Friday, 14 September 2018

Current Netflix Top Picks #3

It doesn't feel like two minutes since my last Netflix Top Picks but I've been watching some great things recently so I couldn't wait to share them with you!
Monster in law, Bad education, Notting Hill, The Stanford Prison Experiment, Gavin and Stacey

Monster in Law

I remember having this film on DVD when I was younger and I used to love it so much! I was thrilled when I saw it had been added to Netflix and I think I've put it on at least 3 times since! Charlotte, played by Jennifer Lopez meets and falls in love with Dr. Kevin Fields. Soon enough she meets his mother, played by Jane Fonda and pretty quickly she realises that she isn't too thrilled at the thought of having her as a daughter in law. She see's Charlotte as competition and goes out of her way to try and call off the wedding. It's a typical rom-com and one that I don't think will ever get old.

Notting Hill

I mentioned this briefly in my August favourites but as I loved it so much, it had to go in this post. Notting Hill was one of those films everyone had raved about but I never got round to watching it until recently, and now I totally get the hype. It's such a lovely romantic film, Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts are so perfect in it and I'm sure it will be one I re-watch again and again in the future. It's also really made me want to visit Portobello Road next time I'm in London as it's somewhere I've not been before and obviously that's where a lot of it was filmed.

The Stanford Prison Experiment

I remember learning about the real life Stanford Prison Experiment in college and once I heard about a film being made, I was desperate to see it. It was something that genuinely really fascinated me in college so I was interested to see how it would play out in film and it was actually great. I'm not sure saying I enjoyed it would be right as it's obviously about something controversial (college students pretend to be either prisoners or guards and it soon got out of hand) and at times it was really uncomfortable viewing but it definitely kept my interest and I think the actors chosen were brilliant in it!

Gavin and Stacey

I never tire of this show! It's been a favourite of mine for so many years and I honestly never get bored of it. It's such a great show to put on in the evening in bed or to have on whilst I'm blogging or getting things done. Only series 1 and 2 are on Netflix at the moment but I did recently find series 3 on TV too so I've been able to start it from the beginning again. I still hope that one day they'll bring it back just for one Christmas special or something similar, we need to know what they're all doing now!

Bad Education

Another TV show that I can just put on in the background and not get bored of. Jack Whitehall is so funny in this and I'm so glad it's something I started watching as each episode just gets better. I also really like the movie too, sometimes when a show decides to make a film too it can often not be as good as you would hope but I actually think they did it really well and came up with a good plot. This is another one of those shows that I wish would come back in the future just for a few episodes at least.

I've already got a few things in mind for my Netflix post so I doubt it will be too long before you see that. Sometimes I really struggle with finding something to watch on Netflix, and there are definitely better months than others but recently they have added some amazing films and TV programs. Let me know if you have any recommendations or if you've been watching these too!

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