Anyone else absolutely addicted to cheese? I'm definitely more a savoury girl than sweet (most of the time anyway) and cheese plays a big part in that. Sliced, grated, crispy, melted - with crackers, on toast, on top of pasta, just give me allll the cheese and I'm happy, so I was very intrigued when I discovered Cheesies.
Cheesies are a brand new range of savoury snacks which are made entirely of cheese. They're as convenient and crunchy as crisps (something else I'm also very partial to) but they're without all of the carbs. In fact Cheesies contain hardly any carbs at all but are high in protein which makes them great for those who are regular gym-goers or are aiming for a healthier diet. Good for those like me who do love crisps a bit too much and want to cut back but would need something to replace them! They're also gluten free and suitable for vegetarians, and per portion you'll find that they are just 120 calories.
As you can see, Cheesies come in 3 flavours - Gouda, Emmental and Cheddar so no matter what cheese you like, one of these is sure to suit you. I'm never too adventurous with cheese, give me a basic cheddar or some mozzarella any day but I was excited to see what all of these flavours would be like in a different form.
Despite being one of the most popular cheese worldwide, I've actually never tried Gouda so I really had no idea what sort of flavour to expect from these. Gouda is a mild cheese though so this very creamy and not strong at all. Sometimes stronger cheeses can be a bit too powerful so this could be a perfect one to start with! I found the Emmental had a bit of a nutty flavour which was nice and it was definitely sharper than the Gouda, but not to an overpowering extent. Finally, Cheddar which ended up being the strongest out of them all and definitely had a tangy taste. This would be perfect for anyone who is a fan of a cheeseboard, in fact Cheesies would make a great addition for something a little different.
As you can see, Cheesies come in 3 flavours - Gouda, Emmental and Cheddar so no matter what cheese you like, one of these is sure to suit you. I'm never too adventurous with cheese, give me a basic cheddar or some mozzarella any day but I was excited to see what all of these flavours would be like in a different form.
Despite being one of the most popular cheese worldwide, I've actually never tried Gouda so I really had no idea what sort of flavour to expect from these. Gouda is a mild cheese though so this very creamy and not strong at all. Sometimes stronger cheeses can be a bit too powerful so this could be a perfect one to start with! I found the Emmental had a bit of a nutty flavour which was nice and it was definitely sharper than the Gouda, but not to an overpowering extent. Finally, Cheddar which ended up being the strongest out of them all and definitely had a tangy taste. This would be perfect for anyone who is a fan of a cheeseboard, in fact Cheesies would make a great addition for something a little different.
I'm so glad I got to try out Cheesies, I think my favourite would have to be Gouda but all would be perfect for any cheese lovers out there. All 3 flavours are currently available to buy on Amazon which is very convenient, but I also have a giveaway below which gives you the chance to win your own selection. It's running until the 8th of July so if you're a savoury fan yourself, get entering!
*PR samples
Reviews - Popcorn Shed // Thomas Fudges
I'm on the fence about whether I would try these or not :)
I love the packaging! 💜
With love, Alisha Valerie x |
I've never heard of popped cheese before, this looks interesting!
These are amazing! I'm not a massive cheese lover myself but my sister ADORES it, and is trying to eat healthily at the moment. I'm definitely going to be suggesting these after reading your thoughts - love it.
Before I went vegan in January, I would have LOVED these x
All the cheese all the time for me, these look amazing
I've seen these around a lot - I love the sound of these!
I was a little sceptical at first! x
It's cool isn't it?!
It's interesting! I'd not heard of this sort of snack before either x
Thanks Lindsey! x
They make such a good snack x
Haha cheese is just so good x
They're definitely worth a try! x
I'm seeing these everywhere - I need to try them x
They sound interesting! They look like a great snack, I'd definitely be tempted to try them if I wasn't vegan x
Love your review and the pictures but I can't stand cheese! xDDD
Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived
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