Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Getting Prepared For Christmas Early With Latest Deals*

I know, I know it's only just September and you probably think it's too early to be talking about Christmas, but I'm such a fan of all things Autumn and Winter so I've been thinking about the big day for a good few weeks already! As I'm pretty much on countdown from the start of the year to Christmas, I've already made a start on thinking about presents this year and as I've mentioned in previous posts before I like to be as money savvy as possible. As there are some great bargains out there at the moment, I thought I'd share a few of the ones that have caught my eye and the ways I like to ensure I don't go overboard with spending at Christmas.
Christmas Tree

Latest Deals

One place I've spotted this year that has some incredible bargains available is Latest Deals. This is one of the UK's largest deal hunting communities where people share voucher codes, coupons, freebies and competitions with one another. What's different about this to other sites is that members get points and Amazon vouchers in return for contributions so not only can you find yourself some great deals this Christmas, you can also earn something to put towards all those gifts. What I love is the range of different deals available, from bargain beauty sets to short city breaks, candle bundles and massive savings on a PS4, there is something for everyone. With not only things like PS4's being so expensive but also the games, controllers, headsets etc, if you're son/husband/friend, whoever it may be, is a fan,now is the time to get looking for those deals that won't break the bank! You can even find your old favourites like SingStar for a fun festive evening in, which I'm not gonna lie, I'm eyeing up myself!


I have spoken about and championed survey sites where you can earn vouchers so many times in the past. I look to them all year round but especially at Christmas as it helps massively if you have a lot of people to buy for. I mentioned in this post last year a few that I find really useful so make sure you give that a read if you'd like to try any out, I couldn't recommend them enough. You can earn vouchers for places like M&S, Boots, Burton and so many more just by giving a few minutes of your time answering a few questions, meaning you can put those towards gifts for people. If like me you really enjoy spoiling people, it can be easy to spend loads but with vouchers from survey sites to use instead, you can actually end up saving money!

Start budgeting now

It might still seem too early to be planning for Christmas but it honestly isn't! I like to start budgeting and putting money away for Christmas presents towards the end of Summer, that way if there are any bits I see over the coming months for people, I've already got the money accounted for. It also means the money can build up if not, therefore once December hits, you've not got to struggle to get everyone's gifts in one pay packet, oh and pay for all of the food for Christmas dinner and anything else you might want to indulge in that month. There is no harm in getting prepared early money-wise for Christmas and if you see bargains now, why not get them if you can afford it, leaving you to enjoy the festive months without worrying about how you'll pay for everything! Just putting a small amount a month away up until Christmas will be so useful and you'll be so glad you started.

I hope if you're thinking about Christmas too that these tips have helped you think about how you can actually save yourself some money this year and get the best bargains possible. A relaxing, stress free Christmas without having to worry too much about money is what we all want so get started now!

*This post is in collaboration with Latest Deals

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