Thursday, 3 October 2019

6 Things I'm Excited For This Autumn

I tend to write up a post like this every Autumn so why change the habit of a lifetime? Autumn is my favourite time of year, though I'm sure you already know that because it's not like I don't bang on about it enough over on Instagram. There's just something really special about it, the weather finally cools down and and it's the start of the best few months of the year. So, here are 6 things I'm excited for this Autumn, and I'd love to know if you've got anything fun planned too!
Covent Garden London

Bear Experiencing Autumn For The First Time

I know it's cheesy but sometimes having a puppy is like having a newborn, and like with a child, I'm so excited for him to experience this time of year for the first time. I mean, to him nothing will really be different and he'll just go about his life as usual but I am SO excited. This time last year was when I was really feeling like when are we ever going to get a dog? Is it ever going to happen? but now we have Bear and I just can't wait to experience everything again but with him this time. I can't wait to take him out for long walks with crunchy leaves on the ground, for us to come home after a day out and all get wrapped up and snuggle, and I might have already started buying his Christmas presents. 

The Cold & Rainy Weather

I fricking love rain. There isn't anything that's much better than being inside all cosy and warm and seeing & hearing the rain outside. I know it's weird and most people are the complete opposite but I much prefer to wake up to a cold and dreary day rather than a hot and sunny one. It's the time of year I can wear my fave boots, layer up with jumpers and bring out my many scarves. I adore going out and that first chill just hitting me as soon as I step through the door.

The Food

I come alive in the kitchen when Autumn hits. Give me allll the pies, casseroles and soups. I adore the warming, comforting meals that just make you feel all cosy afterwards. I always lose inspiration when it comes to meal times in the warmer months, salad and fruit get boring quite quickly and I find myself longing for things like shepherd's pie, slow cooker curry and spicy chilli. Not that I don't ever make those things in Summer but our flat is like a furnace sometimes so it's hard to enjoy those meals when you're hotter than the sun. I've already made my autumnal chicken pie a few times and I can't wait to try out some other pies soon. Autumn always makes me bake loads too in case you hadn't already guessed by the amount of recipes I've been sharing recently.
autumnal chicken pie in dish, next to bowl of mash and bowl of veg

Day Trips

I love going out for the day with George and Bear. With life and work being as busy as they have been recently, a random day trip out is something I look forward to for weeks. Just knowing we have something planned for us all to enjoy always keeps me motivated and positive. We've recently been to York for the day, Bakewell and Manchester which have all been lovely so I just can't wait to create more memories over the next few months. I want to try and get one final visit to the seaside in because Bear was living his best life on holiday, and of course I'm desperate to get to a Christmas market or two later in the year.

Autumnal Decor

I'm never one to go mad with a theme, I know some people love to change pretty much all their decor for different seasons but 1. I can't be bothered and 2. I couldn't afford that. But Autumn is my fave so I always like to add a few new bits in when I can. That usually comes in the form of candles which I've been stocking up on from Homesense. I've also added a gorgeous glass pumpkin to our bookshelf which I'm already dreading having to take down at some point, and I've just picked up a soft mustard colour blanket from Primark for just £4 which I never want to part with.
small DW Home beech and apple candle

Pumpkin Carving

We never got round to this last year, or the year before, or the year before that... It's something we always plan to do but just end up leaving it too late. I'm not sure how it'll go this year with Bear always desperate to be involved in everything but we're gonna give it a go. No doubt mine will be horrific but I'm sure it'll be fun regardless.

So that's some of the things I'm excited for this Autumn. I'm already on a countdown to Christmas and starting to feel festive (it's never too early) and I just can't wait for the next few months to unfold. What are you looking forward to this Autumn?

Similar - The Autumn Blogger Tag // 22 Autumnal Blog Post Ideas // Perfect Autumnal Nails with All That Jazz

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Hannah said...

Autumn food is just the best. Having a warm meal when it's really cold outside is the best! Day trips are great too, it's amazing to get out and explore somewhere new xx

Hannah | luxuryblush

Sophie said...

Confession time: I don't think I've ever carved a pumpkin. I'm really excited about all of the autumnal weather and food though! x


jennyinneverland said...

Yasss all the Autumn things! I love taking day trips in Autumn when it's cooler and you can dress up warm and snug! The last time I carved a pumpkin, I thought it was SO HARD. Might try again this year!


Tiffany Timms said...

So true Hannah! I'm so excited for the warmer meals now xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Haha I'm glad it's not just me! I really can't remember carving one before so I need to give it a go this year xx

Tiffany Timms said...

Haha I don't think I'll be any good at carving a pumpkin but I deffo want to give it a try xx

rewuest said...

I'm most looking forward to the leaves changing colors and Guy Fawkes night, my favorite holiday! x

Rachel ||

Heather Nixon said...

I'm so glad it's autumn x

Daisy said...

Yes!! All of this! I'm always a big fan of food but the other thing I love is getting to wear my boots! So comfy!

Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

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