Thursday, 14 March 2019

Mini Film Reviews #3 - Les Mis, Aquaman & More

I don't know what's going on with me at the moment but literally all I want to do is just get cosy and watch films. I normally have to be really in the mood to sit and watch a film but over the last few weeks I've been really enjoying chilling in the afternoon with a good movie or having a film night at the weekend with all the snacks and blankets. It was really hard to choose just a few films for this post but I've whittled it down to 6 I've thoroughly enjoyed!
collage of film posters - Les Miserables, Pretty Woman, Two Weeks Notice, Everything Everything, Waitress, Aquaman

Waitress - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I heard of this film a while ago but it's only when I started listening to the Broadway soundtrack that I really started to pay a proper interest, and we eventually got round to watching it last month. Starring Keri Russel, it's about Jenna who works in a diner creating beautiful pies, who ends up pregnant, something she's desperately unhappy about as she's been in an abusive marriage for years. However, with plans to skip town to enter a baking contest and a surprise affair with her doctor, she realises there might be more to life than she originally thought. It's just a wonderful film, and I'm so glad it's been turned into a musical. We're seeing this in April so watching the film has only made me even more excited.

Aquaman - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I don't tend to usually like action or superhero type films (though I'm incredibly excited for the next Avengers), but after absolutely loving Wonder Woman, we watched Aquaman recently and it was so much better than I expected it to be! I'm not even going to try and explain what happens because I won't do it justice but Jason Momoa is fantastic as Aquaman, the perfect choice for the role. It was funny, had a great storyline and was surprisingly sad at times too, I'm excited for more Aquaman films in the future!

Everything, Everything - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This film completely broke my heart into a million pieces. It was absolutely wonderful! The perfect cheesy romcom, something I feel has been really lacking over the last year or so, where are all the romantic movies?! Anyway, this is about Maddy, a smart 18 year old girl who hasn't left her house for as long as she can remember because of an illness. One day Olly (played by Nick Robinson who was recently in Love Simon) moves in next door and soon despite only being able to talk over the phone, they fall in love. Desperate to live her life, Maddie becomes suspicious that her illness isn't all her mum has made out to be, so her and Olly decide to risk everything for the chance to be together. I think I've smiled for the majority of this film, I just loved it.

Two Weeks Notice - ⭐⭐⭐

I do love Hugh Grant so when I spotted Two Weeks Notice on Amazon Prime recently, I decided to give it a go. I just wanted something relaxed that I didn't need to really focus on. Sandra Bullock plays Lucy who works for billionaire George, played by Hugh. George relies on Lucy for pretty much everything and after realising she can't put up with anymore, Lucy quits. Whilst working her notice she has to find her replacement, but once she does she realises she might feel more for George than she wants to admit. It's definitely not my favourite film of either of either Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock but it was a nice romcom to put on in the background whilst blogging. No film with Hugh Grant can ever be bad can it.

Pretty Woman - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

As I listen to pretty much every musical soundtrack going on Spotify, it's no surprise that once I found the Pretty Woman one, I totally fell in love with it. The show is only on Broadway at the moment but there are plans to bring it to the West End next year, which is so exciting! As I'm now just waiting to see the show, I thought it was about time I properly sat down and watched the film. It's obviously a film everyone knows about but I'd only seen bits and pieces here and there, but I adored it. It's just brilliant isn't it? Julia Roberts is an absolute queen. I've thought about re-watching it loads since, I keep thinking about it!

Les Miserables - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Like with Pretty Woman, this is a show I definitely want to see at some point, but I'd only seen bits of the 2012 film, and mainly just listened to the soundtrack. It's one of those shows I think you need to have some understanding of the story before you see it so one afternoon a few weeks ago, I took a break from blogging and just had a cosy few hours with this on and the film was amazing in every way. Hugh Jackman is perfect as Jean Valjean, and Anne Hathaway as Fantine broke my heart - it's such a sad story and you're almost guaranteed to get emotional but it's just so, so good. I loved Samantha Barks as Eponine too. I've already watched it again since, for some reason watching it the second time broke my heart even more and now I'm even more keen to see in the West End one day.

Have you seen any of these films too? Would love to know what you think of them!

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Debbie said...

I've been watching the Les miserables series on iPlayer which is good. Aquaman was decent to watch too x

Tiffany Timms said...

I never got round to watching that! I loved the film so much though xx

Boxnip said...

I've only seen Pretty Woman and Two Weeks Notice out of those. I mean, Pretty Woman is now a classic. Two Weeks Notice I think is ok but nothing amazing. :)

Sarah 🌺 || Boxnip

Chloe Chats said...

I definitely always love a cosy film night, it's just so nice and relaxing especially with the weather being so horrible at the moment as well! I still haven't seen Aquaman, I really need to watch it at some point, I've heard some great things. Also I loveee Les Mis, it's sooo good!

Chloe xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Yeah I agree, it was okay but not one I'd rush to watch again xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Love Les Mis so much! I just want to watch it again xx

AlishaValerie said...

I really want to see Aquaman - I can't wait to watch it. I love Pretty Woman too. πŸŒΈπŸ’œ

With love, Alisha Valerie x |

jennyinneverland said...

I love Two Weeks Notice! Sandra Bullock can do no wrong in my eyes. But Pretty Woman is an amazing film. And I don't even like romance!

Jenny in Neverland

Tiffany Timms said...

Adored pretty woman! Xx

Sophie said...

I love Hugh Grant but Two Weeks Notice definitely isn't one of his best. I'm still slightly embarrassed that I've never seen Les Mis! Love this mini review style x


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