Thursday, 12 July 2018

My Dream Road Trip Through Germany and How To Prepare*

I've absolutely loved posting more travel content over the last few months. From documenting our honeymoon to Paris, weekend breaks to York and London and even tips on budgeting for holidays, this has been some of my favourite content recently and today I'm going to speak about something I haven't covered yet, road trips! Most recently when planning any future holidays, we've tended to think more about the all inclusive beach holidays, or doing something similar to Paris and going on a city break, but something that always seems to crop up is doing some sort of road trip. From taking the 9 hour trip down to somewhere like Cornwall for a classic English holiday or even travelling to America and driving down Route 66, there is just something about getting in the car and seeing where it takes us that is so exciting.
My Dream Road Trip Through Germany and How To Prepare*

Where I would love to road trip to

The first place that springs to my mind when planning a road trip is Germany. It was where I was born and lived for a very short amount of time, and after going back and visiting years ago and driving that journey, it's something I've thought of many times as I'd love to do that with George one day. It's a simple drive and ferry to Holland and then you can pretty much drive to any of the major cities where each of them have something different to offer. One of the main places I'd like to drive to is Hannover, known as the great garden, it's one of Germany's most beautiful cities. There is also Hamburg, their second largest and greenest city which is full of wonderful promenades, canals and grand merchant's houses, it just looks like such a picturesque place. Lastly there is Cologne where you can see the world famous cathedral and take in the art and culture scene there. Of course I'd also love to drive to the place I lived when I was first born, I think that would be so special to see again and especially being able to take George and show him everything for the first time. You might not necessarily jump to Germany when thinking of a holiday or city break but it really is an incredible place and I think it would be perfect for our first proper road trip, and it's one of those places that just looks stunning all year round. Around Christmas there is of course all of the markets to visit too!

How to prepare for a road trip

Check your tyres - before a road trip it's important to check your tyres and ensure they're fit for the journey. With the help of TyrePlus there are several things you can do minimise the risk of any breakdowns or accidents whilst you are away. One of their main tips is to check your tyres are inflated properly as both under and over inflated tyres can be dangerous. Under inflation can cause issues such as tyres flexing more meaning more heat therefore putting them at risk of blowouts, and over inflation can cause problems with braking and handling. They also recommend checking your tyres' dread depth which can be done with just a simple 20p coin! There was actually far more than I realised that needed to be considered with your tyres so it really is important that you check they are up for the long trip.

Read up on driving in another country - When road tripping through Europe you need to make sure you've read up on the rules of the road in other countries. There are several things to know about including which side of the road you drive on, overtaking and road signs just to name a few. No matter how much of a good driver you are at home, sometimes driving in another country is a whole different thing and you definitely need to be prepared for how different it can be.

Pack the essentials - One final thing, as with any holiday is to ensure you've got all important documents with you. From booking confirmations of hotels to travel documents, passports, driving license etc, you do not want to lose sight of any of them. I usually like to keep all of the important documents in a little wallet when travelling just so I know they are all together and then I keep this in a safe place in our luggage. Aside from that it's really just making sure you take everything else you think you might need for the long journey, I'm a bit of an overpacker but I'd rather be prepared with plenty of clothes, toiletries, snacks, drinks etc than not have enough for the journey!

Have you ever done a roadtrip? or have you got any places in mind?

Similar Post - Our honeymoon to Paris!

*This post is in collaboration with TyrePlus

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