Monday, 12 November 2018

4 Things I'm Looking Forward To This Christmas

Christmas really isn't too far away now, I'm not sure how as this year started off so slow so it's actually mind-blowing how fast these last few months have come around. I mean, I'm not complaining, this is my favourite time of year and I've been on a countdown since it last ended so I'm fully embracing the festive season now and to be honest I have been for the last few months. Anyway, there are so many things to look forward to when Christmas is just around the corner so I thought I'd share some of the things I'm incredibly excited for over the next few weeks.
Winter Wonderland, London

Christmas Markets

Every year, without fail we visit a Christmas market. Christmas wouldn't be the same for me otherwise, it's been a little tradition of ours for years now so each year I get excited to visit more. We've visited the brilliant Manchester market in the past and also a few around London including Winter Wonderland and each year I always find more I want to venture to! We have a trip to London planned next month so all I've been thinking about recently is the amazing halloumi fries we tried last year and delicious hot chocolate aswell as just being excited to really start feeling festive, back in my favourite place.

Our 1st Wedding Anniversary

As I just said we have another trip to London coming up and it's actually for our first wedding anniversary. I have no idea how we've been married almost a year already, it genuinely feels like 2 minutes ago but I can't wait to celebrate. We're going to see Hamilton which we booked nearly 6 months ago now, we'll of course be going to the Christmas markets and we might even try and fit in another show if we get chance. I always love being in London so of course I can't wait to go back but there's just something about it that's special at Christmas time so it seemed like the perfect choice for our anniversary.

Decorating Our Home

I am going all out with the decorations this year. I definitely upped my game last year with the tree and decorations in each room but I want to go even further this year and make our home really cosy and festive. I always look forward to getting the decorations out and making a bit of a day out of it. We put on Christmas films, drink Bucks Fizz and of course get the Christmas chocolates out. It's so nice to sit down at the end of the day with candles on and the Christmas tree lights on.
Bucks Fizz, Christmas chocolates, Christmas tree

The Food, just ALL the food

Christmas food is the best isn't it? We go through ridiculous amounts of celebrations, quality street, heroes and more but you've got to! I've started stocking up so our spare room currently has a bag full of festive biscuits, chocolates, crisps and more, I can't help myself buying more each week. Christmas is also the best time for warming, comforting meals. I'm always using the slow cooker once Autumn starts and the Sunday Roasts become a regular thing again. I'm already planning and looking forward to Christmas dinner this year, roast potatoes are literally my favourite thing in the world.

Christmas just makes me so happy. I'm incredibly excited that it's nearby now but also a little sad that it's going so fast as it will be over before we know it ðŸ˜­

What are you looking forward to this Christmas?

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1 comment

Siobhan said...

I love a Christmas market. I usually go for one of the smaller city ones, like Bath, but some National Trust places run their own which are really atmospheric too.

This will be the first year my daughter is old enough to really understand and be excited for the idea of Santa visiting, which could be a double edged sword, but I'm really excited for it.

Congratulations on your anniversary, I hope you enjoy Hamilton, I hear it's great!

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