Saturday, 13 January 2018

6 Places I Would Love To Go On Honeymoon

I really hope my posts aren't annoying you too much, I feel like since we got married last month I haven't shut up about it on my blog, but I'm still just so excited about it all and in a very happy bubble. As we had a very small wedding and it was around Christmas time we knew we weren't going to get a honeymoon in straight away, but for us it really didn't matter. Even though it would have been nice to hop on a plane straight away, we knew it was never going to happen like that as it just costs too much money but with a bit of saving, I'm hoping this year is the year we can finally get away and have a proper honeymoon. I've got a few places in mind that I would love to consider, that I think would all make an amazing holiday.

honeymoon destinationsNew York

New York has been on my travel bucket list for so so long. A few years ago when we first got engaged, it was a place we were considering even then as a honeymoon destination. It's probably one of the most expensive places on this list and would require a lot of saving as we would want to go all out and experience everything, but it would be incredible if we one day got to go. There is so much to do there, walks around Central Park, Times Square, skating at the Rockefeller Centre at Christmas, and of course so many other attractions like the Statue of Liberty, I know it would just be the best.


For a short city break, I think somewhere in Italy would be perfect. I'm so torn between Rome and Italy as both look so beautiful and picturesque and both have been on our list for ages. Whenever I see a picture from someone that has been to either on holiday, I always think that's somewhere we have to go soon. I'd love to visit the Colosseum in Rome and if we went to Venice, we'd have to go on a gondola. I think it would be such a romantic honeymoon if we went to either of these.

San Francisco

Of all the places in America, this isn't somewhere I've really thought of much until recently. It's a place I've seen on films loads and always thought it looked nice and would be somewhere to maybe visit one day if possible, but at the moment I'm warming to the idea more and more. This might sound quite strange but I think it's because you can visit Alcatraz Island there which was home to some of America's most notorious criminals. I've got such a strange fascination with prisons and what they're really like inside and have done for a long time so this would be an incredible one to tick off the bucket list.


 I suppose Paris is a classic honeymoon destination isn't it? The city of love. From what I've seen online it's actually not too expensive to get there and relatively easy so I think in that sense, this is quite high on our list of options at the moment. I'd love to see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night, go to The Louvre and make a visit to Disney Land Paris. I imagine it would be a very romantic place to go to and for our first holiday abroad, I think it would be really special. Also I'm all about croissants and pastries, so it's kind of the perfect place for me.


I've seen more and more bloggers recently head to Amsterdam for a few days and even though it's somewhere that's always looked interesting, I've now realised how beautiful it is and what sorts of things there are to do there. It's another one that doesn't seem too expensive which is good for us and I just think it would be a really interesting one to visit. I'd love to visit the Anne Frank House while we're there, that's something that has been on my list for a while.


 Disneyworld Florida would be the ultimate! We were looking only last year for holidays there this year and while they actually weren't priced as high as we expected, it was still a bit risky so this might be one for in a few years time. I've never been to Disneyworld so this would be a dream come true, and I'd love to go just me and George before we hopefully have kids and take them one day. I already feel emotional at the thought of walking in and seeing the castle, and getting to meet my favourites like Winnie The Pooh and Olaf. It would be such a special honeymoon but I know whenever we go it will be just as incredible.

At the moment I have no idea really where we'll end up but if I had to guess, I'd say it would probably be a city break to either somewhere in Italy, Paris or Amsterdam. Though I do quite like the idea of just a classic beach holiday where we can just sit by the pool all week. Anything would be nice at the moment. I think for a first proper holiday as a couple, all of these would be lovely, but obviously if win the lottery in the next few months I'm jumping on a plane to Florida ðŸ˜‰

Have you visited any of the places on this list? or do you have any other recommendations?


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