Friday 21 June 2019

6 Tools You Need To Decorate Your Home*

As every homeowner knows, all houses need a little TLC from time to time. That might be new tiles in the bathroom or a fresh lick of paint in the hallway. Believe it or not, the tools you use when decorating are extremely important; they could actually make or break the overall look. Here are six tools you'll need for your decorating project.
1. Masking tape is great if you want to finish the job immaculately, because it allows you to paint right up to the edges of the wall without going on the skirting boards, ceiling or adjacent walls.

2. You won't be able to paint without a roller. These come in two parts; the sleeve and the frame. Depending on the requirements of your projects, you'll be able to choose an appropriate sized roller. 

3. If you want to cover up your carpets and furniture so that they don't get splashed with paint, it's worth investing in a dust sheet. They make cleaning up afterwards a much quicker process.

4. Are you removing old, out of date wallpaper? If so, you'll need a decent scraper. This will allow you to remove any tenacious bits of paper and paste.

5. It's likely you'll need a step ladder for your decorating project so that you can reach the tops of the walls and the ceilings. This is especially true if you're cutting in and need to have a steady hand.

6. Paint trays are a great tool because they make it easier for you to run your rollers through the paint. This is handy if you're painting large areas and limits the amount of mess. 

When shopping for your decorating project, it's likely that you'll be able to find a handy kit that will include all of the main tools you'll need.

*This is a collaborative post with Lawsons

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1 comment

Joy said...

Thanks for the advice. I would be useless in knowing what I need.

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