Tuesday 12 March 2019

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon Book Review

I've been in a bit of a weird mindset when it comes to my blog recently and writing has been the last thing I've wanted to do so when I've felt stuck in a rut, I've been letting myself have some time out. I find sometimes a break for a few hours does me the world of good so I've been really enjoying taking some time to just chill and watch a film whenever I'm feeling a little stressed, the perks of working from home! One film I chose recently was Everything, Everything. I love a good romantic drama and as I ended up absolutely adoring it, I had to get the book.
Everything, everything book held up in front of a wall of prints
'Maddy is allergic to the world; stepping outside the sterile sanctuary of her home could kill her. But then Olly moves in next door. And just like that, Maddy realises there's more to life than just being alive. You only get one chance at first love. And Maddy is ready to risk everything...everything to see where it leads.'

My review

As soon as this arrived, I got stuck in and I ended up reading it all in one sitting. From the beginning it was very different to any other book I've read before. The way Nicola Yoon has written this is really interesting as it's in a way that just makes you want to just keep going. It's told in very short chapters, something I always like. I hate when chapters are ridiculously long and it drags to get to the next point but this was short and snappy meaning I was always wanting more and happy to continue. There were also diagrams throughout to explain a little bit more about Maddy and the illness that means she has to stay indoors, and even tiny book reviews within the book, as something Maddy has lots of time for is of course reading. The dialogue between Maddy and the new boy next door Olly was also really fun to read. The majority of their conversations are through email up until nearer the end of the book but I thought that was so unique and such a nice way to see their relationship develop as the book went on.

What I really liked about this book was that I really felt like I was inside Maddy's head. Everything felt so believable and it was incredibly easy to sympathise with both Maddy and Olly, neither of them having had the best lives for a number of reasons. Though I'd watched the film and obviously knew what was going to happen, I really wanted things to work out for them both, I just loved their relationship and I think Nicola got it so right with what young love can be like and how intense those feelings are when it's all brand new.

I think my only criticism with the book has to be that I felt the ending happened very quickly, if that makes sense. One minute one thing was happening and the next it was over and I just think one more chapter would have been absolutely perfect. In the film it's much more detailed so I do think it's worth watching after reading this as it does answer any questions you might be left with. I think if the film wasn't there to watch, I'd have been left wondering what happened next but apart from that I can't fault it. Having now read the book and watched the film several times, I can say that in my opinion they've done a fantastic job at translating the story to the screen. Any areas that you might want more of in the book, are filled in on screen and the actors they chose to play Maddy and Olly couldn't have been better (Amandla Stenberg and Nick Robinson). It's now genuinely one of my new favourite romance films and I'm sure I'll be reading the book again in future too.

Everything, Everything is a powerful story cleverly told, that will break your heart but put it back together again before the end.

I'd love to know if you've read the book or seen the film too? Let me know your thoughts!

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Shelby said...

I read this book a couple of years and just absolutely adored the way it was written and laid out! I went to the cinema immediately when the movie was out and wow didn't they just do the book justice in every way possible!? Also, the actors were the absolute perfect fit! Ooh I might have to watch this again tonight - you've got me in the mood for it! :) x


AlishaValerie said...

I've heard so much about this book already - and now after reading your review, I wanna get my hands on my own copy! Thanks for sharing lovely 🌻💜

With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com

Tiffany Timms said...

It was such a beautiful film, now I've read the book I can't believe what a good job they did! Definitely one of my new favourites xx

Tiffany Timms said...

No problem! Hope you get chance to read it 😘Xx

jennyinneverland said...

I've heard mixed things about this book and the storyline! I'd quite like to watch the film but I already know the twist so I'm not sure I'd read the book for that reason haha! Great review :)

Jenny in Neverland

Heather Nixon said...

I heard great things about this book when it was released x


Boxnip said...

This sounds like such a great read. I really need to pick up my reading again as I have so many that I want to read. :)

Sarah 🌺 || Boxnip

Debbie said...

Sounds like a really enjoyable book, I'm trying to fit more time for reading x

Tiffany Timms said...

Thanks lovely xx

Tiffany Timms said...

It's such a lovely read x

Tiffany Timms said...

This is brilliant, it's quite short so a good one to get stuck into xx

Tiffany Timms said...

I love finding time to read a couple of chapters, always chills me out!

Sophie said...

Just reading the comments and I think I'm the only person who hasn't heard of this one 🙈 sounds really interesting though! x


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