Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Nutella Victoria Sponge Recipe

So this is a cake I never actually intended to make. A few weeks ago we had family round for the weekend so as I always do, I planned to bake and this time I was thinking my Victoria Sponge would be a good idea. Everything was going fine, the cakes were cooling, the fresh cream was whipped, and then it turns out the jam we had in was no good. I have no idea how as I'd only used it recently but cue a panic from me because everything else was ready to go except the main filling. Luckily I had a bit of a genius idea, or so I think anyway, chocolate spread! I mean, adding chocolate spread to anything only makes it even better? So Nutella to the rescue and the cake turned out absolutely delicious! Whilst it is obviously very similar to a normal Victoria sponge, I thought I'd share the recipe anyway if you want to try it.
Nutella Victoria Sponge Cake with cream
Ingredients: cake
225g butter
225g caster sugar
225g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp of vanilla essence
4 eggs
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp of milk

Ingredients: filling
2 tbsp Nutella or any chocolate spread
150g double cream

1. Pre-heat your oven to 170 degrees and grease and line 2 cake tins
2. In a mixing bowl, add in your butter and sugar and cream together until soft
3. Next add in your 4 eggs, one at a time, beating after each one and then finally add in the extra egg yolk and vanilla essence
4. When those are all mixed in well, sift in your baking powder and flour. Keep mixing until everything is combined and you can then add in 1 tbsp of milk to loosen it up a little
5. Pour evenly into the two cake tins and bake for 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean, leave to cool on a wire rack
6. When the cakes are cool, pour 150g of double cream into a clean bowl and whisk with an electric whisk for about 2 minutes. You can then spread evenly over one of the cakes
7. Add 2 tbsp of chocolate spread to the other cake, spread well and then sandwich the two cakes together
8. Finally dust the cake with a generous layer of icing sugar and slice!
Plain Victoria sponge with nutella and whipped double cream
Victoria Sponge cake with double cream and nutella
To say this wasn't the cake I planned on making, I'm actually really glad this is what we ended up with. Everybody seemed to enjoy it so it'll definitely be one I make again!

Have you done much baking recently?

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