Monday 2 January 2017

2016 - A Reflection and Roundup Of The Year

So time for the first post of 2017 and it's a roundup/reflection of 2016. I was debating whether to do this post or not for quite a while as last year really didn't go how I planned but I want to document everything on here, the good and the bad. I've also done a reflection post like this for the last two years so I thought I better carry on with it. Even though there were some pretty crappy times in 2016, there were also some great times and I think it's important I almost remind myself of some of the good things that happened as it's so easy to get caught up in all the negative and to put it blunty, think it was just a shit year.

Also as of today I'm going up to 5 posts a week so I think this is quite a good one to start on!
I suppose the first thing I need to talk about is the fact I left my job. I wrote about it here and it got such a great response from people, it was lovely to receive so many supportive comments and it was nice to know that I really did do the right thing and it felt so good to just get it all out. I didn't think at the end of 2016 I would no longer be in a job, the year had started out well and I had been offered a full time job but over time things just changed and when my health started being affected I knew it had to stop. It definitely wasn't something I thought would happen. I would love nothing more than to be in a full time job but ultimately health is more important and my mental health has really took a battering the last few years. At the moment I'm just taking some time out to decide what it is I really want to do, I'm spending more time on my blog and I'm focusing on getting better. Hopefully 2017 will be the year I get back into work, whether that's full time or part time I'm not sure yet but I hope by the end of the year I'll in some some sort of work and happier than I was in my previous job. 

As I just mentioned my blog I should probably talk about a bit about that. Deciding to start blogging was honestly the best decision I ever made. I am so happy I decided to do this, I've spoken to some really nice people online and the blogging community can be a lovely thing to be part of sometimes. I  also got into a good routine with posting last year, I aimed for three a week on set days and I've decided for 2017, for now at least I'm going to go up to 5 days a week! I have so many ideas and I can't wait! Aswell as this I'm also really proud to have worked with some amazing brands over the last year. I get so happy every time I get an email or a response from a brand wanting to work with me and I am always so, so grateful for anything I receive. If I had to pick a favourite from 2016 I'd have to say the Date Night Box one was a real highlight, but they have all been amazing. I really neglected my blog when I got a job but I'm so glad I can put so much time and effort into it now and I'm really proud of how it's come along since I first started.

In 2016 we made a few changes to the flat and I love them all. We haven't done too much but just little things we've added to the living room or the bedroom have really made it feel so cosy and homely. We've been here two years now and at first I really struggled to accept it was our new home, it just didn't feel right, but now I love our little place and especially now we've done some more work with it, it just feels right. There will always be things we want to change, we've been saying for two years we want to make an office out of the spare room, we're slowly getting there but by the time it's finished, we'll probably be moving! We also definitely want to paint the bathroom in 2017. I can't cope with a bright green bathroom anymore (it was like that when we moved, we didn't choose it!) but apart from that I think everything else is done. I really hated the bedroom up until a few months ago but now I love it. We decided to do a photo wall as it was just so bare and it sounds silly but just adding a few things to the wall made all the difference! I've been adding to it for months now, just a few prints and postcards at a time and it looks great. It's something I can keep adding too and changing so it keeps things fresh.

Last year we had some great weekends away, our trips to London just made my year. I will never forget any of our trips there, I am completely in love with the place. I know we've never been abroad together yet, we've been together over 5 years and sometimes that does get me down but really I'm so happy we've just been anywhere together, we've had some really lovely days away and I know it's so soppy but it really doesn't matter where we go, just spending time together is what's important and we had a really lovely full two weeks together in November. George works so hard and I'm so proud of him for doing so well in his job, he is smashing it, so those two weeks off were so deserved and we had such a brilliant time. 

I am a bit apprehensive about the next year, I honestly have no idea what it holds for us, but I suppose that's exciting too. I'm trying to just be laid back about it all and see what happens. Hopefully I'll get some sort of job and I'm really hoping I can keep growing my blog, I'm so proud of what I've done with it this year so I definitely want that to carry on and keep on improving! I don't want to talk too much about what we want to happen for us as a couple or personally because it would just be depressing to look back in a years time if those things haven't happened! but the main thing for us is finally getting married. We've been engaged for just over two years now and neither of us really want to leave it any longer than this year so we're finally starting to do something about it and we just have to hope it all goes to plan. It would be so, so lovely though for 2017 to be our year and for things to finally happen that we've wanted for so long!

Last Years Post - 2015..

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Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your post. How do you manage to post 5 times a week ?! Where do you get all those ideas from ?

Alina. said...

Such an amazing post! Loved it! Good luck with posting 5 times a week! That takes a lot of work xo

Alina |

Chloe said...

Hi, thanks for sharing 2016 with your readers. Good luck doing 5 posts a a week. I struggle with 2. Have a great 2017, Chloe

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you! I'm not sure, I've just come up with loads of ideas over last few months so going to give it a go! x

Tiffany Timms said...

Aww thank you! x

Tiffany Timms said...

Thank you! x

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