Tuesday, 29 January 2019

My 2019 Blogging Goals

Now 2019 is well and truly under way, it's about time I share some of my goals for the year. I have a few personal goals, just not as many as last year so I didn't think that was worthy of a full post but I find setting myself blog goals and having them here to come back to always keeps me motivated. I was so proud of what I did with my blog last year, despite not reaching a few of my social media goals, so I'm hoping this year will only be even better.
beauty flatlay

Have My Best Year Since Going Self-Employed

2017 and 2018 were great years for my blog but it wasn't without its ups and downs! After going self-employed, I put even more into my blog than ever before, it literally consumed every thought most days and because of that I do feel I did well in terms of brand collaborations and growing this as a business. I'm sure a lot of self-employed people reading this will understand the struggles sometimes though of how one month can be absolutely amazing and then the next, silence - no emails, nothing lined up. That's just part of blogging. Though I'm incredibly proud of what I've achieved so far and I'm so happy I've been able to turn this into a job, I want 2019 to be my best year yet. After a lovely break at Christmas, I've started this year ready and raring to go and now I'm determined to make my blog the best it's ever been.

Get Back Into Pitching To Brands

I seemed to lose all confidence when it came to pitching to brands last year. I have no idea why as it's not like I haven't had success that way before and I've always just had the attitude of, well the worst that can happen is they say no, but for some reason I just couldn't get my head into it last year. This year I really want to get back to pitching and working with brands I'm passionate about. Whilst it's always lovely to hear from brands/prs yourself, you also have to put yourself out there too and go and get what you want so hopefully now 2019 is in full swing and I'm feeling more motivated than ever, I can get back into this soon.

Reach 5000 Twitter Followers

This was my goal for 2018 but I ended the year on just over 3000 followers. I'm not disappointed in that as I still grew a lot on Twitter and worked hard on interacting more but I quickly realised once I'd set my goal that I'd probably aimed a little too high! As I'm over the 3000 hurdle, I think reaching 5000 is a bit more possible this year so fingers crossed. I'm keen to get involved in more twitter chats (if any ever seem to start up again?) and comment threads and really work hard on getting to know others. If you do want to follow me, you can find me here.

Reach 2000 Instagram Followers

This is another goal I was hoping to achieve last year but wow, Instagram is hard! As the year went on, more and more changes seemed to happen which just made growing your account was near impossible. It didn't seem to matter what I did, I just couldn't get anywhere close to 2000. In the end I finished the year on just over 1500 but I've hovered around that for ages now so I'm hoping 2019 is the year I finally get over the 2000 mark. I follow back so if you do want to give me a follow, you can find me here.

Get Creative With My Photography

This is a goal I'll set for myself each year as it's something I do really struggle with. I have times throughout the year where I seem to get into a good stride and create some really good photos (for me anyway) and then others where I just think I can't compete with anyone else when it comes to photography and I give up with it. I do think my photos have gradually got better year on year, they were absolutely shocking when I first started but there's always room for improvement and I'd love to really change a few things up this year.

I always like to challenge myself when it comes to my blog so I'm incredibly excited to see how it goes in 2019. I've got so many ideas of things I'd like to change and posts I'd like to write, a new year really does make me feel so motivated and I'm so determined to make this my best year blog-wise. Hopefully these goals will all pan out a little better than last years did!

Have you set yourself any blogging goals for 2019?

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