Monday, 23 April 2018

3 Podcast Recommendations

I've kind of become a little bit obsessed with podcasts so I thought it was about time I did a blog post with a few of my recommendations. I never really understood why so many people did podcasts and loved them so much but when there was nothing on the TV towards the end of last year I decided to randomly listen to a few on the Acast app and months on I'm still finding time each week to listen to a few of my favourites. It's nice to sit and do some blogging with a podcast on in the background but without the distraction of the TV. There is just something about it I find really relaxing and now I find myself looking for new ones to listen to rather than watching yet another episode of Friends which I've seen a thousand times.
3 Of My Podcast Recommendations

At Home With by Lily Pebbles and Anna Gardner

I mentioned this in my August Favourites last year but as it's the first podcast I listened to and loved, it had to be in my recommendations. Lily and Anna are both youtubers and I've enjoyed their videos for years so I was really excited when they revealed they were starting their own podcast. They are currently working on series 2 but the first one involved them going to a different celebrities home each week and just having a chat really. They spoke about interiors, home life and family mainly and it was great to hear more about some people I've seen on TV and in magazines in the past. I just found every episode interesting and it really was lovely to have on in the background, it was almost like I was sat there with them as I've watched them for so long. In series 1 some of the people they featured were, Liz Earle, Jo Elvin, Zoella, Giovanna Fletcher and Madeleine Shaw. I definitely recommend this if you're also a fan of their youtube channels or if you're just into interiors or beauty.
At Home With Podcast

Giovanna Fletcher Happy Mum Happy Baby

I am such a huge fan of the Fletchers so I was thrilled when Giovanna revealed she was starting her own podcast. It's called Happy Mum, Happy Baby and even though I'm not a parent, I still find it so interesting, and I've seen so many people online agree that it's just a great podcast to have on regardless of if you have children or not. It appeals to everyone, and Giovanna comes across as such a kind and friendly person so it's easy to feel comfortable and again it makes you feel like you're there with them. Series 1 started last year and some of her guests included Emma Willis and Rochelle Humes. She's recently come back with a second series and at the moment I've listened to her chat with Davina McCall and Kimberley Walsh about kids, family and work life. 
Happy Mum Happy Baby

Fearne Cotton Happy Place

Fearne was actually one of the guests in the first series of Giovanna's podcast and I thought then that she was really relaxing to listen to and would probably be great with her own podcast. Luckily she's now set up her own called Happy Place! Following on from the success of her books, this podcast involves her chatting to a range of celebs about life, love, loss and mental health, and also about what happiness means to them. I enjoyed this so much I actually managed to listen to 4 episodes in one afternoon whilst blogging and I didn't even think of doing anything else. I loved hearing her chat to all of these different people as she's quite a private person herself so it was nice to find out a bit more about her and her life behind the cameras. Some of the people she has featured so far are, Tom Daley and his husband Dustin Lance Black, Dawn French, Paloma Faith and Matt Haig. She has a great range of differen people so there's kind of something everyone can enjoy and relate to.
Fearne Cotton Happy Place
I'm just absolutely loving podcasts at the moment and couldn't wait to share some of my faves. Are you a fan of podcasts? Have you listened to any of these or have any other recommendations?

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