Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Homemade Meat and Potato Pie Recipe...

I just love Pie, everyone does don't they. I gave myself the task a few months ago to make my own, I did use shop bought pastry because who really wants to make their own and it was all pretty easy. Now it's cold and all christmassy this is a recipe I'll be going back to and making over and over again!
250g beef mince 
1 onion, chopped finely 
1 tbsp plain flour
400ml beef stock 
dash of Hendersons Relish 
salt & pepper
2 baking potatoes, peeled 
1 sheet of shortcrust pastry
Pie dish
1 egg, beaten

1. Pre - heat oven to 200 degrees. If using shop bought shortcrust pastry, take out the fridge about 40 minutes before assembling your pie. I just left mine on the kitchen side while I got on with the rest of the pie. Peel your potatoes and cut into small squares, put into a pan of water and boil for about 10 minutes
2. While potatoes are cooking, start your mince, fry in frylight until brown then add in your onion
3. When the onion has softened and the mince is cooked, add in 1 tbsp plain flour and make sure everything is covered properly
4. Add around 400ml of beef stock and leave to simmer for around 20 minutes until mixture has started to thicken. I also added in a dash of hendersons relish and some salt and pepper
5. Drain potatoes and leave until the meat is done, beat an egg ready for the top of pie
6. After about 20 minutes, add half the mince mixture to a dish and top with half the potatoes. Then add remaining mince then the last of the potatoes
7. Top the dish with the pastry and cut off any extra around the sides. I used some of it to add hearts to the top, brush with beaten egg and put into the oven for around 30 minutes
8. Remove from oven when golden brown and serve with veg!
I really didn't know how this would go but it tasted delicious and it's a perfect recipe for the colder months! I think next time I'll try and make a chicken pie as that's my favourite!

Let me know if you give this a go.

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Sian Thomas said...

You can't beat a good pie, and this recipe looks awesome! I love the pastry hearts on top too :)
Sian xx Rebel Angel

Tiffany Timms said...

Pie is so perfect for when it's freezing outside! xx

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