Friday, 15 November 2019

3 Ways To Update Your Home For The New Year*

Now it might sound a little crazy talking about new year already but this year has flown by! Anyone else agree? As always January dragged but since then the days have whizzed by and I can't quite believe we're already in the middle of November. We're not far off Christmas and before we know it we'll be welcoming 2020. I'm already sad at the thought of all things Christmas being over and it's barely even begun! That's part of the reason I'm never a huge fan of new year, my favourite few months being over in a flash, and there's just something incredibly daunting about a whole 12 months ahead of you with no idea what's to come. That being said, there are positives - it's a chance to celebrate the previous year and what you've achieved, and whether it's been a good year or not, it's a fresh start.
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When all the Christmas decorations come down though, my home never quite feels the same for a while. It doesn't feel as cosy, it looks bare and I end up noticing everything I don't like about certain rooms. Please tell me I'm not alone in feeling like that! That's why I think updating your home around new year is a great way to start over. Here are a few updates I've been considering and you might find them useful too if you want to head into the new year with a fresh look on your home.

Replace Old Furniture 

With Christmas, comes the boxing day and January sales! One of the most perfect times to finally get rid of some of old furniture and replace with something brand new. You can get some real bargains around this time of year and if you're lucky you might have even received a few vouchers or some money at Christmas therefore reducing the cost even more. Many big retailers take part in these sales such as John Lewis, Marks and Spencers, Habitat, DFS and Debenhams, all of which sell some really beautiful pieces. Even if you don't want to replace any big items of furniture, items like new cushions and throws can make a big difference to a room and get you ready for a new season.

New Windows

If you've been after new windows for a while, Tuffx Glass are here to solve all of your problems. With over 25 years of manufacturing experience, they provide glass for famous attractions such as The Shard and Edinburgh Zoo but they also work on smaller residential projects meaning they can provide toughened glass throughout your home too. Upgrading your windows is something that can really make a big difference in your home, as not only will they look more appealing outside and inside, it can add significant value to your home should you choose to sell one day. Old windows can also affect how well insulated your home is too which isn't something you want to be worrying about when Winter hits.
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Add Lighting To The Garden

Whilst gardening isn't something that sets my soul on fire, I dream of the day I can sit and look out at a pretty garden in the summer and it be somewhere I genuinely enjoy spending my time. I've always liked the idea aswell of adding lighting to the garden to brighten up the space in the evenings meaning that if I wanted to, I have the option of relaxing outside whenever. As it goes dark from about 4pm in the later months of the year, lighting is essential! You can get solar powered lights now to dot around the area, some people like to twirl fairy lights around trees, lanterns are always a pretty idea and decking lights are a good one if you have a seating area.

Whilst no-one should feel pressured to make big changes like this once a new year hits, if you have been planning re-decorating and sprucing up your home, I really do think it's one of the best times to do it. I'd love to know if you feel the same as me once the Xmas decorations are down? Do you have any home updates planned?

This post is in collaboration with Tuffx Glass*

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Lady Writes said...

I wish I could update my home, I rent so can't do much but can't wait until we've saved enough to buy and make somehwere truly my own x

jennyinneverland said...

This year has gone ridiculously quick, not crazy at all to be thinking about the New Year already! I still live at home with my parents so there's not too much I can do. I would like to focus on the garden a bit more next year tho!


Hannah said...

Great ideas! I love the idea of adding lights to the garden it really helps to make the space usable. We added lights outside and it's the cutest addition xx

Hannah | luxuryblush

Heather Nixon said...

I love to update our home for each season! x

Michelle said...

Oh wow, I haven't even thought about New Year yet. I'd love to get my garden done, I hate the way it is, would love for a landscaper to come in.

Nic said...

I like to add accessories to update, I did my bedroom this year, so won't be doing much else

Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

Daisy said...

I wish I could update my home since it's so dated, but I rent so can only do so much. I really need to get some carpet and new windows! I've got black mould so have to hope that my council put me on the list!

Sophie said...

The fact new year is so soon is a little scary, it's gone so fast! I'd love to update some of my bedroom furniture x


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