Thursday, 3 August 2017

Sensse Hot and Cool Facial Bar Review*

Late last week I posted a review of the SensseGo! Mini Facial Brush and I mentioned then that I had another Sensse product that I'd been trying. Well that's the Hot and Cool Facial Bar and today I'm finally getting round to putting my review up. 
I was really intrigued by this and really couldn't wait to see what it was like. I'd never seen anything like it before so it's been really exciting to get the chance to give something like this a go and review it. If you've not read my last review then just so you know a bit about the brand - Sensse Beauty sell a range of beauty and skincare products, all of which are designed with the customer in mind and their aim is to bring out the best in everyones skin, and for everyone to embrace their true beauty.

I just want to say before I get on with more information about the product itself, as I mentioned in my last Sensse review, I love the packaging! It's just so simple but looks really high end and really sleek. I think just the packaging alone makes it look like a luxurious brand, but then the product itself is also just so stylish. I love the rose gold top and again I love how simple it is but it definitely stands out.
So the Hot and Cool Facial Bar has 4 settings all of which do a different thing:

Hot - This is to relax and soften your skin. The 42 degree temperature is optimal for increasing your blood circulation, relaxing your facial muscles, smoothing wrinkles and activating cell regrowth.

Hot With Vibrations - The same 42 degree temperature combined with vibrations setting is supposed to increase absorption levels in your skin.

Cool - The cool setting is for soothing sore facial muscles and reducing redness. It uses 6 degree temperature to close your pores, prevent dirt and grime build up and relieve skin fatigue.

Cool With Vibrations - This is supposed to be good for firming up your skin, to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

I was definitely intrigued by this and couldn't wait to use it but in the end I had mixed feelings about it. I love that it has so many settings, it means just about anyone could use it and as they all do different things, whatever your problem may be with your skin, one of these settings should be able to help. I also did like how easy it was to use and how quick you can switch between settings. The massager can change from hot to cold in just 6 seconds meaning you can switch between the two if needed and all can be done just by holding down the button on the front of the bar. It also came with a very detailed instruction book meaning I knew exactly what to do and how to use it safely, and it also auto shuts off after 2 minutes to save on battery life which I think is a good idea. I definitely prefered the cool setting to the hot one. As my skin can be sensitive sometimes I just didn't want to risk it for too long with such a hot temperature, but the cool setting did feel nice and definitely refreshing!

In terms of whether it really made a difference to my skin or not, I have to say I haven't noticed one. I don't know if I need to give it more time or if I just don't really have that many issues that it could sort right now, but for now it doesn't seem to have done much for me. I have to admit after using it and the following day, my skin did feel extremely soft and that was a nice feeling so for that it was lovely, but I just couldn't see that it had done anything. So as I said, very mixed feelings about it. I'm glad I had a chance to try it out and I'm sure I'll use it again in the future but just out of this and the Sensse Mini Facial Brush, the brush has definitely won it for me.
This definitely wasn't bad and I do think if you suffer with wrinkles or redness it may be worth trying, it just wasn't the best thing for me right now. It's definitely a nice addition to a pamper night though if you really want to go all out. If you do want to give it a go, it's available on Amazon here for £59.99 instead of £100.

I'd love to know your thoughts on this if you've tried it, or have you tried any other products from Sensse Beauty?

*I was sent the facial bar to review, as always all opinions are my own and I wouldn't feature something unless I thought it was relevant.

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