Friday, 28 June 2019

Summer Crafting Ideas For Adults*

There is something about long Summer days that helps inspire our creative flow! Summer is the perfect time for creative crafts so why not make the most of the longer Summer days and spend time making some accessories for your home and garden. The lovely thing about craft activities is that you can gain enjoyment working on your projects alone or invite a friend round for the evening and enjoy making crafts together - it really can be a social activity that can be enjoyed with friends and family, if you wish.
Some craft projects are easier than other but there is nothing more satisfying than completing something created by your own hands, that has been made with love; it really does give you a strong satisfying sense of completion.

Below are a couple of ideas to get you started! All the below crafts are made using duck tape. These would all make fantastic gifts or could be made to donate to your village summer fetes or your child's school fair.

We are all in need of a beach bag so why not create your very own Duck Tape Beach Bag; something practical and colourful! Using just coloured or printed Duck Tape, a craft knife and cutting board you can create your own unique colourful bag with the whole activity taking about one and a half hours. A perfect evening activity!

Duck Tape is not only pretty and practical but hard-wearing and waterproof! With that said, the garden is a great place to benefit from its many uses! Why not try perking up your garden terracotta plant pots by covering them in Duck Tape? Spending more time outdoors doesn't mean that you need to kiss goodbye to all those lovely, cosy months you've spent indulging in Winter crafting sessions! Have fun creating some bright and practical Duck Tape crafts.

*This is a collaborative post with Duck Tape

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1 comment

Joy said...

I would love to do some crafting. Thanks for the tips.

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