Thursday, 9 February 2017

Lush Golden Wonder Bath Bomb...

I know Christmas was a few months ago now but this is one of my favourite bath bombs from Lush and I only got round to using one them a few weeks ago. I always stock up on a few Golden Wonders when the Christmas range is released as I love it so much but now I only have one left so I'm really putting off using it!
First of lets start with how pretty is, and that's before even putting it into water. The fact it's made to look like a gift just makes it perfect for Christmas and unique to a lot of other bath bombs. Something I love about it is that it doesn't really give away what it will be like when it hits the water, and what colours will come from it, it wasn't what I expected the first time I bought it and I was pleasantly suprised.

As soon as you put this in the bath, an emerald green colour emerges and it just looks beautiful. Lots of other colours come and go throughout it, with bits of pink, yellow and blue and eventually the water ends up a sort of teal colour with a few bubbles, quite a lot in my case as I already had some radox in the bath so these combined were amazing. Aswell as looking picture perfect for Instagram, it also smells incredible. To be honest most Lush bath bombs do, I very rarely find one that I don't like the scent of but the Christmas ones are always my favourite. I like the scent of this one as it's really citrusy (if that's a word) and contains orange oil so it makes me feel very refreshed and it really does make everything smell amazing. 

Something I always notice whenever I use a bath bomb is how soft my skin is afterwards, and that applies to this one too. I never feel that anything is still on my skin, I just feel clean and refreshed. There have been products I've used in the past that have made my skin feel sticky or greasy but this one is just perfect. 

I'm already looking forward to stocking up on more of these towards the end of the year, for now I'll have to stick to Radox and a few other smaller bath bombs I have left. 

Do you like Golden Wonder? What's your favourite product from Lush?

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