Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Current Netflix Top Picks #7

Time for some more of my current Netflix picks! I've been enjoying a real mix recently, from classic films to hilarious comedies and even documentaries, some of which I can't get over!
collage - Netflix logo on the top. Several show posters at the bottom - White Gold, Sex Education, Grace and Frankie, Fyre Festival, Abducted In Plain Sight

White Gold

I actually first watched White Gold when it was on BBC2 in 2017 but I re-watched it recently as the second series has just been filmed, and it's just such a funny show. Set in the 80's, Ed Westwick, James Buckley and Joe Thomas play the three charismatic salesmen at a double glazing showroom in Essex, who will do anything to get a sale. I was already a fan of Ed Westwick, who is known for playing Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl, but he is just brilliant in this. It's such a funny show and a great one to put in the evening, I can't wait for the second series to come out.

Sex Education

I think pretty much everyone has been watching and talking about this show, but it completely deserves all of the recognition it's getting at the moment. It's about a socially awkward high school student Otis who has absolutely no experience in the love department but can surprisingly give good advice about it (due to living with his sex therapist mum Jean, played by Gillian Anderson). He and classmate Maeve decide to set up an underground sex therapy clinic, and each episode is just hilarious. I love all of the characters, Eric is literally one of the best people in the world. We ended up watching this all so quickly so now I'm already excited for series 2!

Grace and Frankie

Each episode of this show is fantastic! I first heard about this a few years ago but it's just not really been on my radar until recently. After watching Gavin & Stacey, Friends and Miranda more times than I'd like to admit, I was in the mood for a new comedy and I thought I'd finally give Grace and Frankie a chance. I had five seasons to catch up on so I've been thoroughly enjoying watching a few episodes each evening. If you've not watched or even heard of this before, it's about two former rivals Grace and Frankie whose worlds come crashing down when they find out their husbands have fallen in love with each other and want to get married. It sounds so silly but it's made such a fab show. The two ladies realise they've now got to help one another, and put their differences aside to get through. It's just so funny. Jane Fonda is an icon.

Abducted In Plain Sight

Okay this documentary is UNBELIEVABLE. All the way through I was just thinking, what the hell am I watching. After seeing so many tweets about this, I had to watch it and I'm still not over it. This tells the true life story of 12 year old Jan Broberg who was abducted from her small church-going community by a trusted neighbour and family friend in 1974. Not only was it sad to know of everything that Jan went through, but I was left feeling pretty disgusted at her parents. You'll know why if you've seen it too, I'm not quite why sure they agreed to the documentary to be honest because they didn't come across well at all and in my personal opinion, they completely failed that child (I also think the mum may still have a thing for B). I'd absolutely love to know if you've seen this too and what you thought. It's just crazy. 

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened

Another documentary that blew my mind, how could something so crazy, actually happen?! If you've somehow not heard of the Fyre disaster, it was made out to be this new extravagant, luxury music festival back in 2017, all of the big influencer's like Kendall Jenner were talking about it. People were expecting lodges on the beach, some of the biggest bands in the world, something special but unfortunately it all went horribly wrong. What they actually got was cheese sandwiches, tents and pretty much every music act cancelling, it was a mess. The documentary shows just crazy it got and how much the people behind it really knew. It's mind-boggling how they thought it could go ahead when they were well aware they had no chance of pulling off what they had promised. It's a really interesting watch so well worth a try if you like a good documentary.

What have you been watching on Netflix recently? Have you been loving any of these too?

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Hannah said...

Abducted in Plain Sight blew my mind and I was thinking the same as you. Why did they agree to film it? They really didn't come across well, but it is such an unbelievable story! I really want to watch the Fyre festival documentary too, as a lot of people seem to be talking about that one too xx

Hannah | luxuryblush

Louise said...

I loved Sex Education, whereas the Fyre festival documentary and Abducted in Plain site were just bizarre (but gripping!). I've just binge-watched the entire season of The Umbrella Academy in the space of a weekend, so would definitely recommend that! x

Mariya Zafirova said...

I absolutely loved Sex Education!

Mariya | www.brunetteondemand.com

Just Being Brooklyn said...

I haven’t seen any of these other than Grace and Frankie, which I love!
Thanks for the suggestions xx


Joy Corkery said...

I gave up on Grace and Frankie after the first season unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

I have watched Sex Education- HILARIOUS and Fyre Festival! Now I am on Umbrella Academy and You x

Debbie said...

I remember the fyre festival unfolding on twitter and Instagram at the time, so I loved the documentary. I'm watching the umbrella academy which I love at the mo x

Tiffany Timms said...

I really don't understand what made them think it would be a good idea to share what they did, it's just awful! Genuinely couldn't believe what I was watching xx

Tiffany Timms said...

I've heard a lot of people talking about The Umbrella Academy, I'll have to give that a watch next! Xx

Tiffany Timms said...

It was brilliant wasn't it?! Xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Love Grace and Frankie, so funny xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Ahh that's a shame xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Loved You! Can't wait for series 2 x

Tiffany Timms said...

I need to watch The Umbrella Academy next! X

jennyinneverland said...

The Fyre festival documentary was crazy wasn't it! I've been watching Grace and Frankie for years and it's just a delight. That's the only way I can describe that show, a pure delight! I loved Sex Education too. I'm currently watching Dirty John - very good!


Heather Nixon said...

I haven't watched any of these yet x


Sophie said...

Sex Education was amazing! I've downloaded the Fyre documentary to watch on a flight in a couple of weeks and I can't wait. I've heard lots of great things about abducted in plain sight too! x


Tiffany Timms said...

I really enjoyed Dirty John! Couldn't believe the mother though 🙄Xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Hope you get chance to x

Tiffany Timms said...

Abducted in plain sight is so worth watching, absolutely crazy though! X

Kriti Ghimire said...

I've seen the Fyre Fest documentary and need to give the rest of the shows on this list a watch. I have written a similar post too https://musingsofkriti.wordpress.com/2019/03/05/what-ive-been-watching-on-netflix/. Since this post I binged on Umbrella Academy which is really good. You should give it a watch if you haven't.


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