Wednesday, 25 September 2019

How To Feed Your Book Obsession On A Budget*

As any book lover knows, growing your library can be very expensive, especially if paying for full-price new releases is out of your budget. But there are plenty of ways for you to still keep growing your collection without spending a fortune. We've put together a list of great ideas to teach you how to feed your book obsession on a budget.
Photo by Alexandra Kirr

Visit The Library

The easiest and most obvious way to feed your habit is to make use of your local library. They may not get the latest releases immediately, but they will arrive over time, and it's an amazing resource for discovering new and exciting authors - all without having to spend any money at all.

Buy and Exchange

Ideally, you want to keep growing your collection. But in reality, you're unlikely to read most of the books once you've finished them. You can recycle old books by selling them online on place like WeBuyBooks or Ebay, and any money you make back can be put straight back into buying new ones.

Increase Your Budget

If money is tight there are other ways you can increase your budget to enjoy some new books. If you can afford to take out a short-term loan, you may want to consider it as an option. If successful, you get fast access to the funds and it doesn't have to be paid back in one go. Before agreeing to any loan, make sure you can afford the full repayments and that the company is FCA registered.

Buy Second Hand

There are more places than ever to buy second hand books for only a few pounds (including postage). Whether there's a local second hand store or charity shop nearby, or you prefer the convenience of shopping online, there's no shortage of places to get hold of books. Buying second hand is cheaper, so it saves money, while also giving you plenty to read.

Use eBooks

If you are a traditionalist, this may not be for you, but going digital can save you a lot of money. Kindle editions of books tend to be cheaper than printed books, so you can get the very latest releases without having to pay the same prices. It also means you can save room at home, which is extremely useful when you start struggling for space to keep your books stored in.

Audio Books

Audio versions of books have become hugely popular over the past 3-4 years. Audible or Google's audiobooks are a cheaper option, plus you can still enjoy a good book while having your hands free to do other things. There are also a lot of audiobooks that are read by celebrities - giving the experience a whole new and fun dimension.

Give It Some Time

When a book is first released as a hardcover, you have to pay premium to get your hands on it straight away. However, give it some time and a paperback will usually follow that will be less expensive. It's always worth popping into a local bookstore too as there are usually a lot of deals and discounts throughout the year that will enable you to pick up some great bargains along the way.

Do you have any other tips for finding book deals?

*This is a collaborative post

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