Monday, 7 November 2016

London Plans & Wishlist...

So when this post goes live I'll officially be able to say it's next week we go to London, we last went in March and as soon as we got home I wanted to book another trip. I've posted quite a few times about our trips to London and if you've read them you're probably getting sick of me going on about it but it genuinely is one of my favourite places if not my favourite so I want to document all our trips. We're just going for two nights this time, I said in my Why I Love London post that we've been before for two nights and also another time for three, and as much as I would love to go for a lot longer, due to us going to Manchester just a few days after this trip we can't really afford to go any longer than two nights this time and we have been really lucky to go as much as we have over the last few years.
We're going next Thursday and hopefully will be at the hotel early afternoon giving us a good few hours to get some sightseeing done and go to a few of our favourite places. I've seen there is a christmas market on the Southbank so we definitely want to have a look around that and then we want to head to Borough Market. We went last time on a recommendation from someone and wouldn't have really thought to otherwise but now it's somewhere we'll always make an effort to go to when we're in London.When we left Borough Market last time we found The Clink Prison Museum and we didn't have time to go last time so we've decided to do that this time. I don't know if it will be any good but I find prisons so interesting so I really want to visit this! We haven't really made any plans for the rest of that day but I'm sure we'll end up around Piccadilly and in Whole Foods or maybe Oxford Street.
We have a few things planned for Friday, the main one being going to see a show. We have booked tickets to see Wicked on the Friday, we booked this ages ago when we were sure we wanted to go back at Christmas, but then once we booked it a few things happened and up until the beginning of October we thought we might have to cancel as it was all just adding up to so much. Luckily we managed to budget and figure it all out, I'm going to appreciate it all so much as we were so close to not going. We've booked really good seats and I just can't wait! We've never seen a show together before and every time we've been we've always said we'll have to go and see something on the west end and with Wicked been one of the most popular ones I don't think we could have picked a better one to start with. I keep watching the trailer for it and I get so excited, I've been listening to the soundtrack on Spotify and I actually get emotional just thinking about it, I dread to think how I'm going to be when we're actually there. So far the plan is to head to Buckingham Palace that morning as we still haven't been and seen it, and then maybe go to Covent Garden or if there's anywhere we didn't get chance to go to on Thursday we'll go there. I think the Friday will be more chilled before we go for the show and we're going to get day tickets for the tube so if there's somewhere we want to go we can just get the tube.
At the moment I only have a few things on my wishlist, I'm hoping we can get to Lush on Oxford Street at some point as it was pretty good last time and I would love to stock up on a few christmas bath bombs. I have quite a few I would like to get as I mentioned in my Lush Christmas 2016 but I'm going to try and only get a couple! We might pick up a few christmas presents for people aswell. Apart from that the only other thing I definitely want to get is a Wicked program, I love collecting things like that from places we've been and I don't know if it's something we'll go and see again, at least not for a long time so I definitely want to get something from it. To be honest most of our money will probably go on food! As we're going to Borough Market I'm sure we'll try a few things there, they had so much to choose from last time we went so I can't wait to get a few bits from there. I also rave about the Crosstown Doughnuts at Whole Foods so I definitely want to pick some of those up, the cinnamon scroll one was one of the best things I've ever eaten. Slimming World will definitely be off the cards for the weekend.

I can't wait to see London at Christmas, it looks so beautiful on pictures I've seen. I don't really think this trip will be about buying things, just spending some time together in one of our favourite places. So excited.

Have you been to London? Anywhere else we should visit while we're there? or if you've seen Wicked let me know what you thought!

If you liked this post, you might want to read some of my other London Posts - Late Valentines Trip // Shopping in London // A Weekend Away To London

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Em said...

Lovely post! I love london and I can also imagine it looks lovely at Christmas! xx

ofaglasgowgirl said...

Great post! I'm going to London in December and I'm so excited for lush Oxford Street as well! I hope you have a great time! Sounds like you'll have a brilliant time.

Jordanne ||

sophieannetaylor said...

Visit South Kensington if you can - lots of lovely independent shops and eateries there! My favourite place there is called Tombo :) xx

JustALittleBitOfLauryn said...

Lovely post! Hope you have a great time xx

Unknown said...

The Tate Modern is one of my favorite places to visit in London. And Lush Oxford St is a MUST!


Food & Baker said...

We live in London, so we understand your excitement! We've been to see Wicked and omg it's so so good, we would go and see it again! Also, depending on what dates you're here, you should visit Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park AMAZING stuff!
Although, you've got an amazing plan already and we hope to read about your trip soon!

Jessica & James |

Unknown said...

Omg, I'm so jealous. I wish I could visit London one day. It's on my bucketlist! Seems so lovely over there. I hope we are still blogger friends in the future so if I visit maybe I'll meet you!💞💞💞💞

Kirstie Wheeler said...

I live in London yet I have never been to Borough market, it's one of those things I always say that I'll do one day but never get around to doing. if you haven't done it already you should have breakfast at The Shard, I have heard amazing things about it, and if you get there early enough in winter you can watch the sun ruse as you're eating your toast, ahah!

Hope you have fun!!

Kirstie xoxo

kirsty-rose said...

I went to London about 9 years ago and I fell in love with it! I'll be going again next year and I absolutely cannot wait! I'll definitely be saving this post as well!

Denise Lindsay said...

I lived in London for a couple of years quite a few years back and I always loved going into Oxford St & Leicester Square around Christmas as it looked so pretty. Have an amazing trip and enjoy seeing Wicked :)

The Life of Dee

Everyday Adventures said...

I have to admit I've only been to London a few times but have loved it every time, I'd love to visit the Sky Garden and also the LUSH Oxford Street like you mentioned. I'm hoping to go to Winter Wonderland this year, if not next so will most likely pick up a few pieces then!

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you! Me too, I think it's going to look so beautiful xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you! I hope you have a lovely time too! xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Ooh I never thought of that, it sounds lovely xx

Tiffany Timms said...

We went past that last time! Would love to go one day. I agree definitely got to go to Lush! xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Aww I would love to live in London, so lucky! I can't wait to see Wicked, I've only heard good things about it :) xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Aww yes definitely! xx

Tiffany Timms said...

It's amazing honestly, so glad we went! Thank you! xx

Tiffany Timms said...

I've completely fallen in love with it, wish I could live there! I hope you have a great time when you visit next year! xx

Tiffany Timms said...

I would love to live there, so much to do! Can't wait to see it all at christmas! :) xx

Tiffany Timms said...

The Sky Garden looks amazing from what I've seen online! We were hoping to go to Winter Wonderland but think we might have to do that another time, it does look great though! xx

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I want to go to London again soon... Maybe just before CHristmas for the Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park.

I hope you have a wonderful time. I'd love to see Wiked :)

Tiffany Timms said...

Winter Wonderland does look amazing! Thank you :)

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