Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Lush Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar Review

It's been quite a while since I last reviewed a Lush product! I've been stocking up on bath products from Bomb Cosmetics and The Body Shop over the last few months, but I was still so happy to receive a few Lush bits for my birthday, one of those being the Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar.
Lush Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar in the centre, pink Essie nail polish to the left. Pink fluffy pillow in the background on the left hand side, a stack of pink books in the background to the right with flowers on top
I absolutely love the bubble bars from Lush, some of my previous favourites being The Comforter and Brightside but they're not often something I think to buy myself. I tend to go just for bath bombs but actually bubble bars can be used countless times and tend to be far more cost effective so I'm definitely planning on picking a few more up now I've finished with this particular one.

I'm pretty certain Unicorn Horn is just part of the Lush Valentine's range, so it's only around for a limited amount of time which is a shame but it just means you have to stock up while you can. It's £4.50 which I don't think is too bad at all for Lush, especially given that you can get at least two uses out of it whereas sometimes you can be spending around a fiver just for one bath bomb which is gone within minutes.

So, the first thing I love about this is all of the colours - pastel purple and pink, with a bright yellow running around it. Just so pretty! I have no idea why I've not picked this up before as it's so me. When I actually used this, the first time it turned the water into a light purple colour, full of bubbles and the second time it was more of a bright pink, both as inviting and beautiful as the other. I used half each time and just crumbled it under hot running water.

Aswell as turning my bath into pastel heaven, it also had such a gorgeous scent. It contains relaxing lavender oil which is known for it's balancing and calming qualities, and it also helps with a good nights sleep. It also contains neroli which increases serotonin levels in the brain, lifting our mood, something that is welcome addition to any products for me. I liked this because it had a much more floral scent than a lot of other products from Lush, and it filled the whole room after I used it. I find the scent of bubble bars and bath bombs always lingers for a while afterwards which I'm definitely not complaining about.
Lush Unicorn Horn bubble bar in the water - purple
Lush Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar in the water - pink
There were so many things I liked about this so I'll definitely be buying a few more in the future. I just wish it was sticking around for longer! It's made me want to try a few of the other Lush bubble bars now so let me know if you have any recommendations!

Have you tried this particular bubble bar?

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Hannah said...

Unicorn Horn is such a good bubble bar! The colour of the water looks so pretty xx

Hannah | luxuryblush

Gemma Etc. said...

Ah it's such a pretty one! I love the colours of the water too xx

Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️

Debbie said...

I've only tried the candy cane which I love, but I do prefer bubble bars as you get more out of them than bath bombs

Lisa's Notebook said...

I'm more of a Bomb Cosmetics girl than Lush TBH but that's to do with not enjoying being pounced on as soon as I walk through the shop door with Lush. This looks like such a pretty bar though, and the water colour is gorgeous :) x

Lisa |

Tiffany Timms said...

I'm so glad I tried it ☺️Xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Me too, loved it 🙊Xx

Tiffany Timms said...

They're so much better value for money xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Yeah I never go in the shops anymore! Much prefer to pick up bomb cosmetics now when I see them. Did enjoy trying this though, was so pretty xx

AlishaValerie said...

This is one of my favourite products ever! 💜

With love, Alisha Valerie x |

Joy Corkery said...

You can’t beat a good bath bomb!

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