Thursday, 24 October 2019

4 Tips For Combatting Tiredness In Autumn & Winter*

I don't know about you but I seriously struggle with tiredness and lack of energy when it comes to the colder months of the year. Don't get me wrong, I would take Autumn and Winter over Spring and Summer any day but that's not to say they don't have an impact when it's getting dark by 4pm and not getting light until way into the morning - as if getting out of bed wasn't difficult enough as it is! As I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like this, I have a few tips on how you can combat that lack of energy and I'd love to know if you have any other suggestions.
flatlay - pink background, book, pharmaton capsules, garnier face mask, essie green nail polish

Venture Out Each Day

Now, with working from home and having a small pup to look after, Monday to Friday, I don't always get out for more than a couple of dog walks and of course there's nothing wrong with having a day in to yourself, but sometimes just half an hour of natural daylight and taking in the fresh air, can do the world of good. I find a short walk each day wakes me up and I come back feeling so refreshed and like I can take on anything. Lack of sunlight means your brain produces more melatonin which only makes you even more sleepy, so if you are having a cosy day in, at least open the curtains and get those windows open wide.

Regular Exercise

I don't mean you need to be someone that goes to the gym each day or goes for an hour run each lunchtime, that's certainly not something I'm about to do but following on from my last point, getting out and going for a walk can be enough sometimes. It's surprising how much more energised you can feel from a brisk walk and I personally much prefer getting out and about in the colder months. It's an excuse to get wrapped up warm or take an extra long hot bath when I get in! Getting out in the late afternoon too can combat early evening tiredness and therefore help with a better night's sleep.

Vitamins & Supplements

Multivitamins and supplements are great to help with fatigue, and there are an abundance of brands out there for you to try, suitable for different ages and different needs. I think it's important to get into the habit of taking vitamins each morning with breakfast - before you know it it'll just become part of your morning routine. I've recently been trying out the Pharmaton Vitality Capsules which are a multivitamin, mineral and ginseng supplement. Each capsule contains Vitamins A, B, C, D and E aswell as Folic Acid and Biotin, and also minerals such as Iron, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium and Zinc. Whilst these won't cure everything, capsules like this can offer relief of daily fatigue that comes with a busy lifestyle and also prevent symptoms caused by an unbalanced diet which I'll talk more about soon. These particular capsules are suitable for both men and women, and can be found in Boots. Do you take any vitamins or supplements, and if so, do you find they make a big difference?
Pharmaton capsules collage - left side the box, right side is the bottle

A Balanced Diet

I know we all talk about a balanced diet and the importance of it, so it's no surprise I'm sure to see this mentioned, but what you eat really does have such a massive impact on your energy levels. When I eat well, I feel amazing - my skin clears up, my hair feels thicker, my clothes fit better and just generally I feel reinvigorated. When I eat takeaways or overload on chocolate, you can guarantee I'll wake up feeling extra tired and sluggish. We love our comforting, filling meals in Autumn and Winter like stews and pies but that doesn't mean they have to be unhealthy. I pack our meals full of veg when I can or serve it on the side, that way we're still getting all the goodness, and different fruit comes into season throughout the year so you can always be changing it up and trying new things.

Whilst none of these tips for combatting tiredness might be groundbreaking, I do find they all help me when I'm feeling particularly low in energy. Have you got any other tips for preventing major tiredness in the cold months?

*Pharmaton products were gifted but all views are my own

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Sophie said...

I definitely find it harder to get going on a morning when it's still dark outside but totally agree that a generally healthy lifestyle does give you an extra boost when you're struggling. Fresh air helps too! x


jennyinneverland said...

I'm finding I'm much more tired lately. Not sure whether that has anything to do with the whether. But I'm not exercising as much as usual so I need to change that! x


Michelle said...

I might give Pharmaton a go, I get up in the dark and come home in the dark, I'm tired all the time.

Daisy said...

These tips are great! I get tired pretty easily and I've been taking vitamins to help my immune system! When it's not raining, I try to walk around!

Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

Heather Nixon said...

I definitely agree with these points! x

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