Monday, 3 December 2018

The Wife Between Us By Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen Review

Wow, the last few books I've read have been absolutely mindblowing. I mean, I've read some absolutely brilliant books this year so it takes a lot to impress me but the latest ones I've picked have just been outstanding. The first of those books is The Wife Between Us by by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. I love a thriller or mystery type book and this was both rolled into one. The second book that I loved for different reasons is One Day In December so look out for my review of that in the next few days.
The wife between us book, christmas props
When you read this book, you will make many assumptions. It's about a jealous wife, obsessed with her replacement. It's about a younger woman set to marry the man she loves. The first wife seems like a disaster, her replacement is the perfect woman. You will assume you know the motives, the history, the anatomy of the relationships. You will be wrong.

My review

I was genuinely speechless when I finished this book. Compared to the ones I'd read before it, it took me far longer to get through but that's just because it's so complex, it requires some real thinking every few chapters! The first thing I wanted to mention about this book is that I found it really interesting that it's written by two authors. I've never read a book like that before and I've always wondered how it actually works and who writes what but whatever it was they did, it was a success. Together they have come up with an excellent story that grips you right from the very start and doesn't let you go even when you think it's all wrapped up.

The book mainly focuses on Vanessa, Richard's ex-wife, a very complex woman who is determined to get between him and his new fiance. We are only told in drips what had happened between her and Richard for them to end up divorced, you really do have to try and piece the puzzle together as you go along but as you can tell from the synopsis, your initial thought is supposed to be that Vanessa is this crazy woman who can't let go and her replacement is this perfect woman. It was never going to be that simple though that was it? I knew it wouldn't be as straightforward as Richard being this perfect man and all of the women around him from his past and current life all to be crazy but I never predicted it would get to the level it did for each of the characters.

I've read some great books this year that have had a few wow moments but this had about 5. Several times I had to put the book down and try and process what had just been revealed, and that's never happened with any other book before. There is a twist at the end of part 1 (the book is split into 3 parts and an epilogue) that I couldn't get over for a few days. I just couldn't work out how they had been so clever with it and it meant I really had to go back to the beginning in my head and try and see the story in a new way. It's one of those books that whenever you think you have it figured out, it completely turns on its head and you're left questioning everything again. When I finally reached the end and it seemed everything had been tied up, the same thing happened again as we then get to the epilogue. I'm not going to spoil it in case you haven't read it before but it's just fantastic. That short chapter takes you literally right back to the start and you start to see everything from a different light yet again. I've never known a twist like it and I genuinely couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards. I felt like I needed to lay down in a dark room and try and process it all!

So, basically it's an incredible book. I know I post a lot of positive book reviews, I've been quite lucky I've not read that many this year that have been a disappointment but this one really does top them all. It's a thriller that you just can't get out of your head afterwards. I hope Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen collaborate on more books together in the future because this really did blow me away.

Have you read The Wife Between Us? What have you been reading recently?

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