Well, Hi! It's been a little while again. I think my last post was in July 2022 and whilst I knew my full time blogging days were behind me, I had hoped I might try and get a few posts up before the end of the year but clearly that didn't happen. In some ways loads of things have happened since then and in other ways, there isn't a huge amount of difference. One big thing that has happened since I last blogged though is that we got another dog. Meet Paddington!As I'm sure you know, we already have our Bear who is about to turn 4 this month! We've wanted to get him a brother or sister for a long time and once we moved into our house, it was only a matter of time. We first met Paddington in the summer of 2022 and he came home in September. He's a cockapoo so has bundles of energy, too much sometimes and he's already over 6 months old!I'm gonna be honest, everyone on social media shows how getting a second dog is the most perfect thing and how the older dog just takes to the puppy and it's all wonderful but that wasn't really the case for us. Of course, we loved him from the moment we met him but Bear has taken a little while to get used to having another dog around the house. Even now, while he loves playing with Paddington and when he's in a really good mood will snuggle upto him (usually in the car), we're still not quite at the OMG BEST BUDS stage. Not everyday at least. Paddington adores him but Bear is so used to being an only dog, sometimes I think he's just waiting for him to go home. That being said, he'd miss him if he wasn't around, I just know it. That might all sound quite negative but I think it's important to be honest & I wish I'd seen more chat like this from other dog parents. Paddington is part of the pack now and we wouldn't change him for anything but it's been hard and I think it's okay to acknowledge that!We were both as ready as we were going to be to enter the puppy stage again but it's not until you're actually back in it, you realise how hard it was the first time round. Luckily as we've done it before we've been so much better at certain things like training and setting certain boundaries straight away that we didn't with Bear. Whilst we absolutely won't be doing this again for a good few years (if not longer.. as much as I'd love a house full of dogs) I do think we'll only learn even more each time & get more and more confident.
I don't really think there's loads more to say about Paddington at the moment but I just thought it was about time I introduce him properly! He is such a character and wouldn't harm a soul, I still can't believe he's ours after wanting another dog for so long. I'd love to know if you've got a second dog at any point and how you found it?I have the best intentions to get back to blogging occasionally so hopefully I'll stick to it this time. We have some fun trips to London planned so I'd love to document those and we're also off to Amsterdam in a few months so I know that's the sort of post I'll love to look back on in the future!
Hopefully speak to you soon! x
1 comment
They are cute
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