Friday, 9 December 2016

How To Reduce Cellulite With Pulse Light Clinic*

Cellulite is something most people get at some point in their life and it's caused by a variety of things. It doesn't necessarily relate to being overweight, it can be because of high stress levels, pregnancy, smoking, crash diets and life changes such as the menopause. Women are more prone to it than men, as if we weren't already unlucky enough with everything else we have to go through! If you didn't know it is caused by fat clusters in the hypodermis (the innermost and thickest layer of skin). Fat pushes against the connective tissues which make the skin pucker up and this is why it looks so bumpy. This also causes blood circulation to reduce meaning the skin looks more dull and has a poorer texture. 

I have cellulite and even though it isn't my biggest worry, it does bother me when I catch a glance of it it in the mirror when I'm getting dressed! I know I'm not the only one who feels like this, I see so many women especially on TV, in magazines and even on social media complaining about their body and things like cellulite that they feel they can't get rid of, but there are ways to reduce it!

Pulse Light Clinic offer Cellulite treatments in London for those who are worried about it and would like to find a way to reduce it. They use the Velashape III which is the only FDA approved machine for cellulite reduction. This is a completely non-invasive and non-surgical treatment for body shaping, body contouring, circumference reduction, fat reduction and of course cellulite reduction. It's safe and effective and it can be used on various areas of the body. As it's non-invasive and non-surgical, there is no pain and you don't need to worry about downtime after the treatments, just carry on with your day as normal.
This treatment uses a combination of 4 different technologies. These are infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy, vacuum and roller massage. It works by the infrared heating up the hypodermis and radio frequency spreads the heat equally through the skin. The heat stimulates growth of new cells for the connective tissue, this then decreases skin laxity and body volume. The vacuum and roller massage is used to stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage which improves the texture of your skin. All together they work to reduce cellulite with the added bonus of body contouring and fat reduction.

A series of these treatments can help reduce your cellulite, leaving you feeling more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Everyone wants to feel happy within their self and feel comfortable so if cellulite is a worry for you, this treatment may be something to consider!

Contact Pulse Light Clinic to book in a free consultation and patch-test. You can contact them by email - or give them a ring on 02075235158.

*This is a collaborative post with Pulse Light Clinic

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