Tuesday, 2 July 2019

5 Things I've Learnt About Getting A Puppy

Just in case you didn't know, because I've definitely not mentioned it enough on my blog or Instagram...George and I got a puppy in April! It was something we had planned for, for what felt like forever and he really has become our whole world, I can't remember life without him, but that's not to say the last few months haven't been without their difficulties. Whilst I knew having a puppy wouldn't be easy, I don't think even I, someone who is completely dog obsessed, realised just how much of a shock to the system it would be. So I've been wanting to highlight just some of the ways in which our life has changed since bringing Bear home, and pass on a few tips.
collage - family selfie, Bear sat, Bear and George, Bear laid on the sofa

You think you're prepared...you're not

Honestly the amount of lists I had for weeks before we brought Bear home was insane. I tried to keep track of everything so once we picked him up we could start things off as smoothly as possible. And to some extent that did happen. We made sure we had things like his crate, bed, blankets, toys (you need an endless supply, they get bored quick!) food etc. We got all of the basics we thought we needed and that was all well and good, but once they're home, none of that stuff is really the priority. Well it is, but there's so much more too. I remember the second day just being so overwhelmed, like I just needed to go and sit in the bedroom and have a cry because I was just a huge ball of emotion! Of course the majority of that was pure happiness, this was something I had longed for so I can't even put into words what it felt like to have this little pup relying on me, but on the other hand, that's a lot of pressure! All of a sudden it hit me that he was ours and whilst we thought we knew everything we could, had researched as much as possible, and bought everything we thought we needed, it's a different thing entirely when they're actually home and they're yours and it's all on you now. I honestly don't think you can ever be fully prepared for how much your life is going to change.

Training takes longer than you realise

Not that I expected training to be a walk in the park, but wow it's a struggle. Bear has got some things straight away, he is such an intelligent little thing but there are also quite a few things which we are still trying to overcome, and it's been quite stressful at times! I think it's so important to remember that each dog is different and they all learn at their own speed. That's something I need to remind myself of more often. You google things and feel down because some peoples dogs have got everything at such a young age but then there are others who take years, so it's all just trial and error and doing your best. So far Bear has totally smashed it with learning to sit, lie down, come, and stay. We've figured out a routine that works well for him with his food, toilet training is finally getting there and he's pretty settled in his crate now (some nights he still cries but if you knew him, you'd also know he's a bit of a drama queen at times) and most nights are absolutely fine. But there are things we're still working on and I feel like we might be for a while. There's just no way of predicting these things and how long they'll take.
collage - photos of Bear

You'll worry more than you expected

I'm a worrier anyway so I fully expected to worry a ridiculous amount about Bear, but honestly some days you just can't stop! When he was first home, he was so tiny and I worried over every single thing. I was scared when he tried to get up on the sofas because I didn't want him to hurt his legs, I would be scared to go to sleep in case he was lonely or in case his cries were because of something else, I get worried when he doesn't want to eat his food because it makes me panic that he's ill, when really he's probably just being fussy and holding out for some chicken. And then when he was ill recently, I might have looked calm, but inside I was a mess. He's our baby, I can't help but want to look after him 24/7.

Everything requires planning

Even just a simple drive to the shops now takes so much planning - has he eaten yet, when did he last eat, will he need a walk first, what if he needs the toilet, how long will be we be. We knew we couldn't be spontaneous once we had a dog, but literally every little outing has to be considered and planned to within an inch of its life. Obviously I wouldn't change Bear for the world but I do sometimes miss that freedom of just being able to have a night out to the cinema, or to go for a meal, or even to just have a bath without making sure George can keep him occupied! We do sort of know now roughly how long we can be out for and feel comfortable about it, and I'm sure as he gets older that will increase and things will become a bit easier. When we've been feeling in need of some time together or just a few hours out of the house, we just adapt it now and go somewhere that we can enjoy with Bear too. Though we might not be able to sit in a restaurant for hours at a time, we've been having date nights in or going for lunch somewhere dog friendly, and I'm sure they'll be many days out with him in Summer to the beach. Things just generally need more thinking about beforehand.

You'll love them more than you ever thought you could

I always knew I would adore any dogs we had but I feel like my heart could burst with pride every single time I look at Bear. I know he's not a child and some people might have the 'he's just a dog' attitude but to us, he's our family now and I feel like he's filled something that I didn't even know was missing. Some days are hard and of course there's been times where I've thought what the hell did we let ourselves in for, but the overriding feeling all the time is just pure love and happiness. No matter how testing he might be sometimes, no matter how hard some days have been, the good times always outweigh any of the bad and I'm just so excited to see him grow and for us to experience this whole new thing together. 
Bear laid on the sofa, cuddling his toys
So that's 5 things I've learnt since getting a puppy! It's definitely been an extremely challenging time but also the happiest for us, so if you're thinking about it, do it! It will change your life in every way possible but make it at the same time.

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Debbie said...

Awwww he's a real cutie, and I'll be honest it's so nice to see responsible dog owners, that take the responsibility seriously. all to often in the past dogs are merely just an animal, and not treated like the babies/toddlers they are. I love this

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you so much Debbie. That's such a lovely comment to read. He's definitely more than just a dog to us, he's my absolute world xx

jennyinneverland said...

Awh I loved this post! Bear is growing up so fast! It totally agree that you're never prepared. When we got Rory, he was already 5 months so not quite as little as Bear but we weren't prepared at ALL. In fact, when we brought him home, we had NOTHING for him haha!

But we couldn't imagine life without him now. He's the head of the house!


Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you Jenny! He really is, almost 5 months already! Aww we're the same, I don't know what we did before him xx

rewuest said...

We adopted my dog when he was one, so still a bit crazy, but past the "destroy everything" phase. My dog is now nine and still fun but mellowed out. My brother got a one year old dog who stays at our house a lot of the time and it's stressful! You have to watch her ALWAYS to make sure she doesn't get into anything she's not supposed to! But she's just so darn cute, as is your fur baby!

Rachel || http://anotherstationanothermile.com

Sophie said...

Yesss another post dedicated to little Bear (no offence to your other content, but he's always going to be my favourite). I agree with so much of this, especially training! You always think you're done then they'll do something to prove you wrong. Puppies are definitely a lot harder than people think! x


Melissa Kacar said...

Bear is so cute! Thanks for sharing your tips and the things you've learned over the past few months since getting a puppy. This is so useful! :)


AlishaValerie said...

Your puppy is super cute. I completely agree with everything that you have said, I have a dog who suffers from anxiety and can relate to a lot of what you have said. 💜

With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com

Lady Writes said...

I love puppies but I don't think I could cope with one alongside my toddler - maybe in the future though x

Hayley said...

Ahhhh he's adorable x

Daisy said...

Oh my gosh!! He's such a sweetheart! I always wanted a puppy of my own but I just wouldn't be able to handle all the attention it would need since I'd be on my own! I think that's why I'm more of a cat person! xD Can't wait to read more Bear updates!

Daisy | TheDeeWhoLived

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you Rachel! It's hard work sometimes but he's so worth it x

Tiffany Timms said...

Haha I definitely prefer writing about Bear too so I'm glad you like reading his posts! I honestly had no idea how difficult some elements would be xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Ahh I'm glad you think so Melissa x

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you Alisha xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Yeah a puppy is like a baby sometimes so I imagine that would be full on! x

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you so much Bexa! xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you Hayley! x

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you Daisy! xx

Caitlin | Beauty & Colour said...

Congrats! You love your animal like your baby right?!

Beauty & Colour | Vegan Fashion + Lifestyle Blog

Joy said...

Puppies are hard work but worth it :)

Imogen's Typewriter. said...

He looks like a literal cloud!
Imogen’s Typewriter. <3

Joana | My Pretty Mess said...

I also have a puppy at home with only 14 weeks. And I couldn't agree more with you!

You can check my blog too if you want to read more about my experience!


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