby which aren't ever full of people anyway (let alone now) and of course making sure we're not coming into contact with any other fellow dog walkers.
Of course with all this extra time at home, I'm going to be baking. Over the last few weeks I've made a Golden Syrup cake which I'll be sharing a recipe for soon, peanut butter cookies which are always a firm fave and trusty shortbread and each time it's just completely calmed me down. I don't know what it is but I just find baking therapeutic so it's my go to when I need to occupy myself for a while.
Cooking New Meals
Aswell as baking I've also been loving cooking more over the last few weeks so it's safe to say I've been spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Again, it's something that chills me out (the majority of the time) so I've been looking forward to each night making a nice meal for both of us. Aswell as trying out new meals like my sticky soy chicken and veggie chilli, I've also been going back to old favourites like chicken lasagne, pizza pasta bake and diet coke chicken and just trying to change up the meal plan where I can and working around what I've been able to get in the shops.
I'm sure it's no surprise I've been spending a lot of time with my head stuck in a book. I read a lot anyway as I'm sure you might be able to tell from my reading roundups but there's something even more special about it now and it's just a complete escape from everything that's going on in the world. When it's all getting too much or I've exhausted the whole of Netflix, a book will always be there and I've just found reading even more of a comfort than I used to.
So that's how I've been trying to keep some sort of normality going whilst social distancing! I imagine we've got many more weeks of this to come so I hope if you've been feeling a bit stuck and unsure of how to fill your time, that this has maybe given you a few ideas. I'm just trying to use this time to soak up my family, read that book that's been sat on the shelf for months and really look after my health in every way. This is a pretty new and worrying time for all of us so I just hope you're all keeping safe, take care ❤️
How have the last few weeks been for you? What have you been doing to occupy yourself?