Wednesday, 17 October 2018

The Autumn Blogger Tag

As long as Autumn is here, I'm going to keep talking about it. I've posted several autumnal blog posts recently including cosy home ideas, reasons I love the season so much and also the Autumn reading tag but today I have another and it's the Autumn Blogger Tag. I was tagged in this by Amylou so definitely give her post a read too! 
Autumnal photo - leaves on the ground, sunlight
1. What is one candle you must light every Autumn?
I don't have a specific one I buy every year but I do love the DW Home ones from TK Maxx & Homesense. I picked a few up recently and they are absolutely gorgeous! One I've had for ages though is the Essence Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut from B&M and I always light it in the colder months, it's great to put in my blog photos too for Autumn.

2. When you think of Autumn, what does it remind you of?
Every year as soon as Autumn begins, I start to get excited for Christmas. It's the start of the best few months of the year so it always makes me think of cold evenings in where I can get nice and cosy with a festive film and a hot drink.

3. What is your all time favourite fall/Halloween movie?
Is it bad I don't really have one? Everyone seems to love films like Hocus Pocus during this time of year but I just don't get it! I pretty much start on the Christmas films as soon as Autumn starts so it would probably be something like The Holiday or Love Actually.

4. What Halloween costume do you have in mind?
My pyjamas and a dressing gown. I'm not going anywhere! I've never really done anything for Halloween since I was younger so I'm planning a night in.

5. What is your favourite autumnal trend?
I love all the warm colours like orange and mustard for this time of year. Also tartan is a must. A chunky tartan scarf is perfect and I've always got a few in the wardrobe to bring out in Autumn.

6. When you think of Autumn, what drink comes to mind?
Always hot chocolate. With cream on top and mini marshmallows. I do love a good cup of tea though too.

7. What is your go to autumnal beauty product? A must have staple.
A really good red nail polish. I'm all about the reds, plums and black nail polishes in the later half of the year. My makeup tends to stay the same all year round but nails are something I like to match up with the season.

8. Do you prefer apple pie or pumpkin pie?
I've never tried pumpkin pie but apple pie would win everyday anyway. You can't beat a nice bowl of apple pie or crumble with loads of hot custard on top. 

9. Do you have any Autumn traditions?
Not really that I can think of. Just watching loads of film and getting excited for Christmas! I do want to get some pumpkins this year though for carving and make that a little tradition we do every year.

10. The moment of truth, is Autumn your favourite season?
Yes, absolutely! I long for it all year round. It's when the weather turns and it finally gets cooler, nights starting getting darker earlier, it's just the best. I do love Winter too though, that's a very close second.

I just love all things Autumn so thanks so much Amylou for tagging me. I'm not going to tag anyone in particular but if anyone wants to take part, feel free to copy the questions!

Is Autumn your favourite season too?

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