Tuesday, 3 December 2019

My Festive Snowmen Cupcakes Recipe

I love baking. I love Christmas. But it's not often I actually do much festive baking. When I bake I tend to stick to the usual chocolate cakes, brownies (as I'm sure you've seen with the variety I've been sharing recently!) and biscuits regardless of the time of year but this year I really wanted to try a few new things in the lead up to Christmas and one I was really keen on trying was Snowmen Cupcakes. There are a variety of recipes online and ideas for decorating but I kept it quite simple with a basic chocolate cupcake recipe and then I improvised with the toppings. I found the marshmallow snowmen in Asda for £2 (it's a huge bag too!), the Marshmallow fluff was just over £1 in B&M, M&M's are basically a cupboard staple for us ðŸ˜‚ and Matchmakers are a firm fave at Xmas so it's not too hard to get all of the bits together for these. To say I fully expected these to end up looking a little dodgy, I'm so pleased with how they turned out!
100g butter/margarine
100g caster sugar
2 eggs
75g self-raising flour
25g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
Marshmallow fluff
Snowmen marshmallows

1. Pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees (180 fan) and line a bun tin with bun cases. This recipe will make 12 cupcakes
2. Add your butter, caster sugar, eggs, self-raising flour, cocoa powder and baking powder to a bowl then beat well with an electric whisk for 1-2 minutes until smooth. You could add in the ingredients one by one and mix by hand but I find with certain things throwing it all in and using an electric whisk works much better!
3. Spoon the mixture into the bun cases (I used just over a tablespoon per case) and then bake in the oven for 20 minutes
4. The cakes should be well risen after 20 minutes then leave to cool on a wire rack
5. When the cakes are completely cool, you can start to assemble the snowmen! I used a teaspoon of marshmallow fluff on each cupcake and spread with a knife. I then added the snowmen marshmallows to the top, used 1 matchmaker per cupcake for the arms and two M&M's for the buttons
And that's it! A really simple cupcake recipe which goes so well with just plain milk chocolate on top or icing sugar if you'd rather do that instead but one that can really become something fun with ideas like this. These cupcakes could be a great one to enjoy over the festive period, you could maybe take them into work to enjoy or even make them with your kids, it's a recipe all the family can get involved in!

Let me know if give these a try or if you have any other christmassy recipes you recommend.

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Lady Writes said...

Oh wow, I'm so going to make these with my boys!! x

jennyinneverland said...

These are so dang cute! Perfect thing to make on a cold Wintery day! x


Heather Nixon said...

They look so adorable x

Sophie said...

They look so cute!! I used to adore marshmallow fluff, I'm sure they taste amazing x


Tiffany Timms said...

Aww yay such a good idea! xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Definitely! Loved making them xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Thanks Heather x

Tiffany Timms said...

I'd not bought it for ages but now I want to use it for everything! x

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