Friday, 16 December 2016

The Christmas Tag...

I saw this tag last week and as it's officially Christmas time I knew I had to do it too. I've got all the decorations up, the tree lights are on and Mariah Carey is playing so I am feeling very christmassy while writing this! Anyone can take part so if you love Christmas too then feel free to steal the questions and give it a go on your blog!
1. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
I'm not gonna lie I love the food. It's acceptable to eat all the pigs in blankets, cake, chocolate, turkey, roast potatoes, just EVERYTHING! I suppose really my favourite thing is spending Christmas Day with George and opening our presents together, drinking Bucks Fizz but you know the food is amazing.

2. What is your favourite makeup look for the festive season?
I never really change up my makeup so I can't really say I go for a red lip or things like that, but for me I always go for a bold red and glittery nail polish at Christmas. My absolute favourite at the moment which I will be wearing on Christmas Day is Toggle To The Top by Essie.

3. Real tree or artificial tree?
It has to be an artificial tree for me. I love the one we have and it means as soon as we want to put up the decorations we don't have to think about going and getting a real one. Also I hate mess and just don't think I could cope with pine needles all over the floor and constantly having to hoover!

4. Do you open your presents on Christmas morning or evening?
Always in the morning. We like to get up early, put on a Christmas film that's on the TV and open all our presents. 

5. What is your favourite Christmas film?
This is such a difficult one! I think it's probably Elf. I just love it and it's not Christmas without it. One of my favourites is also Love Actually though, you know it's Christmas when that starts getting played on ITV2. I've watched it so many times but it's such a lovely, heartwarming film. 

6. What is your favourite festive food?
PIGS IN BLANKETS! I can't get enough of them at Christmas. I always get a few packs so we can have some with christmas dinner and then we'll have some with snacky bits on Boxing day and just throughout all of December basically. I also love leftover turkey with stuffing in a sandwich. The best.

7. What tops your tree? 
We don't really have a star or anything but we do have a set of angel wings near the top. We found a hanging decoration in Primark last year for like £2.50 and it's gold, glittery and actually really heavy so we just position that near the top.

8. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Not really as such, we like to get cosy with a film or something on TV and there is usually lots of snacks involved. We also usually open a present on Christmas Eve. 

9. Giving or receiving presents?
Of course it's nice to receive presents but I absolutely love buying for other people. I love planning what to get others and I like to think that people can tell I put a lot of effort into their presents, I just love the whole process of buying for someone and wrapping it nicely and just everything about it. 

10. What is your favourite Christmas song?
I have so many! I love Michael Bubles christmas album, I love all the songs on that. Also, a bit random but I really like Step into Christmas by Elton John, I got a bit obsessed with it last year and now it's one of my fave christmas songs. Another two I really like are Underneath The Tree by Kelly Clarkson and One More Sleep by Leona Lewis.

I really enjoyed doing this post, I've not been feeling that christmassy compared to last year but this has definitely got me feeling a bit more festive and I am actually starting to get excited about it! Let me know if you do this tag too so I can read yours!

Did you see my last post? It's Okay To Not Look Forward To Your Birthday..

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Emma said...

What a great tag! I loved reading about your Christmas loves and it makes me happy when others get excited for the season. Arthur Christmas is my ultimate film.

Not Copper Armour // Bloglovin'

Tiffany Timms said...

I watched Arthur Christmas for the first time a few days ago and loved it! x

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