Wednesday, 3 January 2018

6 Reasons To Love Winter

I've done a few posts similar to this one over the last year, like my reasons for loving spring and autumn, so it felt right to do one for winter too. The only one I won't be doing one for is Summer as I just can't stand it but apart from that, the rest are fine! Winter is obviously a special time as it's when Christmas comes around but it's also the time of mine and Georges birthdays, and really I just love the cold so I'd be more than happy for it to stay all year round! There are loads of reasons I love Winter but I thought I'd just list the main 6, let me know if you agree.

Christmas Markets

I just love love love Christmas Markets! After visiting the Manchester one in 2014, it's become a bit of a tradition for us and it's something I look forward to every year. There is just something so special about walking around all of the little market stalls, drinking hot chocolate and eating ALL the festive food. The Manchester one is brilliant and as we didn't get to go back in 2017, it's a must for 2018, though I do love the ones in London too. The one that is on the southbank just gets better and better every time and of course Winter Wonderland is the ultimate. There are so many others I'd love to visit in future too though, apparently Leeds, Bath and Lincoln do really good ones so they are definitely on the list. Christmas Markets are perfect for getting you in the festive mood.

Cold Weather

As I said at the start of this post, I would be happy if it was cold all year round! I just hate in Summer when it's so hot nothing feels comfortable, sleeping becomes difficult and everything just becomes a bit of a chore, or at least it does for me. When it's cold I can go out wrapped up, I can feel cosy at home and I go to sleep so much better under blankets and the duvet. Though we don't often get snow, whenever we do it's always so beautiful to look at, and I also love when frost first starts appearing.

Christmas TV

I absolutely love festive films but I also love the TV programs that are on each year. The classic Eastenders on Christmas Day is a must, it's like tradition now. I also ove the Christmas specials of things like Strictly Come Dancing too and The Bake Off. There are just so many shows that come out around this time of year especially and I love sitting down and watching them after Christmas Dinner, feeling all full and cosy.

Hot Baths 

You can't beat a steaming, hot bubble bath can you?! I live for baths in the winter, it just makes me feel so relaxed and sleepy, and there is nothing better than getting out and into fresh PJ's ready for bed. I love to fill it with bubbles and maybe a bath bomb, and then I like to relax with either a magazine or some youtube, and it's just the best. Baths in Summer just aren't the same or anywhere near as enjoyable so I take plenty in Winter.

Cosy Clothes 

Scarves, boots, gloves, fluffy socks, I love it all. I love going out in winter all wrapped up with boots over jeans, jumpers and chunky scarves, it's just the best, and it means I get to wear things which tend to just sit in my wardrobe most of the time. I also love getting cosy clothes on at home after being out though, soft pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers are my favourite.

Sales Shopping

 Online shopping is exciting most of the time anyway, but especially in Winter as so many sales start! Just before Christmas you have the sales where you can stock up on cards, gift wrap, decorations, gifts etc for the following year (I managed to pick up a few bits from Paperchase which had amazing reductions) and then obviously after Christmas you have the Boxing Day and January Sales. If there is nothing you need, don't waste money but if you want to get ahead of yourself, there is no harm in stocking up on a few gifts for birthdays and next Christmas, and if you get any money or vouchers as a present, why not treat yourself?! Winter is definitely the best time for bargains.

I already don't want Winter to be over. I feel like Spring and Summer go so slow and then my favourites Autumn and Winter just fly by! I'm already excited for next Christmas, it's over far too fast. 

Are you a fan of Winter?



Cora - Tea Party Princess said...

Uhmm yes to all of this!
I love getting warm and cosy when it's cold outside, layering up in snuggly jumpers to go out.
Cora |

Sumedha said...

Winter is my favourite season, and I did a similar post a few years back! I love the cozy clothes, having hot drinks and spicy food.

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